Title: EMS Quality Improvement - National, State,
1 EMS Quality Improvement - National, State,
Local Indicators
- John New, Director of MIEMSS Quality Management
- Prepared For QA Officer Training Day 2,
Session 3 1030 to 1200
2Todays Objectives
- Creating an Indicator Friendly Environment
- Understanding an Indicators Purpose(es)
- Review National, State, Local Indicators
3Something To Consider
- People seldom improve when they have no other
model but themselves to copy after. - Oliver Goldsmith, Irish Author -1758
4The Indicator Threat
- Evaluate Good Neighbor
- Establish Indicators
- Return trash cans 1 hr. after pickup
- Height of grass never exceeds 4 inches
- Recognition of your familys birthdays
- Annual Report Time
5Indicator Focus Areas
- Sign of an organizations
- Strength
- Weakness
- Opportunity
- Threat (Vulnerability)
6Horse and Cart Order
- What Organizations struggle with
- Quality Drives Indicators
- Vs.
- Indicators Drive Quality
7 Blended Results
- Chrysler Building (77 story) (405 Lexington Ave.
NY, NY) - Safety Baseline - 1 death per story above the
15th story - expected 62 deaths. - Construction Mortality 0
- Adoption/adherence to professional safety
8Characteristics of Quality Organizations
Total Quality
Customer Focus Satisfaction
Total Involvement
Process Management
Continual Improvement
EMS System Results
Organizational Mission, Vision, Principles
9Quality Culture
- Authoritarian Participation
- Status Quo Continuous
Improvement - A Few Statistical All Trained in Experts
Basic Tools - Focus on Job Focus on
Customers - Beat on Suppliers In Partnership
10Dr. Basss 5 Cs
- Consensus
- Coordination
- Cooperation
- Confidentiality
- Communication
11Developing Quality Indicators
- In order to clearly determine if we are
- doing a quality job,
- improving our performance, or
- satisfying our customers,
- We must develop and use measurable meaningful
quality indicators
12Developing Meaningful Indicators
- Indicators are used for several reasons
13Developing Meaningful Indicators
- Indicators are used for several reasons
- They help to determine the performance baseline
- by establishing What is the current performance
- They help to determine the relationship to
standards - by determining What is needed
14Developing Meaningful Indicators
- They help in setting goals objectives
- by determining What is wanted possible
- They alert us to problems
- by providing clear information
15Indicators and Our Daily Work
- Our work can be divided into three very large
general areas - Things that need to be fixed,
- Things that need to be maintained (kept fixed)
- Things that need to be improved.
Problem Solving
Fix It
17Standard Setting
Improve It
Goal/Objective Development
Prevent It
Fix It
What is wanted
What is Needed
What it is
21Quality Improvement Framework
TOOLS A recognized tool to facilitate the QI
process is the FOCUS-PDCA cycle F Find a
process to improve. O Organize an effort to
work on improvement. C Clarify current
knowledge of the process. U Understand process
variation and capability. S Select a strategy
for further improvement.
22Quality Improvement Framework
P Plan a change or test aimed at improvement. D
Do - carry out the change or the test. C Check
the results, what was learned, what went
wrong. A Act - adopt the change, or abandon
it, or run through the cycle again.
23QI Indicator Consideration
- Selection of jurisdictional indicators
- High volume
- High risk, low volume
- Benchmark standards
- Provider interest
24Characteristics of Good Performance
- When you think of good performance what
characteristics or traits come to mind?
25Good Performance
- Timely
- Accurate
- Productive
- Good Service
- Cost Effective
- Customers Satisfied
26The HOW Technique
- Indicators are essentially developed by taking
the how question and applying it to one or more
of the characteristics of good performance - By using the how technique we can ask these
questions - How many? How costly?
- How accurate? How courteous/friendly?
- How timely? How thorough?
- How satisfied is the customer?
27National - NFPA 1710
28National - NFPA 1710
29National - NFPA 1710
30National - NFPA 1710
31National - NFPA 1710
322005 National Consensus Meeting on EMS Clinical
Performance Indicators
- http//emsoutcomes.ncemsi.org/
- http//www.nasemsd.org/Projects/PerformanceMeasure
s/ - Objectives
- Simple consider as EMS Starter Kit
- For Everyone target least common denominator
- Ease Use NEMSIS set
- Useful to local, regeonal, state, national
332005 National Consensus Meeting on EMS Clinical
Performance Indicators
- Time
- Symptom onset to 911 access
- Respiratory
- patients requiring support who got it
- Time taken to provide support
- Accuracy
- Needed ALS got it
- BLS time to defibrillation
342006 EMS Performance Measures Project Steering
- Standardized format
- 18 question areas
- 35 indicators or attributes
- 7 performance categories
- System Design and Structure
- Human Resources (culture, training, safety,
credentialing) - Clinical Care and Outcome
- Response
- Finance/Funding
- Quality Management
- Community Demographics
352006 EMS Performance Measures Project Steering
- Emergency Medical Dispatch
- Emergency Medical Dispatch Impact on Response
- Emergency Medical Dispatch Impact on Response
- Annual Turnover Rate
- Defibrillation Time Mean, 90 th Percentile
- Initial Rhythm Analysis Time Mean, 90th
Percentile - Major Trauma Triage to Trauma Center
- Pain Rates - Relief, Worsened, Unchanged
- Pain Intervention Rate
- 12 Lead Performance Rate
- Aspirin Administration for Chest Pain/Discomfort
- Cardiac Ischemia Triage to Specialty Center
- Emergency Patient Response Interval Mean, 90th
Percentile - Emergency Scene Interval Mean, 90th Percentile
- Emergency Transport Interval Mean, 90th
362006 EMS Performance Measures Project Steering
- Per Capita Agency Operating Expense
- Patient Care Satisfaction Rate
- Appropriate Oxygen Use Rate
- Undetected Esophageal Intubation Rate
- Delay Causing Crash Rate per 1,000 EMS Responses
- EMS Crash Rate per 100,000 Fleet Miles
- Crash Injury Rate per 100,000 Fleet Miles
- Crash Death Rate per 100,000 Fleet Miles
- Call Complaint Distribution
- Call Complaint Rate
- EMS Cardiac Arrest Survival Rate to ED Discharge
- EMS Cardiac Arrest Survival Rate to Hospital
37Six Sigma EMS
- Data driven management very statistical
- Motorola 3.4 defective parts per million
- High accountability
- Define
- Measure
- Analyze
- Improve
- Control
38(No Transcript)
39Quality Improvement Initiatives
- Examples of jurisdictional indicators
- First responder training
- Patient needs
- Intubation success rates
- Data completeness
- On-scene times
- Outcome linkage
40Quality Improvement Initiatives
- PCR information linked to Hospital ED/Discharge
information - Workgroup to examine
- Current rates of completeness
- Best EMS/Hospital practices
- Impact of Electronic PCR use
- Future of Patient Tracking (triage tag)
41 Managing For Results An EMS Road Map for QI
- Measurement of Program Performance Continually
assess program performance to improve quality and
effectiveness of services. - Inputs
- Outputs
- Efficiency
- Quality
- Outcome
42Performance Model for MovingMaryland Forward
Human Resources
Guiding Principles
Strategic Planning
Information Analysis
Customer Feedback Learning
43Managing For Results An EMS Road Map for QI
- Definition Governors phased-in initiative to
assure a connection between the budget for State
services and desired results from those services.
44Managing For Results An EMS Road Map for QI
- Phase I. - Strategic Planning Set direction to
achieve desired results over time. - Internal/External Assessment (SWOT)
- Reflects customer and stakeholder needs - EMS
Plan 94, 00, 02 - EMS Agenda for the Future
- Reflected in Mission, Vision, Goals, Objectives,
and Performance Measures
45 Managing For Results An EMS Road Map for QI
- Phase II. - Measurement of Program Performance
Continually assess program performance to improve
quality and effectiveness of services. - Inputs ?
- Outputs ?
- Efficiency ? How well did we use our resources
- Quality ? How well did we meet the expectations
of our customers? - Outcome ? What results did we achieve?
Traditional Government Indicators
46 MIEMSS MFR Key Components
- 2 Goals
- Provide High Quality Medical Care to Individuals
Receiving Emergency Medical Services - Maintain a Well-Functioning EMS System
- 6 Objectives
- 6 Performance Measurements
- 2 Outcome
- 4 Quality
47 Outcome 1
- Goal Provide High Quality Medical Care
- Target Trauma Patient (FY 2000)
- Objective Maintain gt 95 statistical level of
confidence that Maryland performs above the
national norm. - Source Data Maryland Trauma Registry
- Tools TRISS analysis, MTOS, Z score statistic
- Actions Monitor outcome quarterly (Trauma QIC)
48 Outcome 2
- Goal Provide High Quality Medical Care
- Target Critically Injured Patient (FY 2007)
- Objective Reduce the overall inpatient
complication rate by 10 or greater in Maryland
trauma centers. - Tools MTR Complication Report ( ICD-9-CM / ACS
) - Actions Utilize new Outcomes software to
identify cases and present/follow at monthly M
M meetings and Trauma QIC - Source Data Maryland Trauma Registry
49 Quality 1
- Goal Maintain a Well-Functioning EMS System
- Target Patients receiving EMS services (FY 2004)
- Objective Establish Baseline for 100
- jurisdictions gt 99 protocol compliance.
- Source Data Jurisdictional MRC Reports
- Tools Standardized reporting means
(form/database) - Actions Implement reporting process
50 Quality 2
- Goal Maintain a Well-Functioning EMS System
- Target EMS Providers (FY 2000)
- Objective Maintain a 90 successful completion
rate statewide for EMS radio communications with
base stations. - Source Data MAIS
- Tools EMS Cummunications Master Plan
- Actions Proceed with communication upgrades
- Continue to monitor
51 Quality 3
- Goal Maintain a Well-Functioning EMS System
- Target Trauma patient population (FY 2001)
- Objective Maintain an 85 triage rate of
seriously injured patients transported to a
designated trauma center. - Source Data MAIS
- Tools American College of Surgeons on Trauma
- Actions Continue to monitor
52 Quality 4
- Goal Maintain a Well-Functioning EMS System
- Target Prehospital patient population (FY 2007)
- Objective Have two-thirds of the jurisdictions
utilizing EMAIS. - Source Data EMAIS
- Tools EMAIS Software, Educational curriculum,
report functions - Actions Education EMS community on virtues.
Continue enhancements
53Where Are We Today?MFR FY 06 System Report Card
54Checking The National QI Pulse
- National EMS Managers Association
- NEMSMA.org EMSMA_at_yahoogroups.com
- CY 2004 CY2005 CY2006
- Capnography ALS Effectiveness Attendance
- Staffing HIPAA Control Sub. Sec.
- ALS Billing E vs P Report EMT Dumb Down
- Definition Standards Benchmarking Auto Pulse
- Whos in Charge CPAP Psyche Transfers
- EMT-P Coverage Various requests Nasal
- Questions
- Comments
- Thank You!
Department of Quality Management