Title: George Herbert Walker Bush
1George Herbert Walker Bush 41st
- How should historians judge the impact,
effectiveness, and legacy of the George H.W. Bush
2The main issues of the 1988 Election There is a
large federal deficit The Iran Contra incident
caused distrust in the government Extension of
Reagan vs. a typical Democrat
Dukakis H.W. Bush
Increase spending on health care, child care, education, etc. Not a very focused campaign Will stay strong on defense Family man Used many negative ads
3(No Transcript)
4George Herbert Walker Bush 41st
- Berlin wall comes down (1989)
5Berlin Wall Falls
6George Herbert Walker Bush 41st
- Berlin wall comes down (1989)
- Manuel Noriega is overthrown in Panama (1989)
7Manuel Noriega Panama
8George Herbert Walker Bush 41st
- Berlin wall comes down (1989)
- Manuel Noriega is overthrown in Panama (1989)
- Persian Gulf War/Operation Desert Storm begins
9Persian Gulf War
- Authorized (by the UN) conflict between Iraq and
the coalition forces (U.S., United Kingdom, etc.)
after Iraq invaded Kuwait
10Operation Desert Storm
The U.S. name for the air and land operation of
the Persian Gulf War.
11George Herbert Walker Bush 41st
- Berlin wall comes down (1989)
- Manuel Noriega is overthrown in Panama (1989)
- Persian Gulf War/Operation Desert Storm begins
(1991) - Oversaw the end of the Cold War Gorbachev
resigns and the Soviet Union dissolves (1991)
12December 25, 1991
- Eleven of the Soviet Republics declared their
independence from the Soviet Union - Saw the U.S.S.R. down the road to democracy,
ended the Cold War and the arms race
13Commonwealth of Independent States
14George Herbert Walker Bush 41st
- Berlin wall comes down (1989)
- Manuel Noriega is overthrown in Panama (1989)
- Persian Gulf War/Operation Desert Storm begins
(1991) - Oversaw the end of the Cold War Gorbachev
resigns and the Soviet Union dissolves (1991) - Contradicts his no new taxes promise hurting
his chances for re-election
15- Read my lips, no new taxes
Because of the ever-growing deficit, Bush had to
go against his campaign promise of no new taxes
16George Herbert Walker Bush 41st
- How should historians judge the impact,
effectiveness, and legacy of the George H.W. Bush