The Hands That Built - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Hands That Built


... Atlantic Slave Trade Multiple Triangles of Trade The Plantation System and the – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Hands That Built

The Hands That Built
  • Blood That Spilt

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  • Distribution of African Slaves in the Americas
    during the Atlantic Slave Trade

Multiple Triangles of Trade
The Plantation System and the "African Solution"
Slavery had existed in Europe and Africa
before the creation of plantation systems
Greater demand for sugar, tobacco, rice then
cotton led to increased need for labor
Recognized in law 1661 English "slave codes" in
Barbados 1685 French "black code" in the
Caribbean Stripped Africans of all rights
Defined slavery as an inherited racial status
that applied only to blacks Condoned by both
Catholic and Protestant Churches Noted for
extreme differences in wealth, status, and rights

Swedish Colonies
  • Sweden was a North American colonial power until
    the late nineteenth century. In 1637, it
    established the colony of New Sweden (later
    Delaware) , with its capital at Fort Kristina,
    named after Swedens famous queen, Later captured
    by the Dutch, it was ceded to the British and was
    one of the original thirteen colonies which
    became the United States Delaware!
  • Sweden also had an important colony in the
    Caribbean St Bartelemy. It acquired the island
    from France in 1785

King Phillips War (Metacoms Rebellion)
Massasoit Sachem of the Wampanoag
  • Massasoit, sachem of the Wampanoag tribe, brought
    food to sustain the newcomers through their first
    winter and helped them adjust to life in this
    strange, new world. As more and more colonists
    flooded into New England, strains in the
    relationship began to appear. In 1676, the battle
    was over. Philip was slain, his body drawn and
    quartered, and his head paraded in triumph in
    Plymouth. Philip's son, Massasoit's grandson, was
    sold into slavery in Bermuda. The generosity of
    Massasoit in 1620 indirectly resulted in the
    enslavement of his grandson 56 years later.

French and Indian War
  • The French and Indian War (17541763) was the
    North American chapter of the Seven Year War,
    known in Canada as the War of the Conquest. The
    name refers to the two main enemies of the
    British the royal French forces and the various
    American Indian forces allied with them. The
    conflict resulted in the British conquest of
    Canada. To compensate its ally, Spain, for its
    loss of Florida, France ceded its control of
    French Louisiana west of the Mississippi. Native
    Americans fought for both sides, but primarily
    alongside the French (with one exception being
    the Iroquois Confederacy, which sided with the
    American colonies and Britain).

Franklins 1754 Albany Plan
  • In 1754, Britain and France were struggling
    for control over portions of North America. In
    the face of war on American soil, Franklin
    proposed a plan that would unite the colonial
    governments into a single federal council. In his
    Albany Plan, Franklin held that the colonies, by
    acting with one united voice, could more
    effectively fend off threatened attacks by the
    French and their Native American allies. Both the
    colonists and the British Crown rejected
    Franklins plan because it encroached on their
    respective powers,

French and Indian War
  • In the French and Indian War both northern and
    southern colonies used black soldiers.
    Particularly was this true in New York and
    Connecticut (which had black men in twenty five
    militia companies). Several colonies adherred to
    the classical concept that to risk one's life (by
    serving in combat) was legally tantamount to
    earning ones freedom. Benjamin Quarles The Negro
    in the Making of America
  • The original rattlesnake flag was a plea for
    unity during the French and Indian Wars. Ben
    Franklin adapted the image of a rattler severed
    into segments, each representing a colony or
    group of colonies the head labeled N.E. for
    New England. Rightly so, as this is where the
    Sons of Liberty first gathered in the mid 1770s.
    They joined with the like-minded gentlemen from
    the South.

Iroquois Confederacy
  • Decisions would be made in the following way. The
    Mohawk and Seneca Lords would have to unanimously
    agree on a course of action. They sent this
    decisions to the Oneida and Cayuga Lords, who
    would also have to unanimously agree on this
    decision During the American Revolution, the
    League split apart the Oneida and Tuscarora
    sided with the Americans, while the others allied
    themselves with Britain. The United States took
    revenge in 1779 which resulted in the Second
    Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1784) which officially
    disbanded the Leaguegt

From Captive to Cargo
Inspection of Merchandise
Tobacco is King in Virginia Colony
  • By 1614 Virginia had entered the world trade
    market protected under English laws. By 1620
    tobacco was being used as currency in Virginia, a
    trade option that endured for two centuries.
  • Virginia became a single-crop colony until 1
    February 1633, when tobacco laws were codified,
    limiting tobacco production to reduce dependence
    on a single-crop economy. tobacco remained the
    main world trade crop for Virginia for many

17th Century North Carolina Imposing Terror
  • Carolina authorities developed laws to keep the
    African American population under control.
    Whipping, branding, dismembering, castrating, or
    killing a slave were legal under many
    circumstances. Freedom of movement, to assemble
    at a funeral, to earn money, even to learn to
    read and write, became outlawed.

18th Century Attempts to Retrieve Property
The Harshness of Human Bondage
  • As Equiano wrote, white and black lived together
    "in a state of war." The more harshly whites
    enforced racial enslavement, the more they came
    to fear black uprisings. As they became more
    fearful, they responded by further tightening the
    screws of oppression.
  • "If you're a white authority, you're constantly
    trying to figure How fierce should the
    punishments be?

Stono Rebellion of 1739
  • 20 Africans Marching in Cato's Conspiracy or
    Cato's Rebellion
  • South to Florida

Punishing Freedom Fighters in 1741
  • Great Negro Plot or Conspiracy of 1741Fires
    erupted in in NY city , one at the home of the
    governor at the time. Blacks arrested with a
    16-year old white indentured servant, Mary
    Burton. In exchange for her freedom, she
    testified against the others of a conspiracy of
    poor Whites and Blacks to burn the city, kill the
    White Men, take the White women for themselves.
    The two slaves were burned at the stake, and with
    "fire licking at their feet", confessed to
    burning the fort. They also named fifty others as
    co-conspirators. News of the "conspiracy" set off
    a stampede of arrests. At the height of the
    hysteria, nearly half the city's male slaves over
    sixteen were in jail. The number of arrests
    totaled 152 Blacks and twenty Whites. They were
    tried and convicted in a show trials in which the
    judicial authorities have already determined the
    guilt of the accused Most of the convicted were
    hanged or burnt- how many is uncertain

18th Century British Naval Dominance
  • As Britain rose in naval power and settled
    continental North America they became the leading
    slave traders. At one stage the trade was the
    monopoly of the Royal Africa Company, operating
    out of London, but following the loss of the
    company's monopoly in 1689, Bristol and Liverpool
    merchants became increasingly involved in the
    trade. By the late 17th century, one out of every
    four ships that left Liverpool harbor was a slave
    trading ship.

Auctioned and Sold
General Assembly colony of Connecticut 1708
Black Codes 1730
  • This Black Code states that no slave could be
    acquired without the owner's knowledge
    (presumably in reference to run-away slaves) and
    that if a negro or mulatto servant disturb the
    peace or strike a white person, he shall be
  • That if any Negro, Indian, or Molatto slave shall
    utter, publish and speak such words of any person
    that would by law be actionable if the same were
    uttered, published or spoken by any other free
    person such Negro, Indian or Molatto slave, being
    thereof convicted before any one justice of the
    peace, shall be punished by whipping, at the
    discretion of the assistant or justice before
    whom the tryal is, not exceeeding forty stripes.

1800s Slave Market in DC
  • Slave Market of America
  • Northerners and foreign visitors to the Capital
    were horrified and embarrassed to find a large
    slave market very close to the Capitol building
    where the nation's lawmakers sat in session. The
    American Anti-Slavery Society issued posters to
    show the incongruity of selling slaves in the
    Nation's Capital with the principles decreed in
    the Declaration of Independence. The poster was
    part of the Society's campaign to have Congress
    abolish slavery in Washington, D.C.

Slave patrols begin in SC 1704
  • Slave patrols (called patrollers, pattyrollers or
    paddy rollers by the slaves) were organized
    groups of three to six white men who enforced
    discipline they policed the slaves on the
    plantations and hunted down fugitive slaves.
    Patrols used summary punishment against escapees,
    which included maiming or killing them. Beginning
    in 1704 in South Carolina, slave patrols were
    established and the idea spread throughout the
    southern states

Important Events Of African Americans Loudoun
Co. Virginia
  • 1764 For the first time a census lists
    patrollers to visit all negroe quarters and
    other places suspected of entertaining unlawful
    assemblies of slaves or any others strolling
    about without a pass.
  • 1764 At the close of the French and Indian War
    there are about 1,100 slaves, or 19 percent of
    5,800 persons. Now, about 60 percent of the
    slaves are owned by residents 40 percent by
    absentee landlords.
  • 1768 Three slaves of George West, the county
    surveyor, strike overseer Dennis Dallas with axes
    and hoes so he instantly expired. The slaves
    are hanged, March 2, in the countys first public
  • 1773 On the eve of the American Revolution, the
    population is 11,000, with 1,950 slaves17 ½
    percent of the populace. The average cost of a
    slave is about 125over a third of what an
    average man earns in a year.
  • April 1778 Jane Robinson of Loudoun, a mulatto
    born to a white woman, is the first to receive
    emancipation under 1765 Commonwealth legislation.

  • WHEREAS, New Jersey, with as many as 12,000
    slaves, had one of the largest populations of
    captive Africans in the northern colonies and
  • WHEREAS, Although the State of New Jersey passed
    a gradual
  • emancipation law in 1804, it was the last
    northern state to
  • emancipate its slaves, and required all children
    of slaves born after
  • July 4, 1804 to remain the servant of the owner
    of his or her
  • mother until they were twenty-one years of age
    for women or
  • twenty-five years of age for men
  • BE IT RESOLVED by the General Assembly of the
    State of New
  • Jersey (the Senate concurring)
  • 1. The Legislature of the State of New Jersey
    expresses its
  • profound regret for the States role in
    slavery and apologizes for the
  • wrongs inflicted by slavery and its after effects
    in the United States
  • of America expresses its deepest sympathies and
    solemn regrets to
  • those who were enslaved and the descendants of
    those slaves, who
  • were deprived of life, human dignity, and the
  • protections accorded all citizens of the United

Petition of 1780 by slaves for the abolition of
slavery in Connecticut
  • We are all of us the Same mind as we was when we
    asked this advantige of your honners Last may
    that our marsters have no more Rite to make us
    Searve them then we have to make our Marsters
    Searve us and we have Resen to wonder that our
    Case has not Ben taken into Consideration So fare
    as to Grant us our Libertys But we must consider
    what the Book of Eceleisastes says at 8 Chapter
    at the 11 varce Because Sentence aganst an Evel
    work is not Executed Speedily theirfore the hart
    of the Sons of men is fully Set in them to do
    Evel - and for this Reson we Think our Cause is
    Not Regarded and we Still must Say as Jeremiah
    Says in his Lamentations at the 5 Chapter at
    the 5 varce Our necks are under Persecution we
    Labour and have no rest -

Fugitive Slave Laws and Consequences
Caribbean Slave Testimony
Toussaint LOverture and Jean Jacque Dessalines
  • In 1789 Saint Domingue was the most profitable
    real estate in the world. its sugar plantations
    two-thirds of France's overseas trade, they also
    stimulated the greatest individual market for the
    slave trade. The slaves were brutally treated and
    died in great numbers, prompting a never-ending
    influx of new slaves. The French Revolution sent
    waves all the way across the Atlantic. The slaves
    seized the moment rebelled en masse and when it
    ended in 1803, Saint Domingue had become Haiti,
    the first independent nation in the Caribbean.

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1791Slaves and Free Blacks Revolt
Louisiana Territory
  • The French also established forts, trading posts,
    and settlements in the areas surrounding the
    Great Lakes and up and down the Mississippi
    River, including the huge colony of Louisiana.
    The territory encompassed the modern-day states
    of Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri,
    Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota,
    South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, and
    Idaho. Named after the French King Louis XIV, its
    capital, New Orleans, at the mouth of the
    Mississippi River, was founded in 1718.After
    the Treaty of Paris at the end of the French and
    Indian War (1763), the French surrendered
    Louisiana to Spain until 1800.

Louisanna Purchase of 1803
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  • 1790 Naturalization Law limited citizenship to
    immigrants who were foreign whites. 1792
    enlistment in militias was limited to white men.
    States in the NW Territory placed special
    restrictions and requirements on Blacks who

St. Domingue proposed as home for deported slaves
and free blacks
  • "West Indies offer a more probable
    practicable retreat for them . . . the most
    promising portion of them is the island of St.
    Domingo, where the blacks are established into a
    sovereignty de facto, have organised themselves
    under regular laws government. He was
    searching for a suitable place to send rebellious
    slaves in the aftermath of Gabriel's Rebellion in

  • Racial stereotypes during the antebellum period
    were rampant.
  • The sambo caricature was the most persistent of
    Black males.
  • Based on white chauvanistic ideas of superiority
    and the view of Negroes as the extreme other

  • Sambo and Uncle
  • Big Smile happy to Serve
  • Uniform proud of subservient role
  • Speech creolized English, viewed as indicative
    of lack of intelligence

Mother Bethel -1795 1st Black Sunday School -1807
Free People of Color School
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Images of Slavery
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