Title: Irregular Plurals
1Irregular Plurals
2Form most nouns add s
- book - books
- idea - ideas
- student - students
- camera - cameras
- shoe - shoes
3For nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, or sh, add es.
- tax taxes
- class - classes
- wish wishes
- branch - branches
- boss bosses
- fox foxes
4For nouns ending in y preceded by a consonant,
change the y to ie and add s.
- country countries
- baby - babies
- pony ponies
- family - families
5For nouns ending in y preceded by a vowel by
adding s.
- tray trays
- monkey - monkeys
6Some nouns ending in f or fe add s. For others
change the f or fe to v and add es.
- thief thieves
- belief believes
- half - halves
7For nouns ending in o preceded by a vowel add
- decoy decoys
- alley - alleys
8The plural of many nouns ending in o preceded by
a consonant is formed by adding es.
- hero heroes
- tomato tomatoes
9The plural of a few nouns is formed in irregular
- mouse mice
- foot feet
- goose geese
- mother-in-law mothers-in-law
- drive-in drive-ins
- deer deer
- fish - fish
10Form plurals of numerals, dates, signs, and words
referred to as words by adding s.
11Directions Spell the plural form of each of the
following nouns.
- monkey
- trophy
- diary
- hoof
- Sioux
- basketball
- Japanese
- son-in-law
- car pool
- sit-up
12Directions Spell the plural form of each of the
following nouns.
- monkeys
- trophies
- diaries
- hooves
- Sioux
- basketballs
- Japanese
- sons-in-law
- car pools
- sit-ups