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Lecture Outline


Marie Lafarge Aspiring aristocrat married to failed businessman Murder by chronic arsenic poisoning Arsenic-laced cake while husband away on business Continous ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture Outline

Lecture Outline
  • Definition of Forensic Toxicology
  • History
  • Forensic Science in Canada
  • Modernization of forensic toxicology
  • Recent history

Forensic Toxicology
  • The study and practice of the application of
    toxicology to the purposes of the law

Quincy, M.E. (1976-1983)
Jack Klugman as Quincy
Robert Ito as Sam Fujiyama
John S. Ragin as Dr. Robert Asten
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Ancient Toxicologists
  • Herbalists of the ancient past developed a broad
    knowledge of the benefits and detriments of
    plants, animal and insect bites and metals

Ancient Toxicologists
  • Ancient poisons discovered early
  • Cyanide in peach pits known to Egyptians
  • Hemlock a popular means of execution in Greece
  • Belladona of ancient Sumeria

Ancient Toxicologists
  • Dioscorides (c. 40-90 AD) described over 600
    plants and plant extracts in his writings
  • Author of De Materia Medica On Medical Matters

Foundation of Toxicology
  • (c. 1493-1541)
  • What is there that is not poison?
  • All things are poison and nothing without poison.
  • Solely the dose determines that a thing is not

Definition - Poison
  • Since poisons were typically slipped into a
    beverage, the term was initially applied to a
    drink prepared with poison and then became more
    broad to include all poisons, regardless of route
    of administration.
  • Any substance which, when ingested, inhaled
    absorbed or when applied to injected into or
    developed within the body in relatively small
    amounts, by its chemical action causes damage to
    structure or disturbance to function

  • Cowards weapon
  • administered by stealth
  • may be chronically administered
  • carefully planned means of murder

Toxicologic Forensic Investigation
  • Forensic Toxicology evolved with the advent of
    criminal investigation
  • Prior to the advent of modern prescribed
    medicines, toxicology was primarily concerned
    with poisonings
  • Many poisoners throughout history were caught
    usually after failing at their poisoning attempt

  • Italian woman of the 17th century, Toffana
  • Invented Aqua della Toffanina a poisonous
    liquid containing arsenic
  • Sold to would be murderers along with
    instructions as to its poisonous properties
  • Toffana reputed to have been responsible for as
    many as 600 killings
  • Executed in Naples in 1709

  • Inheritance Powder
  • Odourless, tasteless and readily available
  • Symptoms of poisoning non-descript
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pains
  • Middle Ages ? Cholera
  • Present day ? Guillian Barré Syndrome
  • A technique for detecting arsenic became a
    necessity Marsh Test (1836)

Foundation of Modern Forensic Toxicology
  • Understanding of Chemistry, Pharmacology, and
    Toxicology arise in 1800s
  • Isolation of morphine from opium by Serturner in
  • Precipitation tests for alkaloids Winckler 1830
  • Reinsch test for arsenic in 1841

First Successful Toxicologic Investigation
  • The father of forensic toxicology
  • Professor Orfila (Chair of Legal Medicine at
  • Traite des Poisons ou Toxicologie Generale (1814)
    translated to English 1816
  • Identified arsenic other poisons
  • Evidence sent Madame LaFarge to the guillotine in

Marie Lafarge
  • Aspiring aristocrat married to failed businessman
  • Murder by chronic arsenic poisoning
  • Arsenic-laced cake while husband away on business
  • Continous pampering with arsenic-laced truffles
  • Charles Lafarge diagnosed with cholera ? death
  • Mathieu Orfila
  • Using technique of Marsh, detected arsenic in a
    pill box, a sample of eggnog and stomach and
    other organs of C. Lafarge

Growth of Forensic Toxicology
  • Treatise on Poisons in Relation to Medical
    Jurisprudence, Physiology, and the practice of
    Physic-Robert Christison M.D. Edinburgh, 1829
  • Manual of Practical Toxicology (condensed version
    by Taylor in the US) 1845

Canadian Forensic Toxicology
  • First recorded case
  • Prof Henry Holmes Croft, Kings College Toronto

Canadian Forensic Toxicology
  • analyses the stomach contents of a decedent,
    Sarah King which contained 11 grains of arsenic
  • Husband Dr. Henry King of Coburg, On is convicted
    due to testimony of Prof. Croft.

William Hodson Ellis
  • 1867 Became an assistant to Prof. Croft
  • 1877 Testified in a rape-murder trial regarding
    the detection of blood stains on trousers
  • 1897 Microscopic examination of hair
  • 1904 Serological tests for blood

L. Joslyn Rogers
  • 1908 assistant to Ellis
  • Professor of Analytical Chemistry at U of T
  • Introduced alcohol to courts in Ontario - 1932
  • expanded toxicology, fire investigations,
    firearms examinations
  • Worked at the CFS until his death in 1967

William Derôme
  • Pathologist
  • Studied legal medicine in France in 1909
  • In 1914, spearheaded the opening of the first
    forensic laboratory in all of N. America, the
    Laboratoire de Recherches Médico-Légales
  • Would later become the Laboratoire de sciences
    judiciares et de mêdecin légale in Montreal, PQ

Forensic Pathology
  • In 1923 a small group of surgeons at the Old
    Grace Hospital in Toronto perform most of the
    medico-legal autopsies for the province of
  • Physicians include Drs. C. Noble Sharpe and E.R.
  • All work without remuneration

Dr. E. R. Frankish
  • Studied under Derome
  • Formed the Attorney Generals Medico-Legal
    laboratory in Ontario in 1932 (5 staff)
  • This lab would later become the Centre of
    Forensic Sciences

Forensic Toxicology in Canada
  • 1941 16 pathologists make up the regional
    pathologist system
  • 1942 RCMP crime lab is opened in Ottawa,

H. Ward Smith
  • 1951 the Attorney Generals lab in Ontario is
    re-organized. Smith is appointed director of the
  • The modern era of forensic science in Ontario

  • Canadian Society of Forensic Science (CSFS) is
    formed on 16 October 1953 with members from the
    RCMP, Health and Welfare Canada, the Montreal Lab
    and H. Ward Smith
  • Became a corporate body in 1963 with the purpose
    and objective of promoting the study of, raising
    the standards of and enhancing the stature of
    forensic science as a distinct discipline

Participants in the October 16, 1953 meeting in
OttawaL to R L. Byrnes, G.H.W. Lucas, L. Levi.
R.A.H. McKeen, B. Peclet, L.J. Rogers, B.B.
Coldwell, C.G. Farmilo, J.A. Churchman, J.M.
Roussel, G. Nadeau, R. McDougall, H.W. Smith,
Unknown, D. Graham.
Centre of Forensic Sciences
  • 1966 the lab is renamed the Centre of Forensic
  • 1967 D.M. Lucas is appointed Director of the
    CFS. The toxicology section is expanded to
    include breath testing and alcohol testing.

Canadian Forensic Toxicology
  • Mr. Doug Lucas, originally a chemist, oversaw
    the formation of the current Toxicology Section
    of CFS by combining Alcohol analysis and Drugs
    into one section.

Canadian Forensic Toxicology
  • 1972, the CFS was transferred to the Ministry of
    the Solicitor General in order to separate the
    investigative aspect of justice from the
    administration of justice
  • Forensic Pathology became a separate entity
    within the Public Safety Division
  • 1975, CFS moved to its present location at 25
    Grosvenor St.

Canadian Forensic Toxicology
Centre of Forensic Sciences
  • 1992 the Centre of Forensic Sciences opens a
    second laboratory in Sault Ste. Marie the
    Northern Regional Lab
  • Provides most of the services that CFS Toronto

Forensic Labs in Canada
  • RCMP Labs
  • Vancouver, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg, Ottawa,
  • Centre of Forensic Sciences Toronto and Sault
    Ste. Marie
  • Laboratoire de Sciences Judiciares et de Mêdecin
    Légale- Montreal

Modernization of Toxicology
  • Professional societies, certification boards,
    advanced training of forensic scientists ensure
    that the role of the forensic toxicologist is
    more than a coroners chemist
  • Forensic toxicologists more frequently have
    advanced degrees, involved in scientific research
    and teaching

Modernization of Toxicology
  • High tech methods have replaced low tech methods
    of our past
  • Gas chromatography
  • Mass spectrometry
  • HPLC
  • LC-MS

Modernization of Toxicology
  • Improvements in instrumentation
  • Allows for the detection of smaller and smaller
    quantities of substances (ng)
  • Allows for smaller sample size (1970 15 mL
    blood required, 2003 25uL IA, 0.5mL MS, 2mL

New Challenges
  • Increased interest in all things forensic results
    in increased public scrutiny
  • pressure to produce results quickly, with
    untested methods and insufficient time
  • Miscarriages of justice have placed new pressure
    on laboratory operations and expert witnesses
  • Increasing role as a guardian of public health
  • determining drug abuse potentials, trends and
  • e.g. PMA disguised as Ecstasy
  • e.g. Percocet abuse in the U.S.A.

Notorious Forensic Tox Cases
  • Jonestown Massacre November 18, 1978
  • The Peoples Temple founded by Jim Jones
  • Guyana, South America
  • 914 followers die after obeying orders to drink
    grape kool-aid laced with cyanide.

Notorious Forensic Tox Cases
  • Chicago, Illinois, 1982
  • Seven people collapse suddenly and die after
    taking Tylenol capsules
  • Analysis reveals the capsules were laced with
  • The case remains unsolved
  • Copy cat cases

Notorious Forensic Tox Cases
  • 1995-2000
  • Dr. Harold Shipman
  • Manchester, England
  • Convicted of murder of 15 women by lethal
    injection with morphine
  • Suspected of killing up to 265 patients
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