- Developing Examiner Guidelines for Evaluating
- Commercial Bank Internal Control
- (Internal Audit Exam Review)
- Banque dAlgerie (BdA)
- June 14-18, 2009
- Presented by
- Robert Lyon, Retired Credit Risk Officer FRB
2Internal Audit Examiner Review
- Review Audit Committee Charter
- Review Audit structure and Reporting
- Assess skills of Audit Committee and audit staff
- Assess independence of Committee and audit staff
- Review Audit Committee Activities
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Reports to Board
3Examiner Review (continued)
- Review Internal Audit performance to plan
- Determine adequacy of audit coverage
- Review audit manuals and internal control
questionaires - Review risk assessments and audit plan
- Review a sample of audit reports and workpapers
- Review all internal audit reports since prior
exam - Management responses
- Significant open issues
4Examiner Review - Audit Committee Guidance
- Majority should be independent of management
- Ensure that the internal audit function reports
to the Governing Board - Members should have appropriate backgrounds
5Examiner Review - Audit Function Independence
- Functionally segregated from operations
- Board or Audit Committee should review salary and
performance of internal audit - Determine Committee review of audit findings and
frequency - Review minutes of Audit Committee and responses
thereto - Ensure appropriate limits or prohibitions on
auditor borrowings
6Examiner Review Is the Audit Department
adequately staffed?
- Qualifications of staff, education and experience
- Evaluate ability to communicate and relate
- Are staff experienced in specialized areas
- MIS, capital markets, trust, fiduciary
- Evaluation the audit training program
- Assess the level of turnover and vacancies
7Examiner review of Internal Control Systems
- Evaluate Code of Conduct
- Evaluate Conflict of Interest
- Evaluate commitment to integrity and ethical
values - Evaluate reporting relationships
- Evaluate the provision of information
- Does it facilitate monitoring of objectives
- Detail financial position and operating results
8Characteristics of a Strong Audit Committee
- Includes outside directors
- Packages allow it to monitor audit effectiveness
- Approves deviations from plan
- Can request additional or follow-up audits
- Approves any special projects requested by
internal audit - Meets with the internal audit without management
- Has authority and funding to engage consultants
- Reviews and approves risk assessments
9Examination Red Flags related to Internal Audit
- Staffing is inadequate key skills missing
- Training is inadequate
- Audit Program scope and procedures incomplete
- Risk assessment coverage is are inadequate
- Process lacks completeness
- Rating system is unevenly applied
- Limited or no transaction testing
- Communication of issues is poor or incomplete
- Issues not ranked
- Accountability not established
- Focus is on technology versus people and
10Examination Red Flags Related to Internal Controls
- Data integrity is poor or inconsistent
- Segregation of duties or dual control lacking
- Continuity planning is inadequate
- Systems access is excessive and beyond business
needs - Monitoring is weak, absent, or lacks independence
- Personnel issues
- Chronic staff shortages and vacancies in key
areas - Hiring and background checking processes weak
- Incentive pay not performance based
11Traditional Process
- Point-in-time Surprise Entry
- No reliance on internal audit
- Revalidation of the balance sheet and income
statement lots of tables and numbers - Heavy Compliance emphasis with regulations
- Significant transaction testing
- Reviewed a large percentage of loans
12Elements of Change occurred
- Still point in time, but
- More emphasis on internal controls
- Report format still rigid, but less tables
- Still heavy loan orientation, but added
- Liquidity analysis
- Interest rate sensitivity
13Evolution of Examination Process
- Heavy reliance on banks internal controls/risk
management systems - Continuous supervision/risk assessment
- Customized examination plan
- Focused approach is
- More effective and efficient
- Reduces regulatory burden
14Risk-focused Examination Principles
- Encourage strong risk management practices in
banks - Tailor supervisory plan to individual bank risks
- Early warning system
- Dont repeat what has already been performed by
reliable sources
15Risk-Focused Process
- Community Bank Supervision
- Annual on-site examinations and quarterly
meetings with bank management - Large Complex Bank Supervision
- Examiners assigned full time to institution with
heavy emphasis on continuous monitoring plus a
series of target examinations
16Steps in the Process
- Develop an approach appropriate to the
institution - Develop a standard set of documents to describe
the institution and document the examination
17Examination Timeline
Individual Profile
Supervisory Plan
Risk Assessment
Scope Memo
Entry Letter
On-Site Review
Follow up Monitor
Transaction Testing
18The Risk-Focused Exam Process
- Understanding the Institution and Information
Gathering - Assessing Institutional Risk by Evaluating Risks
and Risk Control Systems - Determining Supervisory Work
- Defining Examination Activities
- Customizing Information Requests for the On-site
- Institutional Profile
- Risk Matrix and Risk Assessment
- Supervisory Plan / Examination Program
- Scope Memorandum
- Entry Letter
19The Risk-Focused Exam Process
- Performing On-site Examination
- Reporting Examination Findings
- Conducting Ongoing Off-Site Supervision
- Use of Examination Modules Work paper Program
- Examination report or other summary documents
Exit Meetings with Management and/or Board - Updating Risk-Focused Documents Surveillance and
Monitoring Management meetings
20Risk CategoriesInherent Risk
- Credit
- Market
- Liquidity
- Operational
- Legal
- Reputational
21Inherent Risk
- The level of risk that is present in business
activities conducted by a bank - The inherent risk involved in that activity
should be described as - High
- Moderate, or
- Low
22High Inherent Risk
- High inherent risk exists where the activity is
significant or positions are large in relation to
the institutions resources or to its peer group,
where there are a substantial number of
transactions, or where the nature of the activity
is inherently more complex than normal. The
activity potentially could result in a
significant and harmful loss to the institution.
23Moderate Inherent Risk
- Moderate inherent risk exists where positions are
average in relation to the institutions
resources or to its peer group, where the volume
of transactions is average, and where the
activity is more typical or traditional. While
the activity could result in a loss to the
organization, the loss could be absorbed by the
organization in the normal course of business
24Low Inherent Risk
- Low inherent risk exists where the volume, size,
or nature of the activity is such that even if
the internal controls have weaknesses, the risk
of loss is remote or, if a loss were to occur, it
would have little negative impact on the
institutions overall financial condition
25Risk Management
- Effective risk management is the ability to
adequately identify, measure, monitor and control
the risks that are involved in its various
products and lines of business in a safe and
sound manner.
26Risk Management Components
- When assessing the adequacy of an institutions
risk management systems, primary consideration on
the following key elements is essential - Active board and senior management oversight
- Adequate of policy and procedures
- Adequate risk management, monitoring, and
management information system, and - Comprehensive internal controls and audit
27Relative Strength of Risk Management Processes
- Relative strength should be characterized as
- Strong
- Acceptable
- Weak
28Relative Strength of Risk Management Processes
- Strong Risk Management indicates that management
effectively identifies and controls all major
types of risk posed by the relevant activity.
Board and management participate in managing risk
and ensure proper policies exist. Policies and
limits are supported by monitoring procedures,
reports and management information systems that
are accurate and timely. Internal controls and
audit are appropriate for the activities of the
institution. There are few exceptions to
established policies and none of these exceptions
would lead to a significant loss to the
29Relative Strength of Risk Management Processes
- Acceptable Risk Management indicates that the
institutions risk management systems, although
largely effective, may be lacking to some modest
degree. It reflects an ability to cope
successfully with existing and foreseeable
exposure that may arise in carrying out the
institutions business plan. While the
institution may have some minor risk management
weaknesses, these problems have been recognized
and addressed. Overall, the board and senior
management oversight, policies, and limits, risk
monitoring and information systems are considered
effective. Risks are generally controlled in a
manner that does not require more than normal
supervisory attention.
30Relative Strength of Risk Management Processes
- Weak Risk Management indicates risk management
systems are lacking in important ways and
therefore, are a cause for more than normal
supervisory attention. The internal control
system may be lacking in important aspects,
particularly as indicated by continued control
exceptions or by the failure to adhere to written
policies and procedures. The deficiencies
associated in these systems could have adverse
effects on the safety and soundness of
institution or could lead to a material
misstatement of its financial statements if
corrective actions are not taken.
31Board and Senior Management Oversight Expectations
- The board of directors and senior management have
identified and have a clear understanding and
working knowledge of the types of risks inherent
in the institutions activities and have made
appropriate efforts to remain informed about
these risks as financial markets, risk management
practices, and the institutions activities
32Board and Senior Management Oversight Expectations
- The board has reviewed and approved appropriate
policies to limit risks inherent in the
institutions lending, investing, trading, trust,
fiduciary and other significant activities or
33Board and Senior Management Oversight Expectations
- The board and management are sufficiently
familiar with and are using adequate record
keeping and reporting systems to measure and
monitor the major sources of risk to the
34Board and Senior Management Oversight Expectations
- The board periodically reviews and approves risk
exposure limits to conform with any changes in
the institutions strategies, addresses new
products, and reacts to changes in market
35Board and Senior Management Oversight Expectations
- Management ensures that its lines of business are
managed and staffed by personnel with knowledge,
experience, and expertise consistent with the
nature and scope of the banking organizations
36Board and Senior Management Oversight Expectations
- Management ensures that the depth of staff
resources is sufficient to operate and manage
soundly the institutions activities and that its
employees have the integrity, ethical values, and
competence that are consistent with a prudent
management philosophy and operating style.
37Board and Senior Management Oversight Expectations
- Management at all levels provides adequate
supervision of the daily activities of officers
and employees, including management of senior
officers or heads of business lines.
38Board and Senior Management Oversight Expectations
- Management is able to respond to risks that may
arise from changes in the competitive environment
or from innovations in markets in which the
organization is active.
39Board and Senior Management Oversight Expectations
- Before embarking on new activities or introducing
products new to the institution, management
identifies and reviews all risks associated with
the activity or product and ensures that the
infrastructure and internal controls necessary to
manage the related risks are in place.
40Adequate Policies, Procedures, and Limits
41Adequate Policies, Procedures, and Limits
- The institutions policies, procedures, and
limits provide for adequate identification,
measurement, monitoring, and control of the risks
posed by its activities.
42Adequate Policies, Procedures, and Limits
- The policies, procedures, and limits are
consistent with managements experience level,
the institutions stated goals and objectives,
and the overall financial strength of the
43Adequate Policies, Procedures, and Limits
- Policies clearly delineate accountability and
lines of authority across the institutions
activities. - Policies provide for the review of activities new
to the financial institution to ensure that the
infrastructures necessary to identify, monitor,
and control risks associated with an activity are
in place before the activity is initiated.
44Adequate Risk Monitoring and Management
Information Systems
45Adequate Risk Monitoring and Management
Information Systems
- The banks risk monitoring practices and reports
address all of its material risks. - Key assumptions, data sources and procedures used
in measuring risk are appropriate, documented,
and tested for reliability.
46Adequate Risk Monitoring and Management
Information Systems
- Reports and other forms of communication are
consistent with the banking organizations
activities, are structure to monitor exposures
and compliance with established limits, goals, or
objectives, and as appropriate, compare actual
versus expected performance.
47Adequate Risk Monitoring and Management
Information Systems
- Reports to management or to the institutions
directors are accurate and timely and contain
sufficient information for decision-makers to
identify an adverse trends and to evaluate
adequately the level of risk faced by the
48Adequate Internal Controls
49Adequate Internal Controls
- The system of internal controls is appropriate to
the type and level of risks posed by the nature
and scope of the organizations activities. - The institutions organizational structure
establishes clear lines of authority and
responsibility for monitoring adherence to
policies, procedures and limits.
50Adequate Internal Controls
- Reporting lines provide sufficient independence
of the control areas from the business lines and
adequate separation of duties throughout the
organizations activities. - Official organization structures reflect actual
operating practices.
51Adequate Internal Controls
- Financial, operational, and regulatory reports
are reliable, accurate, and timely wherever
applicable, exceptions are noted and promptly
investigated. - Adequate procedure exist for ensuring compliance
with applicable laws and regulations.
- Internal audit or other control review practices
provide for independence and objectivity. - The institutions audit committee or board of
directors reviews the effectiveness of internal
audits and control review activities on a regular
- Internal controls and information systems are
adequately tested and reviewed the coverage,
procedures, findings, and responses to audits and
review tests are adequately documented
identified material weaknesses are given
appropriate and timely high level attention and
managements actions to address material
weaknesses are objectively verified and reviewed.
54Onsite Review
- From the off-site risk scoping process, the
examiner needs to take the hypothesis of the
banks condition and develop examination
techniques for the on-site review to assess the
level of risk. - What are the trends?
- What functional exam areas will be targeted?
55Pre Examination Meeting
- Central point of contact and staff
- Meets with bank management
- Requests information to review
- Minutes
- Policies
- Board and management reports
- Audit reports
56Pre examination meeting -2
- Concentrate on shifts in strategy
- New products
- Management and senior staffing changes
- Current issues
- Operations and technology challenges
57Onsite Review
- Review transactions/processes
- Evaluate Models
- Observe
- Discuss
- Finalize financial analysis
- Finalize analysis of risk management
58Leveraging Internal Audit
- Eliminate duplicative efforts
- Ensure that the exam is focused, streamlined
- Reduction in regulatory burden
- Focus on reviewing areas of highest risk
- Greatest vulnerability
59Reporting Examination Findings
- Meetings with bank management or board of
directors at conclusion of examination - Written report of examination
- Following-up monitoring, reporting and corrective
60Continuous Supervision
- Begin the risk-focused process by following up on
examination findings and continuously reviewing
changes in the banks financial condition and
risk management practices