Title: Grand Lodge of Idaho
1Grand Lodge of Idaho
- What Are They Saying About Freemasonry?
2The Agenda
Source The Annual Report of the Masonic Service
Association of N.A. Year Ending December 31, 2003
Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN) Secret
Societies Anti-Masonry Religion
Politics Why is a Master addressed as
Worshipful? Why do we use So mote it be,
instead of amen? What Masonic Penalties are
3Things May Be Improving
- Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN) December 11, 2003
- Several interviews with Masonic Information
Center - Gary Leazer Georgia Mason / Baptist Minister
- Show painted a very positive image of the
Fraternity - Producer said They had great difficulty finding
an anti- - Mason to appear on camera.
- Audiotape may be available from the Information
Masonic Service Association of N.A. / 8120
Fenton Street / Silver Springs, MD
20910-4785 www.msana.org
4Religion Politics
Religion A Christian cannot be a
Mason!!! Politics A Conspiracy to take over
the World!!! Two subject most often used to
attack Freemasonry Only two subjects forbidden in
Why is the Master addressed as
Worshipful? Worchyppe or worchyp Old English
Greatly Respected Title often given to Canadian
UK leaders / magistrates, etc. Wycliffe Bible
Worchyp thy fadir and thy modir Continues an
ancient word meaning greatly respected It does
NOT have any religious connotation associated
with it
6So Mote It Be?
- Why do we say So mote it be, instead of
Amen? - The book Cults says that So mote it be is a
witchcraft oath - Therefore, Freemasonry must be a cult
- Final words in the Regius Poem
- Mote is old English for may
- Brings the sanctity of age and continuity of
- ritual from ancient days to modern times
- We are therefore saying, So may it be
7Bloody Penalites?
- The ONLY penalties known to Freemasonry are
- Reprimand Suspension Expulsion
- And, the penalty which comes to anyone
- who loses all or part of his reputation!
- Ancient penalties legal punishment in middle
ages - Based upon religious beliefs of that time
- An incomplete body could not rise from the
dead - A body buried in unconsecrated ground (as
between - high and low tide) could not ascend into heaven
- Not now, and never have been enforced Masonic
8More Information?
- Masonic Service Association of North America
- Idaho Lodge of Research 1965
- Philalethes Society
- Scottish Rite Research Society
- Southern California Research Lodge
- 101 Questions About Freemasonry (MSA)
- Grand Lodge Library