Title: Howard Grimes From McCall, Idaho
1Howard Grimes
CEO, H2 Research Innovation
2(No Transcript)
3Howard Grimes Idaho is a practical and realistic
leader who has earned a name for himself by
working with many companies.
David Sklaver
4Howard Grimes Idaho is currently serving as the
CEO At H2 Research Innovation since 2011. He
works with a bi-coastal leadership team on
research commercialization from universities and
national laboratories using a unique model.
David Sklaver
5He along with the team created a B corporation
and generated novel algorithms to match
early-stage technologies to global vertical
David Sklaver
6Prior to this, he served as the Director for
Innovation Industry Partnerships at Idaho
National Lab (INL), Center for Advanced Energy
Studies (CAES) from 2015 to 2017.
David Sklaver
7He collaboratively led multi-university efforts
for nationwide workforce development and training
for advanced manufacturing grants (including
140M REMADE and 70M SMART).
David Sklaver
8Howard Grimes Idaho earned teaching experience
over the years. He taught Introduction to Plant
Biology (11 years), Molecular Mechanisms of Plant
Development (6 years), Plant Cell Biology (4
years), Membrane Transport (2 years), Plant
Molecular Genetics (3 years) and Protein
Biotechnology (2 years).
David Sklaver
To know more about him visit his official site