Police Use of Deadly Force - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Police Use of Deadly Force


Police Use of Deadly Force ... The Denver PD Policy A police officer may resort to the lawful use of firearms under the following conditions when he reasonably ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: deadly | firearms | force | police | use


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Police Use of Deadly Force

Police Use of Deadly Force
  • PSCI 2481

  • Within a 10 month period, four NYC police
    officers were killed in the line of duty.
  • In the tense aftermath, a city policeman shot
    and killed a fleeing suspect. A New York Times
    editorial expressed outrage
  • If a policeman needs to defend his life, the
    use of force is permissible, but if he is chasing
    a suspect, he has no right to shoot the man.

  • How much shooting -- not only by but of the
    police -- is there now?
  • Is the picture significantly different from city
    to city?
  • What rules govern officer discretion to shoot?
  • How controllable are police shootings?

  • The Panel
  • Officer Dick Hickman (Dallas Police Officers
  • Chief Neil Behan (Baltimore County)
  • Prof. James Fyfe (Professor of Criminology at
    American University, former NYC police officer,
    and the drunk driver in Search Seizure)

What do we learn from Crime File?
  • Changes in the law/department policies matter.
  • Restrictive policies reduce shootings
  • Restrictive policies do not make officers less
  • The context matters
  • Minorities and police officers are shot more in
    high crime areas
  • Minorities and police are hurt more when they are
    increasingly likely to be exposed to violence

Tennessee v. Garner
  • The Details
  • A Tennessee statute provides that if, after a
    police officer has given notice of an intent to
    arrest a criminal suspect, the suspect flees or
    forcibly resists, "the officer may use all the
    necessary means to effect the arrest."
  • Acting under the authority of this statute, a
    Memphis police officer shot and killed Garner's
    son as, after being told to halt, the son fled
    over a fence at night in the backyard of a house
    he was suspected of burglarizing.
  • The officer used deadly force despite being
    "reasonably sure" the suspect was unarmed and
    thinking that he was 17 or 18 years old and of
    slight build.

Tennessee v. Garner
  • The Decision
  • In March 1985, the US Supreme Court decides that
    more than half of all state laws governing the
    police use of deadly force are unconstitutionally
  • A NEW minimum standard is established police
    may not shoot at an unarmed fleeing felon
  • The Tennessee statute is unconstitutional
    insofar as it authorizes the use of deadly force
    againstan apparently unarmed, nondangerous
    fleeing suspect such force may not be used
    unless necessary to prevent the escape and the
    officer has probable cause to believe that the
    suspect poses a significant threat of death or
    serious physical injury to the officer or others.

Katz v. USA(Less Than Deadly Force)
  • This case arises out of Katz's arrest for his
    conduct during a speech given by Vice President
    Gore at the Presidio Army base in San Francisco
    in 1994. Katz, an animal rights activist, seeks
    damages from the police for violating his Fourth
    Amendment rights by using excessive force.
  • 9th Circuit ruling Police do not automatically
    get immunity from prosecution simply because they
    are government employees if they behave

Denver The Paul Childs Shooting
Precursors to the Shooting
  • Jan. 30, 2002 Denver Police Officer James Turney
    and Sgt. Bob Silvas shoot and kill Gregory L.
    Smith, 18, as he came up the stairs of his home
    armed with a knife.
  • Oct. 25, 2002 Denver District Attorney Bill
    Ritter announces that no charges will be filed
    against the officers in the Smith shooting
    because of a lack of evidence.
  • July 4, 2003 Turney allegedly phoned his former
    mother-in-law In Iowa and threatened to kill her.
    Later, Iowa prosecutors agree to drop the
    misdemeanor harassment charge against Turney in
    exchange for his promise not to have any contact
    with her for five years.

Paul Childs
July 5, 2003
  • James Turney

What happened? Who did what, when, where, and to
  • Paul Childs?
  • Ashley Childs?
  • Helen Childs?
  • 911 Operator?
  • Officer Turney?
  • Other DPD Officers?

Who was most responsible for Paul Childs death?
  • Officer James Turney? (the actual shooter)
  • The 911 Operator? (who communicated information
    to the responding officers)
  • The Denver Police Department? (for its training
    and oversight)
  • Paul Childs family (for calling the police)
  • Paul Childs (for failing to obey police
  • The Community/Society? (Does it really take a
    village to raise a child?)

  • No Penalty (Returned to Duty - RTD)
  • Verbal Reprimand
  • Written Reprimand
  • Removed from Patrol (RFP)
  • Short Suspension RTD
  • Short Suspension RFP
  • Long Suspension RTD
  • Long Suspension RFP
  • Fined
  • Fired
  • Charged with Minor Crime
  • Charged with Major Crime
  • Fired Charged with Crime
  • Subjected to Civil Lawsuit
  • Prevented from working for another law
    enforcement agency

The Continuing Saga
  • July 8 Turney is suspended with pay while
    internal affairs investigates.
  • July 10 A community march to demand justice for
    Childs draws about 600 people.
  • Oct. 16 Ritter concludes that Turney perceived
    the boy, armed with a knife with an 8-inch blade,
    as an imminent threat. Consequently, Ritter said
    Turney could not be charged with a crime.
  • Oct. 20 A group of protesters gathered outside
    Denver Police headquarters to demand that Turney
    be fired. Four people are ticketed after they sat
    in front of the headquarters' doors and refused
    to leave.
  • Dec. 16 Mayor John Hickenlooper orders a
    comprehensive package of police reforms,
    including additional training for police, more
    alternative weapons and increased citizen

The Continuing Saga
  • Jan. 6, 2004 Childs' family files notice of its
    intent to seek at least 5 million from the city
    in a federal lawsuit alleging civil rights
  • Feb. 17 Attorney Johnnie Cochran and members of
    Childs' family met with Hickenlooper and urge him
    to seek the removal of Turney.
  • Mar. 1 A police disciplinary review board
    recommends that officer Jim Turney receive a
    written reprimand for his role in the shooting
    death of Paul Childs. The board, made up of four
    officers and two civilians, reduced a
    recommendation by an all-officer panel to suspend
    Turney for 30 days.
  • April 1 Denver Police Chief Gerry Whitman
    recommends a 20-day suspension without pay for
  • April 2 The Greater Denver Ministerial Alliance
    calls on Hickenlooper to push for a minimum
    one-year suspension of Turney.

The Continuing Saga
  • Al LoCabe, Denver Manager of Public Safety,
    suspends Turney for 10 months.
  • Turney appeals and wins. Suspension reduced to 5
    days for threat against his mother-in-law.

The Continuing Saga
  • Final Results
  • Childs family settle their civil lawsuit with
    City of Denver for 1.35 million
  • DPD mandates training changes.
  • Turney gets 5 day suspension and desk assignment.
  • September 2005. Turney gets a transfer from the
    DPD technology division to the property bureau, a
    promotion and raise.

How do we prevent another Paul Childs from dying?
  • Police training?
  • Restrictions on the use of deadly force?
  • Technology?
  • New methods of oversight?
  • Legal penalties?
  • or
  • We cant keep these things from happening.

Writing Policy to Govern the Use of Deadly Force
  • Houston PD
  • Denver PD

Houston PDUse of Deadly Force
  • The Houston Police Departments policy regarding
    the use of firearms sets forth the general values
    which must guide officers actions. The policy is
    as follows
  • The use of firearms is never to be considered
    routine, is permissible only in defense of life,
    and then only when all other means have been
  • The Departments policy is based on a belief
    that its primary duty is to protect life. Police
    officers, therefore, are to use firearms only to
    protect their lives or the lives of others. Since
    the use of firearms has the potential to endanger
    life, it should occur only when there is no other
    alternative. This means that officers are to use
    their firearms only when failure to do so would
    result in death or serious bodily injury to
    themselves or others,.
  • In situations where officers consider using
    firearms, they must carefully determine whether
    it is probable that someone will be killed or
    injured as a direct result of the observed
    actions of the suspect.

The Details
  • Do not shoot unless your life or someone elses
    is in immediate danger.
  • Always use the minimum force necessary to
    accomplish your mission.
  • Do everything possible to de-escalate situations.
    so that you do not have to resort to the use of
  • If the suspects actions do not pose a threat of
    imminent death or serious bodily injury to
    persons other than themselves, do not discharge
    your firearms to achieve an arrest.
  • Shoot only to protect life and never to protect
  • Assess the immediate danger posed by the
    suspects actions rather than characterize the
    person as dangerous.
  • Get out of the way of vehicles rather than shoot
    at them.
  • Never fire warning shots.
  • Do not draw or display your firearm unless you
    have probable cause to believe that you will have
    to discharge it in order to protect life.

The Denver PD Policy
  • A police officer may resort to the lawful use of
    firearms under the following conditions when he
    reasonably believes that it is necessary
  • To defend himself or a 3rd party from deadly
    physical force
  • To effect an arrest or prevent the escape of a
  • Who has committed or attempted to commit a felony
    involving a deadly weapon or
  • Is attempting to escape by means of a deadly
    weapon or
  • Who otherwise indicates except through motor
    vehicle violation that he is likely to endanger
    human life.
  • It is necessary, when feasible, to give some
    warning before engaging in the use of deadly
    force. If possible identify yourself as a police
    officer, give the command you want followed and
    state your intention to shoot.

The Denver PD Policy
  • Officers will not discharge their weapons under
    the following conditions
  • At another person unless the circumstances are
    such that the officer would be justified under
    the law if the shot killed the person.
  • As a warning shot
  • Firing at or from a moving vehicle
  • Firing shots where there is a likelihood of
    serious injury to persons other than the
    individual to be apprehended.

NYPD Gunshots Fired 2006
The Police Perspective
  • The Danger on the Street

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