Ideologies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ideologies A discussion of the Major Ideologies of the Western World Ideologies What is an ideology? Dominant vs Counter-Ideologies The Components of Ideologies ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ideologies

  • A discussion of the Major Ideologies of the
    Western World

  • What is an ideology?
  • Dominant vs Counter-Ideologies
  • The Components of Ideologies
  • Democratic Ideologies
  • Non-Democratic Ideologies
  • Other Ideologies

Ideologies Early Beginnings
  • The French Philosopher Antoine Destrutt de Tracy
    coined the term ideologie to mean the science of
  • During the Enlightenment (18th Century), many
    philosophers in France (called philosophes),
    believed that the application of human reason
    (not adherence to faith) was needed to deal with
    social, economic and political challenges.
  • Before the Enlightenment, most ideologies were
    primarily religious. It was during this period
    that we would see the great debate of faith vs.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte called his political enemies
    ideologues because they tended to hold liberal
    ideals and anti-religious views. This term is
    still used today

Eugene Delacroixs Liberty Leading The People
What is an Ideology?
  • What is an ideology? Generally speaking, it is a
    value system through which we perceive, explain
    and accept the world.
  • According to the political theorist Robert Dahl,
    all individuals are ideologues in the sense that
    we all map out our own interpretations of what
    the world is and how it should be.

What is the role of an Ideology?
  • Ideologies present a simplified cause and
    effect interpretation of a complex world
    (e.g.Axis of Evil and the coalition of the
  • They provide a theory of human nature that
    explains basic economic, social and political
  • Ideologies appear to be moral in tone and aspire
    to perfect our behavior (e.g. counter laziness,
    or selfishness)
  • They are often supported by constitutions,
    manifestos or writings (e.g the Communist
  • They discuss issues such as leadership, political
    succession and electoral behavior

Dominant Ideologies
  • Dominant Ideologies support the existing social
    and political arrangements (e.g. Conservatism in
    the United States after 9/11)
  • Ideologies that dominate in a society are ones
    that carry the message of the elites through the
    Agents of Socialization such as
  • Governments (Political Parties, Pressure Groups)
  • The Schools
  • The Media
  • Families and Peer Groups

Dominant Ideologies
  • What is the sign that a particular ideology is
    dominating the political discourse?
  • The majority of the population accepts the
    ideology without hesitation (e.g. The Free-market
    system in the United States).
  • The most powerful people in the country (the
    elites) accept the ideology.
  • The existence of a dominate ideology allows a
    society to keep subordinate groups in check (e.g.
    Communists, anarchists, etc) as long as they
    constitute a minority in society

Anti- Globalization Protestors Kept in check in
Seattle, USA.
  • The role of counter ideologies is to advance
    radical reform in society
  • In Canada, groups such as the Marxist-Leninist
    Party serve such a role.
  • They normally develop in response to a perceived
    inequality in society.
  • There main job is to challenge the status quo.
  • Feminism is certainly an example of a counter
    ideology in the extent that it seeks to challenge
    inequalities in the workplace based on gender
    (e.g. equal pay for work of equal value)

The impact of Counter Ideologies
  • It is the stresses that exist between dominant
    ideologies and counter ideologies that produce
    real political change.
  • In fact, the origin of of a dominant ideology is
    usually a counter ideology
  • Examples
  • The Russian Revolution of 1917 (Communism)
  • The French Revolution of 1789 (Liberalism)
  • The CCFs plan for medicare
  • The green counter-ideology of fighting
    Greenhouse gas emissions is now a part of
    mainstream political platforms

Tommy Douglas
David Suzuki
The Major Components of Ideologies
  • The state of human nature
  • The role of the individual in society
  • The role of the state
  • The sources and limits of political authority
  • The preferred economic and social order

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Ideologies Human Nature
  • Are human beings born to be basically good or
    basically bad (innate), or is behavior the result
    of social conditioning?
  • For conservatives, human behavior is
    unchangeable. The role of government is to
    control the undesirable consequences of human
    behavior (Thomas Hobbes)
  • For Liberals, humans are inherently good. As a
    result, we dont need to be so tightly controlled
    by government

Ideologies Role of the Individual
  • Is it the role of the individual to serve the
    interests of the government, or the role of the
    government to serve the needs of the individual?
  • With Communism, the welfare of the individual is
    subordinate to the interests of the state.
  • For Liberals, the role of the government is to
    provide the conditions for individual freedom
    (e.g. Constitution guarantees individual rights).
    The rights of the individual in many cases takes
    precedence over the rights of the state (e.g.
    private property).

Free Trade and Economic Liberalism
Ideologies Role of the State
  • In some ideologies, the state is essentially a
    symbol of evil in society (e.g. Anarchism).
    Individual liberty is threatened by the existence
    of strong government control. This is the theory
    of Absolute power corrupts absolutely
  • Most modern ideologies (e.g. social democracy)
    maintain that a strong government (with limits)
    is necessary in order to maintain social order
    and living standards (e.g. public healthcare and

What limits should be placed on
individual Freedom?
Ideologies Limits on Political Authority
  • In some ideologies (Western democracies),
    political authority is derived by the consent of
    the governed (e.g. through elections).
  • For fascists and Marxist-Leninists, political
    authority is derived by the will of the state or
    dictators. Consensus is needed in order to
    guarantee social order and progress
  • For democrats, consent is needed by the people to
    justify their power. The people decide to give
    up their individual power to the state. This is
    also known as the concept of political legitimacy.

What limits were placed on their power?
Ideologies The Preferred Economic and Social
  • Ideologies have to deal with the fundamental
    question of who controls the wealth in society.
    Should wealth be equally shared, or should some
    individuals be allowed to possess more wealth
    than others?
  • For communists, private ownership is not allowed.
    They are committed to providing an equitable
    distribution of wealth
  • For capitalists, people need to compete with one
    another in order to have an incentive for
    material gain. Economic and social inequities
    are allowed to exist

Microsofts Bill Gates
Wall Street Billionaire Warren Buffett
Democratic Ideologies
  • The beginnings of democracy can be traced back to
    the Greeks.
  • Pericles (495-429 BC) declared that ancient
    Athens (Greece) was a democracy because power
    rested in the hands of the many instead of the
  • Aristotle (384-322 BC) wrote in his famous work
    Politics, that direct popular government would
    create mob rule. What was needed was majority
    rule with respect for individual rights. This
    would later be known as Constitutional Democracy.
  • Socrates and Plato were both very critical of
    democracy since they felt that it would produce
    undesirable outcomes.

The Trial of Socrates
Democratic Ideologies
  • In the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, a series of
    political philosophers would make great
    contributions to our present understanding of
    what is democracy such as
  • Thomas Hobbes
  • John Locke
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • John Stuart Mill
  • Alexis de Tocqueville

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Democratic Ideologies Liberalism
  • Political Ideologies The Big Three In Canada
  • Part 1 Liberalism
  • Origins
  • In Canada, liberal ideas were key factors in
    establishing the concept of responsible
    government (1830-1840)
  • Liberal theories date back to the Enlightenment,
    Ancient Rome
  • Early influential liberal thinkers John Locke
    (life, liberty, property) and John Stuart Mill
    (utilitarian liberalism)

John Stuart Mill
Democratic Ideologies Liberalism
  • The 20th Century
  • Through two world wars in Canada, liberalism
    emphasized the importance of rights (civil and
  • Liberals emphasized representative democracy
    (legitimate and limited power), human rights
    (Charter of Rights Freedoms), and rules of
    procedure (parliamentary process, judicial
  • Most dominant ideology in this century

Queen Elizabeth signs Canadas Charter of Rights
and Freedoms
Pierre Elliott Trudeau
Democratic Ideologies Liberalism
  • What Makes A Liberal?
  • Liberals stress equality of opportunity, reject
    special treatment for those with privilege
  • Equality before the law
  • Freedom is a leading value and it is pluralistic
    freedom of association, freedom of religion,
    freedom of assembly
  • Liberals are thought to be more permissive and
    open to change than Conservatives (e.g. same-sex

Barack Obama
Stephen Lewis
Democratic Ideologies Liberalism
  • Different Kinds of Liberals
  • The most common issue that Liberals disagree
    among themselves about is how to manage the
  • Egalitarian liberalism welfare state,
    progressive taxation, equalization payments,
    state intervention (left of centre)
  • Libertarian liberalism rejects attempts of
    state to achieve social equality by manipulating
    the economy (right of centre)

Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin Jr.
Key Liberal Principles
  • Rule of Law Protects citizens from tyranny by
    having all people equal under the law
  • Responsible Govt All govt officials are
    accountable to the people (electoral process)
  • Civil Liberties The freedoms of thought,
    expression, religion and freedom of the press
  • Constitutionalism The establishment of a
    specific document that defines and limits the
    powers of government (e.g. the Canadian BNA Act)
  • Individualism The role of the govt is to serve
    the interests of the individual so that each
    person can maximize their individual potential

Former Prime Minister Lester B Pearson
Key Liberal Principles
  • Majority Rule Govt decisions are made in
    response to the wishes of the majority (not the
  • Popular Sovereignty The source of the govts
    power flows from the people
  • International Co-operation Liberals (economic
    liberals), calls for the elimination of trade
    barriers between nations (e.g. tariffs, quotas)
    in order to promote economic growth and
    international co-operation

Adam Smith
Democratic Ideologies Conservatism
  • Conservatism
  • Defined from the Latin word conservare to
    keep, guard, observe a commitment to preserve
    tradition while recognizing there needs to be
    gradual improvement
  • Change is not as important as respecting laws and
    traditions, therefore conservatives are against

Edmund Burke
Democratic Ideologies Conservatism
  • Types of Conservatism
  • Cultural wants to enshrine the existing or
    received heritage of a nation may reject
    attempts to change culture many believe in a
    universal morality while others think moral codes
    should only apply within a nation
  • Religious most conservatives believe in some
    type of religion or organized faith that is
    established and has centuries of tradition (East
    and West) religious conservative values may
    include referring to God, opposing abortion

Democratic Ideologies Conservatism
  • Fiscal a commitment to reducing government
    spending and debt govt does not have the right
    to run up large debts and then throw the burden
    on the taxpayer

Senator John McCain
Key Conservative Principles
  • Reverence for the past Societies obtain wisdom
    from their customs and traditions and must
    respect the accomplishments of their ancestors
  • Constitutional continuity Constitutions need to
    be maintained. Avoid sudden changes
  • Opposition to Revolution Conservatives reject
    radical change
  • The Religious Basis of the State The state has
    the moral, religious character. It is not just
    political and economic

Key Principles Contd
  • The priority of duties over rights Conservatives
    recognize that individuals have personal rights
    and civic duties. They must not forget their
  • Loyalty Conservatives demonstrate loyalty to the
    church, family, school and the prime institutions
    of the nation
  • Common Sense and Pragmatism Conservative are

George Bush
Democratic Socialism
  • Political Ideologies The Big Three In Canada
  • Part 2 Socialism
  • Origins
  • Socialism was first used in late 19th century
    to condemn capitalist systems
  • most early socialists believed in the abolition
    of markets, private property, and of not treating
    labour as a commodity

Tommy Douglas
  • Early influential socialist thinkers
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Francois Noel Babeuf
    (complete economic and political equality)
  • Most influential thinker was arguably Karl Marx,
    who wrote of the class struggle between workers
    and the bourgeoisie
  • In Canada, socialist and social democratic ideas
    have been expressed mainly by the old CCF
    (Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation) and the
    NDP (New Democratic Party)

Karl Marx
Marxism vs Democratic Socialism
  • Marxism vs. Democratic Socialism
  • General perspectives on class struggle and
    emphasis on the worker are similar
  • Marxists believe that class struggle will end
    only if the working class controls the means of
    production (socialism of distribution)
  • Social Democrats accept capitalist economies but
    believe in public ownership and state
    intervention in the economy (socialism of
    economic production)
  • Where Marxist Socialists advocate for complete
    control of the economy, Social Democrats believe
    in the democratic process (elections) and accept
    private ownership

  • A Socialists Values
  • Socialist values prioritize social equality above
    all else, including economic freedom (contrary to
    Conservatives and many Liberals)
  • In Canada, the NDP has been primarily concerned
    with social justice issues
  • Health care, Housing, Public Education, the

Bob Rae Former Leader of the Ontario NDP
Socialism Contd
  • Socialists believe in a strong central state with
    extensive government agencies
  • Over the last several years, social democrats
    have also expressed concern about U.S. influence
    in our economy (e.g. free trade)

Maude Barlow President of The Council of
Non-Democratic Ideologies
  • Fascism in Italy Benito Mussolini
  • The Beginning
  • Mussolini was heavily influenced by the fascist
    model in Rerum Novarum, written by Pope Leo XIII
    in 1892
  • The state was like a human body (working with one
    mind no class struggle)
  • In 1919, Mussolinis fascist party participated
    in Italys elections
  • Initial program called for a democratic
    republic, separation of church state, a
    national army, progressive taxation on inherited
  • As the movement grew in strength, several of
    these were abandoned (e.g. progressive tax)
  • Mussolini exploited fears regarding both
    capitalism and the rise of communism fascism
    became the third way

  • Fascist Reign
  • Mussolini was appointed President of Italys
    council by the King in 1922 to avoid further
  • The King still controlled the army, but Mussolini
    operated a coalition govt
  • Socialist Deputy Giacomo Matteotti was
    assassinated shortly after Mussolini accepted
    responsibility for his death and proclaimed a
    dictatorship in which his party was identified as
    the state
  • In the 1930s, Italy recovered from the Great
    Depression by creating domestic substitutes to
    replace imports and this increased Mussolinis
  • In 1935, Mussolini invaded Ethiopia (used
    chemical weapons, mustard gas) killed women and
    children creating international sanctions

Mussolini and Hitler
  • Mussolinis Fall
  • Before the war started, Mussolini began an
    alliance with Hitler and passed anti-Semitic laws
    in 1938
  • Allies invaded southern Italy in 1943 and
    captured Mussolini
  • Nazis helped him escape temporarily and he set up
    a govt in northern Italy before being captured
    again and executed
  • Mussolinis Influence
  • The most obvious influence is nationalism
  • Mussolini wanted to affirm an Italian identity
    and restore greatness
  • Use of propaganda (believe, obey, fight)

  • Fascism (fascismo)
  • Definition a political philosophy or movement
    that promotes nation and often race above the
    individual a centralized autocratic government
    led by a dictator of the extreme right who
    suppresses his opposition (by force)

  • Development of Fascism
  • A reaction against democratic capitalist
    economies and communism
  • Rejected notion of social classes and class
  • Embraced idea of national pride
  • Legitimacy through strength and power (might
    makes right)
  • War for nationalist purposes and unification of
    race becomes glorified
  • Had appeal for anti-communists and those upset
    with capitalism

  • Control Economic and Otherwise
  • Regulates and controls the means of production
  • Economy is run by the state and the wealthiest
  • The state is superior to the individual (unlike
  • Past greatness must be restored (e.g. Italy The
    Roman Empire)
  • System demands loyalty to a single leader
  • Political support came from big business,
    farmers, nationalists, reactionaries, and some
    World War I veterans

  • Is Fascism Still Relevant?
  • Although there are numerous right-wing parties
    throughout the world, there are no
    self-proclaimed fascist parties
  • Neo-Nazis and Mussolini sympathizers are often
    referred to as fascists
  • Some critics of right wing politics consider
    corporatism to be fascist in nature countries
    with large corporations who heavily influence a
    states economy (U.S., Canada)
  • We are free to believe that this is the century
    of authority.
  • - Benito Mussolini

Neo-Nazi Movement
  • Developed by Karl Marx (1818-1883)
  • In 1844, Marx met Friedrich Engels (social
    scientist). In 1847, they wrote the Communist
    Manifesto. The central ideas were
  • The abolition of private property
  • The re-organization of society in which there
    would no longer be a separation of society based
    upon social and economic class

  • The root cause of the class struggle is between
    those who control the Means of Production (The
    Bourgeoisie), and those who work for them (The
  • The Capitalist Mode of Production, produces
    social and economic inequities that are
    inevitable (e.g. 99 of the wealth is controlled
    by 1 of the population).

  • For Marx, a revolution of the workers was
    inevitable whereby the Proletariat would seize
    control of the means of production and produce a
    more egalitarian distribution of resources.

The Russian Revolution
  • Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) was a Bolshevik
    revolutionary who had studied the theories of
    Marx and Engels.
  • He developed what would later be known as
    Marxist-Leninism an ideology that mixed the
    economic and social theories of communism with
    the political arrangement of an autocratic elite.

  • Lenins justification for dictatorship was based
    on the idea that the common classes were not
    capable of successfully delivering the central
    theories of Marxism. Democracy was not embraced.
  • Joseph Stalin would take this further!

Lenin and Stalin
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