The French Revolution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The French Revolution


The French Revolution Events What conditions are typically present prior to Revolution? Make a list with a partner. What conditions are typically present prior to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The French Revolution

The French Revolution
  • Events

What conditions are typically present prior to
Revolution?Make a list with a partner.
What conditions are typically present prior to
  • 1.  All social classes are discontented.
  • 2.  People feel restless and held down by
    unacceptable restrictions in society, religion,
    the economy or the government.
  • 3.  People are hopeful, but they are being forced
    to accept less than they had hoped for.
  • 4.  People think of themselves as belonging to a
    social class, and there is a growing bitterness
    between social classes. 

More Conditions
  • 5.  Social classes closest to one another are the
    most hostile to each other.
  • 6. Scholars and thinkers give up on the way their
    society operates.
  • 7.  Government does not respond to the needs of
    its society.
  • 8. Leaders of the government and the ruling class
    begin to doubt themselves.   Some join opposition
  • 9.  Government cannot get enough support from any
    group to save itself.
  • 10. Government cannot organize its finances
    correctly and is either going bankrupt or trying
    to tax heavily and unjustly.

The Course of Revolution
  • Impossible demands made to the government. If
    granted, would mean the end of government.
  • Government cannot suppress revolutionaries
  • Revolutionaries gain power and seem united
  • Once in power, revolutionaries begin to argue.
    Unity dissolves.
  • Moderates gain leadership, but fail to satisfy
    those who want immediate change.

Source Crane Brinton, The Anatomy of Revolution
The Course of Revolution
  • Power gained by the most radical of the groups.
    They gain almost complete control.
  • A strong man emerges and assumes great power.
  • Extremists try to create a heaven on earth
    society. They punish all opponents.
  • Terror and extreme violence.
  • Moderate groups regain power.
  • Revolution ends.

Seeds of RevolutionLifestyles of the Rich and
  • One day, the King of France, Louis XIV, gave a
    party at his palace at Versailles.
  • It was a truly decadent event each guest would
    receive a piece of jewelry and over the course of
    three days, the 600 guests were treated to operas
    and costume parties, rarely retiring before 3 am.
    The food was extravagant, too. One night, the
    guests feasted on over 100 separate dishes.
  • Meanwhile, most people in France were struggling
    to live off meager food rations while paying an
    immense tax burden. The two lifestyles could
    hardly be more different.

For centuries, the monarchs of Europe had
believed they ruled by divine right. They
believed that all people had their place in
society and that this was unchangeable. Most
rulers mistakenly believed that the common people
loved the monarchy, despite their flaws. Here is
an excerpt from Marie Antoinette to her mother .
  • On Tuesday I had a party which I shall never
    forget all my life. We made our entrance into
    Paris. . . . . .What was really affecting was the
    tenderness and earnestness of the poor people,
    who, in spite of the taxes with which they are
    overwhelmed, were transported with joy at seeing
  • I cannot describe to you, my dear mamma, the
    transports of joy and affection which every one
    exhibited towards us. We kissed our hands to the
    people, which gave them great pleasure. What a
    happy thing it is for persons in our rank to gain
    the love of a whole nation so cheaply.

The EnlightenmentIn France, the beginning of the
end . . .
  • Enlightenment what is the definition?
  • How did the Middle Ages begin what ended with the
    Fr. Revo.?
  • What was the role of the Scientific Revo. in the
  • What are the key words of the Enlightenment?
  • The widespread belief in certain natural laws led
    to . . . . ?

Human Nature and the Purpose of Government Two
(Modern Philosophy)
  • Thomas Hobbes
  • People are naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish.
  • If man is not strictly controlled, he will fight,
    rob, and oppress one another.
  • Life without laws would be nasty, brutish, and
    short. Chaos would reign.
  • We enter into a Social Contract, meaning we agree
    to be governed so that our natural tendencies do
    not destroy society. In other words, we need a
    strong, authoritarian government to compel
  • Hobbes was in favor of strong monarchies. His
    philosophy justifies absolute power.
  • John Locke
  • People are naturally reasonable and moral.
  • Man possesses natural rights, which include life,
    liberty, and property.
  • We form governments to protect these rights.
  • The best government has limited power and is
    accepted by all citizens.
  • Governments have an obligation to protect natural
    rights. If the government fails to do this, the
    people have the right to overthrow the
  • Lockes ideas influenced the Declaration of
    Independence and French revolutionaries.

Both men were Enlightenment philosophers.
Despite different views, each believed that
rational thought and actions could create a
better society.
Enlightenment Ideas
  • In order to have liberty, it is necessary that
    government be set up so that one man need not be
    afraid of another. Montesquieu
  • I do not agree with a word that you say, but I
    will defend to the death your right to say it.
    -- Voltaire
  • Man is born free, and everywhere he is in
    chains. Rousseau
  • These thoughts appealed to the French because
    most French did not belong to the privileged
    estates. The message was that most monarchs
    were brutal and outdated institutions.

The Three EstatesThe Social Structure of France
  • The Three Estates divide the classes economically
    and socially. Each estate had clearly defined

The Three Estates
  • First estate clergy
  • Less than 1 of the population
  • Second estate nobility
  • About 1.5 of the population
  • Third estate - everyone else
  • More than 98 of the French population

The Third Estate
  • About 98 of the people of France belonged to the
    Third Estate.
  • The average person of the Third Estate was a poor
    peasant, but servants, skilled and unskilled
    workers, doctors, lawyers, teachers,
    storekeepers, and laborers were included in the
    Third Estate.
  • The Third Estate paid taxes on everything from
    land to salt.
  • Peasants had the least privileges. They paid
    rent on the land they farmed. They paid rent on
    the tools they used. They paid taxes on their
    crops. They could not even hunt animals who ate
    their crops. Only nobles could hunt.

The Third Estate is in chains, supporting the
nobility and the clergy (who are a burden).
                            A contemporary
French cartoon the Third Estate (workers) is
shown bearing the full burden of taxation. The
nobility (left) leans unhelpfully on his labor
the clergy (right) gives token help.
The Third Estate
  • Before the revolution the Estates-General was
    formed, giving the people of the Third Estate a
    voice in government. Even so, the Third Estate
    would lose by vote of two to one. The First and
    Second Estates always overruled any laws that
    would help the people of the Third Estate.

This image shows the 3rd estate awakening to the
abuses created by the first two Estates. The 1st
and 3rd Estates are horrified to see the man on
the ground reaching for a weapon.
Other problems of the 3rd Estate
  • Inefficient methods of agriculture.
  • The price of grain rose, causing the price of
    bread to soar. Prices rose quicker than wages.
  • Poor harvest during 1788 and 1789.
  • The urban poor lived in poverty. By 1789, wages
    had increased by 22 while the cost of living
    increased 62.

The Third Estate and Discontent
  • The Third Estate was the first to question to old
    ways Why should the first two estates have
    privilege at the expense of the majority?
  • This discontent led to the Revolution.

Long-Term Causes of the Revolution
List some specific examples for each of the
following long term causes of the Revolution 1.
Social Inequalities, special privileges 2.
Government Bankruptcy 3. Changes in status quo
Cause 1 Special Privileges
  • Taxes
  • Hereditary rights
  • Land laws
  • Voting

  • Cause 2 Bankruptcy of the Government
  • Earlier, kings had spent too much (the Palace of
    Versailles, for example). Louis XVI continued to
  • The cost of helping the British colonies gain
    independence also bankrupted the government.
  • Louis XVI would not consider any financial
    reforms or any changes in government spending.
    By 1789, the government was bankrupt. The King
    had no choice but to raise taxes.

  • Cause 3 Change in Thinking
  • The Enlightenment
  • The American Revolution to overthrow British rule
    encouraged the French to fight for their freedom.
  • Resentment of privileged classes. Why should
    they have all the money and power?

Phases of the Revolution
  • Prior to 1789 Preparation
  • Taxes
  • Debt
  • Absolutism
  • Social, Economic, Political Inequality
  • 1789-1794 Developments occur very quickly
  • 1795-1799 Era of Robespierre/Terror/The
  • 1799-1801 Conclusion
  • Rise of Napoleon
  • Overall Two phases
  • Early Radical, Abolish monarchy, Terror
  • Late Work out civil strife between factions

The Role of Abbe Sieyes
  • Pamphlet, 1789, before EG
  • Attacked privileged classes
  • What is the 3rd Estate?
  • In summary
  • What is it?
  • Everything
  • What has it been until Now? - Nothing
  • What does it ask? - to become something

Cahiers des Doleances
  • Prior to EG in 1789
  • Representatives objections to current system
  • 3rd Estate Very vocal
  • No Lettres de Cachet (wanted due process)
  • No censorship
  • Taxes must be equal
  • Estates General MUST meet every 4 years
  • Justice for the 3rd Estate

Estates General 1789
  • Last met in 1614
  • Goal of 3rd Estate end absolutism
  • Voting 2 choices
  • Each Estate can vote with 1 vote. 1st and 2nd
    Estate always vote together (tradition)
  • Each Estate can vote with individual votes.
  • 3rd Estate has twice as many representatives

  • 3rd Estate demands change, refuses to cooperate
  • New legal system
  • Serfdom abolished
  • End of Lettres des Cachet
  • King would rule alongside an elected assembly
  • The Kings Response
  • Gathered troops
  • EG feared force used against it

National Assembly 1789
  • Continuation of Estates General
  • Parish priests join the 3rd Estate
  • King/2nd Estate attempt to block any meetings
  • 3rd Estate meets at a tennis court
  • stay in session until new constitution
  • 3rd Estate effectively ruling France between July
    1789 September 1791
  • De facto government of France

Tennis Court Oath
Storming of the Bastille July 1789
The Bastille
  • Symbol of tyranny and injustice
  • Symbolic Act Only 7 prisoners
  • Women participated

The Great Fear
  • Summer Riots 1789
  • Hungry peasants, hot weather
  • Widespread suspicion
  • Neighbor vs. neighbor
  • Motives of EG
  • Public order collapsed
  • Rumors rampant

The Great Fear Rumors that the nobility were
going to starve the people into submission
prompted widespread rural destruction. This
caused the first wave of aristocrats to flee the
countryside and consider fleeing the country
Riots of 1789
(No Transcript)
August Decrees
  • The National Assembly acts quickly.
  • August 4 Old regime abolished (nobility)
  • "What glory, what honor to be a Frenchman!"
  • Meritocracy All French men were now equal
  • Same laws
  • Same taxes
  • Same offices

Declaration of the Rights of Man
  • Late August 1789
  • Declaration of Independence
  • Rights for all men, without exception
  • No mention of women or slaves
  • Locke natural rights, religious toleration,
    civic equality
  • Rousseau Social Contract

Rights of Man Comparisons
  • Differences with American Declaration of
  • French document written with no political
  • Dec. of Independence is a list of grievances
  • Rights of Man is vague, not directly connected
    to the Revolution
  • The American documents do not suggest other
    people should follow their example
  • Rights of Man encourages others to discard

American Response to the French Revolution
  • Events in France were not well ordered
  • No checks and balances in France (one chamber
  • Slave rebellions in French possessions worry
    southern economic interests
  • Frances military advances seemed aggressive
  • Death of the King does not seem cause to
  • Economically, the US needed to take the side of
    Britain in the Anglo-French wars

Womens March on Versailles
  • October 1789
  • Angry about bread shortages
  • Demanded King move to Paris to be more answerable
    to the people
  • Turning point -- King agreed to demands
  • Turning point women saw results for anger,
    taking matters into own hands

Womens March on Versailles
Women and the Revolution
  • Formed clubs where they discussed how to become a
    good citizen
  • Overall Demands
  • Legal equality in marriage
  • Educational opportunities
  • The right to employment
  • No more exclusion of women from certain
  • The right to bear arms
  • Economic reform bread becomes a symbol

Declaration on the Rights of Women (1791)
  • Article 1 Woman is born free and lives equal to
    man in her rights.
  • Article 4 Liberty and justice consist of
    restoring all that belongs to others thus, the
    only limits on the exercise of the natural rights
    of woman are perpetual male tyranny these limits
    are to be reformed by the laws of nature and
  • Article 6 The laws must be the expression of the
    general will all female and male citizens must
    contribute either personally or through their
    representatives to its formation it must be the
    same for all male and female citizens, being
    equal in the eyes of the law, must be equally
    admitted to all honors, positions, and public

Power Moves away from the Church
  • 1790
  • Church can no longer tax
  • No more privileges for clergy
  • Church property confiscated
  • Clergy are employees of the State, must swear
    oath of loyalty
  • Pope never accepted these conditions
  • Clergy are persecuted throughout France
  • Did not end until 1801

Patience, your turn will come
The Revolution Splits (1790)
  • Development of Factions
  • Right Wing Led by aristocrats, opposed to
  • Royalist Democrats Organize France on British
    Constitutional model
  • National Party the center
  • Left Wing Robespierre
  • Many small, specialized factions, such as the
    military faction

Jacobins 1790
  • Political club. Urban Intellectuals.
  • Robespierre -- radical.
  • Over 5000 clubs
  • Powerful (until fall of Robespierre)
  • Republican Virtue
  • Looked out for the rights of citizens
  • Funds for widows
  • Sponsored revolutionary festivals
  • Publicized revolutionary news
  • Provided jobs for poor
  • Denounced officials for non-revolutionary

  • Ideal leader
  • Deist
  • Idealized Roman Republic
  • Elected to 3rd Estate
  • Leader of the Jacobins
  • King must be executed
  • Louis ought to perish rather than 100,000
    virtuous citizens Louis must die, so that the
    country may live."
  • Committee for Public Safety

October 1791
  • YouTube - Marie Antoinette The Last Queen of
    France (part8/12)
  • YouTube - Marie Antoinette The Last Queen of
    France (part9/12)
  • King and Queen attempt escape
  • King and Queen taken prisoner, tried for treason
  • Austria declares war against France

September 1792
  • Mob violence in Paris
  • Launched by fear of Prussian/Austrian invasion
  • Why would those countries invade?

Revolutionary Motto
  • Liberté, égalité, fraternité!
  • (Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood)

The red cap is still the symbol of France
Revolutionary Clothing
The Sans Culottes
Poor. Opposed to educated and well-to-do. Bread
symbol. Must be available and affordable.
Popular and powerful. Politicians need their
support. First duty is to nation.
National Convention
  • 1792-1795 France now a Republic
  • De-Christianization complete
  • Voted for the death of the king
  • 361 for death
  • 288 for imprisonment or banishment

French Revolutionary Wars1792-1797
  • France vs. other European nations
  • Austria, Prussia, Dutch Republic

War Goals
  • Europe feared a spread of Republicanism
  • In Northern Italy
  • Defeated Austria
  • In Egypt
  • France challenged British access to India
  • Egypt also offers cotton, rice, coffee

(No Transcript)
  • Conscription (300,000 men)
  • Domestic resistance
  • Most prefer to fight revolutionaries at home than
    to fight a foreign enemy
  • Irony of War
  • by attempting to stop the Revolution, monarchs
    who fought against the new government allowed it
    to continue

  • War against Europe was a war against Tyrants

Paris Commune August 1792
  • Refused to take orders from the National
  • Took control of government
  • Center of radical thought
  • Pushed the government toward a policy of terror
  • Dominated by sans culottes

Revolutionary Calendar
  • The months were renamed
  • Vendémiaire
  • Brumaire
  • Frimaire
  • Nivose
  • Pluviouse
  • Ventose
  • Germinal
  • Floreal
  • Prairial
  • Messidor
  • Thermidor
  • Fructidor

Years began with the first French Republic
founded on Sept. 22 1792. That day became
1 Vendemiaire, Year 1 of the Republic. Each day
of the year was named after a plant, mineral, or
tool not Saints, as before.
(No Transcript)
Death of the King
  • Many spoke out against the crimes of the King
  • Kings are in the moral order what monsters are
    in the physical . . .
  • The King must be killed, for royalty is an
    eternal crime.

Death of the Monarchs
Louis January 1793 Marie Antoinette October
1793 YouTube - Marie AntoinetteThe Last Queen
of France (part11/12) YouTube - Marie
Antoinette The Last Queen of France (part12/12)
Committee for Public Safety
  • April 1793
  • Committee was created to oversee the war effort
  • 12 Members
  • Answer to National Convention
  • Centralized denunciations, trials, and executions
  • Enemies of the state, monarchists
  • Main task mend economy, mobilize troops
  • Gained too much power
  • Wanted a temporary dictatorship to stabilize the
  • Ended in 1795

Robespierres RoleCommittee for Public Safety
  • One of the 12
  • Tyrant, appointed friends to offices
  • Criticized Cult of Reason
  • Dictator of the Republic
  • Ignored economy
  • Permitted the Reign of Terror to seek out
    enemies of the state
  • Jacobin influence Was he an early socialist?
  • He had many enemies

Reign of Terror
  • Sept. 1793 July 1794
  • Extremely radical
  • Restrictive economic measures
  • Suspension of civil liberties
  • 40,000 may have died

The Last Days of Robespierre
End of Robespierre
  • Arrested September 1794
  • Executed without real trial

Europes View of the Revolution
Edmund Burke
  • Glorified English constitution
  • Did not believe the 1688 revolution granted
    natural rights to Englishmen
  • Rights are granted to the people by laws and a
  • Rights cannot be granted to the people by the
  • Like most Europeans, saw nothing but anarchy and
    horror in France

The Directory 1795-1799
  • Replaced National Convention
  • Controlled France during later phase of
  • 5 Directors shared power
  • Most radical elements quieted after Reign of
  • Parliamentary system of two houses
  • Napoleon becomes Consul in 1799 by overthrowing
    the Directory
  • Frenchmen, you will no doubt recognize in my
    conduct the zeal of a soldier of liberty and of a
    devoted citizen of the Republic. -- 1799

Legacy of the Revolution
  • Loss of privilege and political influence of the
  • Rise of the bourgeoisie the middle class
  • Access to top state offices
  • France answers middle class needs, reflects their
  • Birth of the modern state
  • State no longer the private property of the king
  • Citizens, not subjects. Specific rights AND
  • Practical application of the ideas of the
  • equality before the law, trial by jury, the
    freedom of religion, speech and the press.

Who Benefited?
  • Property owners redistribution of church and
    noble property
  • Middle class Status is now based on merit and
  • Soldiers
  • Jews De-Christianization allows greater
  • Slaves in colonial territories revolts

Legacy of the Revolution
  • By 1799, all sides wanted a strong, dynamic ruler
  • Must be educated in reason
  • The time is right for Napoleon Bonaparte
  • In 1789, the French had created a Republic,
    under the name of a monarchy. Ten years later,
    they created a monarchy, under the name of a

The Course of Revolution
  • Impossible demands made to the government. If
    granted, would mean the end of government.
  • Government cannot suppress revolutionaries
  • Revolutionaries gain power and seem united
  • Once in power, revolutionaries begin to argue.
    Unity dissolves.
  • Moderates gain leadership, but fail to satisfy
    those who want immediate change.

Source Crane Brinton, The Anatomy of Revolution
The Course of Revolution
  • Power gained by the most radical of the groups.
    They gain almost complete control.
  • A strong man emerges and assumes great power.
  • Extremists try to create a heaven on earth
    society. They punish all opponents.
  • Terror and extreme violence.
  • Moderate groups regain power.
  • Revolution ends.
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