Byzantine Empire Orthodox Christianity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Byzantine Empire Orthodox Christianity


Byzantine Empire Orthodox Christianity Chapter 9 Vocabulary: 1. Justinian 2. Hagia Sophia 3. Bulgaria 4. Icons 5. Iconoclasm 6. Kiev 7. Vladimir I 8. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Byzantine Empire Orthodox Christianity

Byzantine EmpireOrthodox Christianity
  • Chapter 9

  • Vocabulary
  • 1. Justinian
  • 2. Hagia Sophia
  • 3. Bulgaria
  • 4. Icons
  • 5. Iconoclasm
  • 6. Kiev
  • 7. Vladimir I
  • 8. Russian Orthodoxy
  • 9. Boyars
  • 10. Tatars

11. Byzantine Empire 12. Constantinople 13.
Orthodox Christian Church 14. Constantine 15.
Huns 16. Hellenistic culture 17. Greek fire 18.
Tsar 19. Cyrillic alphabet
  • I. The Byzantine Empire
  • A. How it started
  • 1. Emperor Constantine 4th Century C.E.
  • a. Constantinople built replaced Byzantium
  • b. Empire divided
  • --Capitals at Rome and Constantinople
  • c. Greek, not Latin,
    became the official
    language in the
    6th century

Why was this necessary?
The Eastern Empire flourished economically as the
western empire faded.
  • B. Justinian Theodora
  • 1. Attempts reconquest of Italy
  • a. Ultimately failsweakens the east
    militarily economically
  • 2. Rebuilds Constantinople
  • a. Hagia Sophia
  • 3. Legal codification foundation of
    later European law

Emperor Justinian and Theodora
The Byzantine Empire under Justinian
  • C. Defending the Empire
  • 1. Center of empire shifts to east Emperors
    realized that expanding wasnt possibleneeded
    to defend the east
  • 2. Constant external threats
  • a. Arab Muslims
  • --Attacks took almost half of Byzantine
  • --Were still unable to conquer Constantinople
  • b. Sassanid Empire
  • c. Huns
  • d. Germanic tribes
  • e. Venice

  • D. The End of the Byzantine Empire
  • 1. Beginning in the mid 9th the Byzantines were
    prosperous and militarily successful. However,
    in the 11th Century the empire lost lands in
    Asia and effective control over much of the
    Balkan peninsula
  • 2. Seljuk Turks take most of Asian provinces in
    Anatolia after defeating the Byzantines

The Byzantine Empire, 1000-1100
  • 3. The Crusades
  • a. Call to West for help against Seljuk
    Turksagree to use Constantinople as a base
    for operations
  • b. 1204, crusaders sack Constantinople during
    the 4th Crusade
  • --Done at the request of traders from Venice
  • --Eventually Constantinople is brought back
    under Byzantine control
  • 4. Territories lost to Ottoman Turks
  • 5. Commerce dominated by Italian city-states of
    Venice Genoa
  • a. Hurt the Byzantines economically
  • 6. The Black Death in 1300s weakened the empire
  • 7. Constantinople taken by Ottoman Turks in 1453

Byzantine Empire
  • The Byzantine Empire

  • E. Byzantine Society and Politics
  • 1. Emperors resemble Chinese rulers
  • a. Court ritual rulers have blessing of
    Godsimilar to the mandate of heaven in
    classical China
  • b. Head of church and statewasnt the case in
    the west
  • 2. Imperial Senateadvised the emperor and
    provided a pool for higher appointments
  • 3. Sophisticated bureaucracy Open to all
  • a. Trained in Hellenistic (Greek) knowledge
  • 4. Provincial governors
  • a. Byzantine ambassadors spied on the nations
    to which they were posted
  • b. Bribes were used to buy off enemies and pay
    enemies of friendly states to keep those
    states off-balance
  • c. What does the word byzantine mean today?

What would this be called today?
  • 5. Economic control
  • a. Government regulated food prices, trade
  • --Peasants provided food most of the taxes
  • b. Silk production allowed economic expansion
  • --State regulated silk trade (silkworms stolen
    from China)
  • 6. Trade network Asia (Silk Roads), Russia,
    Scandinavia, Europe, Africalocation astride
    major trade routes
  • a. Trade concessions to foreigners
  • b. Trade competition with Venice and
    other Italian city-states
  • 7. Arts Architecture (domed buildings),
    art (mosaics)

  • F. The Family
  • 1. Oldest male dominated the household
  • 2. Parents were required by law to find spouses
    for children
  • a. Childlessness was viewed by society as a
  • 3. Upper-class children were educated, while
    lower-class children received little to no
  • 4. The primary duty of a woman was to marry,
    bear children, and run the household
  • 5. Marriage contracts agreed upon disposition of
  • 6. Women could inherit and dispose of property
    in any way they wished
  • 7. Upper-class females were secluded and
    veiledseclusion extended into the home
    itself women had their own quarters
    surrounded by slaves and servants
  • 8. Very few women were educated

  • G. Christianity Splits East and West
  • 1. Churches held many different beliefscould
    not come to agreement
  • a. Roman Catholicism didnt like the influence
    of secular leaders in church affairs
  • 2. Patriarch Michael
  • a. 1054, attacks Catholic practices communion
    bread, celibacy, church leadership (Pope vs.
  • 3. Mutual excommunication leads to final split
  • a. Created Roman Catholic and Eastern
    Orthodox Churches
  • 4. Orthodox missionaries converted Slavs in
    Balkans, Ukraine, and Russia
  • 5. Saint Cyril developed Cyrillic alphabet
    for Slavsalmost all Slavic languages,
    including Russian, use this alphabet

Saint Cyril
(No Transcript)
  • II. Byzantine Civilization Spreads
  • A. Eastern Europe
  • 1. Catholic vs. Orthodox
  • a. Ideologies battle for converts
  • 2. Catholics win in some areas
  • a. Czechs, Hungary, Poland
  • b. Latin dominates
  • 3. Jews from western Europe
  • a. Come to escape persecuti

Spreads through conquest, conversion,
trade! Orthodox Church allowed the use of the
  • B. The Kievan RusThe Beginning of Russia
  • 1. Slavscombine with previous settlers
  • --Animistic religion
  • 2. Scandinavian merchants trade with the
    Byzantine empire (6th 7th Centuries)
  • 3. Monarchy forms at Kiev
  • 4. Vladimir I (980-1015)
  • a. Converts to Orthodoxy
  • b. Controls church state

  • C. Culture in Kievan Rus
  • 1. Influenced by Byzantine patterns
  • a. Rulers powerful in both religious
    political matters
  • 2. Orthodox influence
  • a. Ornate churches, icons, saints entered
    Russian culture
  • b. Monasticism grew in Russia
  • 3. Boyars Land-owning nobles
  • a. Less powerful than nobles in Western Europe

  • D. Kievan Decline
  • 1. Asian invaders seized territory from the Rus
  • 2. Mongols
  • a. 13th century, take Russian cities
  • b. Were allowed to keep traditional culture as
    long as tribute was paid to the Mongols
  • E. The End of an Era in Eastern Europe
  • 1. Mongol invasions usher in new period
  • a. Russia declined, Byzantines suffered
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