An Inquiry Into Inquiry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An Inquiry Into Inquiry


An Inquiry Into Inquiry by Justin J. Wallace GHAWP 2005 It is in the answers to the questions we ask that our knowledge exists. (Aristotle) What is Inquiry? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: An Inquiry Into Inquiry

An Inquiry Into Inquiryby Justin J.
WallaceGHAWP 2005
  • It is in the answers to the questions we ask that
    our knowledge exists.
  • (Aristotle)

What is Inquiry?
  • Inquiry is an approach to learning that involves
    a process of exploring the natural or material
    world, that leads to asking questions and making
    discoveries in the search for new
  • (Exploratorium Institute for Inquiry)

4 Levels of Inquiry
  • Confirmation/Verification students confirm a
    principle through a prescribed activity when the
    results are known in advance.
  • Structured Inquiry students investigate a
    teacher-presented question through a prescribed
  • Guided Inquiry students investigate a
    teacher-presented question using student
    designed/selected procedures.
  • Open Inquiry students investigate topic-related
    questions that are student formulated through
    student designed/selected procedures.
  • (Herron, 1971)

Inquiry Process
  • The Inquiry Process is just that a Process
  • Asking Questions
  • Investigating
  • Creating
  • Discussing
  • Reflecting

Asking Questions
  • It begins with the desire to discover. Meaningful
    questions are inspired by genuine curiosity about
    real-world experiences. A question or a problem
    comes into focus at this stage, and the learner
    begins to define or describe what it is. Of
    course, questions are redefined throughout the
    learning process. We never fully leave one stage
    and go neatly to the next.
  • Questions naturally lead to the next stage in the
    process investigation.

  • At this stage the learner begins to gather
    information researching resources, studying,
    crafting an experiment, observing, or
    interviewing, to name a few.
  • The learner may recast the question, refine a
    line of query, or plunge down a new path that the
    original question did not-or could
  • The information-gathering stage becomes a
    self-motivated process that is wholly owned by
    the engaged learner.

  • As the information gathered in the investigation
    stage begins to organize, the learner begins to
    make connections.
  • The ability at this stage to synthesize meaning
    is the creative spark that forms all new
  • The learner now undertakes the creative task of
    shaping significant new thoughts, ideas, and
    theories outside of his/her prior experience.

  • At this point, learners share their new ideas
    with others and begin to ask others about their
    own experiences and investigations.
  • Shared knowledge is a community-building process,
    and the meaning of their investigation begins to
    take on greater relevance in the context of the
    learner's society.
  • Comparing notes, discussing conclusions, and
    sharing experiences are all examples of this
    process in action.

  • Reflection is just that taking the time to look
    back at the question, the research path, and the
    conclusions made.
  • The learner steps back, takes inventory, makes
    observations, and possibly makes new decisions.
  • Has a solution been found? Do new questions come
    into light? What might those questions be?
  • And so it begins again thus the circle of
  • (Molbesh, Dodge, Bell)

Characteristics of an Inquiry-Based Classroom
  • Asking questions does not necessarily lead to
    answering them. Often the best inquiry leads to
    more inquiry.
  • Inquiry does not just mean asking and responding
    to questions. It also means exploring possible
    processes for asking and responding to them.
  • Strong inquiry-based pedagogy helps students
    explicitly articulate what their inquiry
    processes are and can be.
  • Inquiry-based learning is not about correct
    answers and it is not about problem-solving. It
    is about problem-posing exploring possible
    questions, problems, solutions, viewpoints and
    providing specific support.
  • A teacher in an inquiry-based classroom starts
    with her studentswhat they know, what knowledge
    they have access to, and what knowledge they can
    build as they collaborate with each other and
    with the course materials while considering the
    course and curricular goals.
  • An inquiry-based classroom is a place where
    mistakes do not count against you. Risks are
    valued and regarded as an integral part of
    learning and inquiry processes.
  • (Carrick, Giglio, Kahn)

Challenges of an Inquiry-Based Classroom
  • Students are not necessarily trained to be the
    kind of student who creates and thrives in an
    inquiry-based classroom environment. Teachers
    must be patient and guide the way by developing
    carefully scaffolded activities. Students may be
    reactive inquirers in the beginning of the
    semester, but if teachers help them develop
    strong inquiry skills, they should be more
    proactive by the end.
  • Colleagues are not necessarily trained to value
    this kind of teaching and may accuse you of not
    doing your job. Be prepared to support your
    pedagogical philosophies.
  • It is as hard not to just answer your own
    questions or become the question-asker when
    students are silent. Training yourself can be as
    challenging as training your students.
    Inquiry-based teaching requires different skills
    than more traditional teaching methods.
  • Inquiry-based classrooms can look and sound
    chaotic. Dont panic learn to see chaos as both
    empowering and generative.
  • CO-INQUIRER - the teacher, like and with her
    students, explores a concept, idea or issue with
    a specific group of people for the very first

  • Interdisciplinary Units
  • vs
  • True Units of Inquiry

Interdisciplinary Unit on Babies
(Calkins, 1994)
Unit of Inquiry on Babies
Snapshot of the IBPYP
IBPYP Student Profile
  • Inquirer
  • Communicator
  • Thinker
  • Risk Taker
  • Knowledgeable
  • Principled
  • Caring
  • Open-mined
  • Well Balanced
  • Reflective

IBPYP 3rd Grade Unit of Inquiry
  • Title A Balancing Act
  • Central Idea Mental and physical health are
  • Inquiry Into
  • 1. Meanings of mental and physical health
  • 2. Effects on mental and physical health
  • 3. Connections between mental and physical health
  • Time Aug. /Sept.
  • Focus an exploration of the nature of the self
    of our beliefs and values of personal, physical,
    mental, social and spiritual health

IBPYP 4th Grade Unit of Inquiry
  • Title Author, Author
  • Central Idea Authors choose writing strategies
    and techniques to effectively communicate.
  • Inquiry Into
  • 1. Elaborative techniques used by authors.
  • 2. Genres
  • 3. The use of voice in written expression
  • 4. The relationship between the author and the
  • Time Aug. /Sept.
  • Focus an exploration of the ways in which we
    express our nature, ideas, feelings, beliefs and
    values through language.

IBPYP 3rd Grade Unit of Inquiry
  • Title The World of Work
  • Central Idea People work to meet personal,
    financial and societal needs.
  • Inquiry Into
  • 1. Connections between work, personality and
  • 2. Effects of society and economic needs on work
  • 3. The value and status of the job
  • Time Sept. /Oct.
  • Focus an exploration of the world of work, its
    nature and its value of employment and
    unemployment and their impact.

Creating Careers for Characters A Book Report
  • What if one of the characters in the book
    you've been reading was looking for a job? What
    is the character qualified to do? What skills and
    experience could the character bring to a
    company?all these questions are classroom
    discussion starters which connect technical
    writing and literary analysis. In this
    activity, students become characters in a novel
    or short story they have read and find a job for
    those characters. In the process, students read
    fictional works, use Internet resources, read and
    interpret classified ads, and write application
    letters and resumes.

Student Objectives
  • Students will
  • apply direct and indirect information about a
    character, noting the context of the reference.
  • shape information about the chosen character into
    a coherent format (the resume).
  • explore appropriate resume and job application
  • (optional) examine the way that word choice
    affects meaning by focusing on using strong,
    active verbs to describe the character's
  • http//

NCTE/IRA Standards
  • 4 - Students adjust their use of spoken, written,
    and visual language (e.g., conventions, style,
    vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a
    variety of audiences and for different purposes.
  • 5 - Students employ a wide range of strategies as
    they write and use different writing process
    elements appropriately to communicate with
    different audiences for a variety of purposes.
  • 11 - Students participate as knowledgeable,
    reflective, creative, and critical members of a
    variety of literacy communities.
  • http//

  • Ballenger, Bruce. (2003). Characteristics of an
    inquiry based classroom. Retrieved July 10, 2005
    from http//
  • Calkins, Lucy M. (1994). The art of teaching
    writing. Irwin Publishing, Canada.
  • Carrick, Tracy H., Giglio, K., Kahn, S. (2003).
    Snapshot of an inquiry based classroom. Retrieved
    July 10, 2005 from http//
  • Gahn, Shelly M. (1996). Creating careers for
    characters. Retrieved July 11, 2005 from
  • Herron, M.D. (1971). The nature of scientific
    inquiry. School Review, 79(2), 171- 212.
  • IBPYP. (2005). Curriculum of the ibpyp. Retrieved
    July 12, 2005 from http//
  • Molebash, Philip E., Dodge, B., Bell, Randy.
    (2004). The inquiry process. Retrieved July 10,
    2005 from http//
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