Welcome to 8th Grade Science! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to 8th Grade Science!


Welcome to 8th Grade Science! Please find your seat by asking each other s last name and then sit alphabetically! A names are in the front right. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: smusdOrg


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome to 8th Grade Science!

Welcome to 8th Grade Science!
  • Please find your seat by asking each others last
    name and then sit alphabetically! A names are
    in the front right.
  • Please follow instructions that are on your desk!

Welcome to 8th grade science!
  • Mr. Archer
  • Room 307
  • Rules, Consequences,
  • Rewards and Procedures

Teacher Creed
  • As your teacher
  • I will not allow you to do anything that is not
    in your best interest or in the best interest of
    this classroom.
  • I will not allow you to do anything that stops
    anyone from learning for any reason whatsoever.
  • I will not allow you to stop me from teaching for
    any reason whatsoever.
  • There will be no excuses whatsoever
  • Never question my management system while I am

Rules of Mr. Archers Class
  • 1. Follow directions the first time given.
  • 2. Come prepared to class.
  • 3. No teasing, bullying, put downs, or
    inappropriate language.
  • 4. No eating, drinking, or gum chewing.

  • When right choices are NOT made . . .
  • 1. Warning
  • 2. 1 minute after class
  • 3. Discipline Essay with Parent signature
  • 4. After school detention Reflection form
  • 5. Referral - Thursday School

Positive Rewards Rewarding good choices
  • 1. Free time
  • 2. Drop the lowest grade
  • 3. email home
  • 4. Teacher answer
  • 5. Select your own seating chart

Materials needed for this class
  • Binder reminder
  • Pencils and pens
  • Spiral notebook for labs,notes and SQRs
  • Optional Calculator (will be helpful!)
  • Optional Colored Pencils

Procedures for . . .
  • Homework, lab work, and warm ups
  • Entering the classroom
  • Leaving the classroom
  • Sharpening your pencil
  • Going to the bathroom/nurse
  • If you were absent
  • Getting your grade
  • Taking tests, listening to lectures, doing labs

  • Homework for the week can be found on the class
  • Homework for the day will be listed on the white
  • Homework is due the next day after it is
    assigned. It is due at the beginning of the
    period. A stamp will be given for full credit.

Warm ups - SQR
  • As soon as you enter the classroom, you are to
    begin the warm up
  • Do not write the question down, but you must
    answer them in complete sentences.
  • If you were absent you are still responsible for
    the warm up - find it in the absent work binder
    or online
  • SQR will begin on Wednesday!

  • Labs are graded the day after they are done in
  • Procedures
  • 1. Stay in your area
  • 2. Have only the materials you need out (see the
    materials board)
  • 3. Low noise

Lecture Procedures
  • 1. Stay in your seat
  • 2. Have out materials needed for the lecture and
    everything else is put away
  • 3. Raise your hand

Test Procedures
  • 1. Stay in your seat
  • 2. Have out only approved materials needed for
    the test (see materials board) everything else is
    put away
  • 3. SILENCE!!!

Entering the class
  • 1. Come in the class quietly and calmly, no
    playground behavior or horse playing
  • 2. Go directly to your assigned seat and get out
    the required materials for the day (see the
    materials board)
  • 3. Begin your warm up (SQR) for the day

Leaving the classroom
  • 1. The bell does NOT excuse you, wait for Mr.
    Archer to excuse you the magic word is
  • 2. When excused by Mr. Archer, push your chair
    in, and make sure you do not leave any of your
  • 3. Quietly and calmly exit the class. No yelling,
    running or horse playing.

Going to the bathroom/nurse
  • Go to the bathroom BEFORE class. If it is an
    emergency, you get 2 passes per semester, then
    you may ask to go
  • 1. If Mr. Archer is teaching then DO NOT ask
  • 2. If Mr. Archer is talking to another student
    then DO NOT ask
  • 3. If 1 and 2 are clear then ask Mr. Archer

Sharpening Procedures
  • 1. If Mr. Archer is teaching, DO NOT go
  • 2. If someone is already there, DO NOT go
  • 3. If 1 and 2 are clear, then GO

  • Go to the school website gt faculty gt Archer gt
    calendar/homework link
  • Look on the calendar page to see what we did the
    day you were absent.
  • Get any worksheets or notes that you missed (From
    Mr. Archer or the website)
  • Dont forget to get the SQR also!

Whats my grade?
  • Your grade is at www.snapgrades.net
  • If you have any questions, ask Mr. Archer before
    class, after class, during lunch, before school,
    or after school.
  • You should check your grade often! At least once
    a week
  • It is your responsibility to make sure your grade
    is correct
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