Title: A background to urban evangelism and church growth
1A background to urban evangelism and church
Chester Diocese 2012
The Sheffield Centre Church Armys Research unit
21 Its harder than it used to be
- Some of you said so
- How do we know?
- What measures might tell us?
- What images might illustrate this
Yet positively, our urban contexts, that can seem
barren, may be the very seedbeds for finding
shapes to post-Christendom mission and church
3Tough because of Church disconnected
10 Regular at church Attend monthly or more
40 The Non-Churched Never have come
10 Irregular at church Attend less than monthly
20 are open to come back
40 The De-Churched Used to come but dont now.
Adults in England
20 are never coming back!
4Its more serious than we thought ENGLAND
Church attendance and experience segmentation in
Regular churchgoers (at least monthly)14 5.9m
Fringe churchgoers(less often but at least 6x
yr. ) 3 1.4m
Other religions 7 3.0m
Unassigned 2 1.0m
Closednon-churched 33 13.7m
Occasionalchurchgoers(less often but at least
annually) 7 2.9m
Open de-churched 5 1.9m
Closedde-churched 26 10.8m
Opennon-churched 1 0.5m
Base Adults 16 in England (unw. 5907 w. 5774)
Popn (000s) 41,043
5Dont think itll get better
Most existing churches are not aware of this, nor
shaped to meet it 76 of converts came from
the dechurched
6Some C of E indicators
NB In which decade is decline faster?
change 1980 2000
change 1990-2000
change 1980-90
PCC Voltry Income
Stipend Clergy
The variety of fringe contacts are declining
faster than the core membership indicators
Contacts with those under 35 are in steepest
Adult attend
Electoral Rolls
Easter HC
Xmas HC
Child Attendance
Child lt16
Bob Jackson, Hope for the Church p. 2 put in a
different order
7Why so tough A new Mission Context
We are in a radically new situation and cannot
dream either of a Constantianian authority or of
a Pre-Constantianian innocence Bishop Lesslie
Newbigin, The Gospel in a Pluralist Society, p.
There hasnt been a mission field like ours
before George Lings Church Army Researcher
There is no precedent for a mission to a culture
that thought it had been converted when it hadn't
and then publicly discarded the Christian
faith. Harold Turner Senior New Zealand
8An image - the going of Come
From the 4th century in the west, the surrounding
culture brought people to the door of the Church.
What brought them ? Baptisms / Weddings /
Funerals Questions of life / Pastoral
Crises Our church we dont go to Coming back to
values or past known Church
- The mission task was
- Respond well to their requests
- Take them, from enquiry to commitment
9The coming - of Going
With the ending of Christendom, and onset of
secularisation, the culture no longer brings
people to the door of the Church.
- Few churches
- have experience of this profoundly different
shape to mission - know how to travel out from Church in go mode
- can envisage how to be fresh imaginings of
church - at the end of the journey
- Evangelism changing and becoming a longer process
- Mission having to start further back
- Church looking more culturally distanced
- Choosing different starting points from the past
11Process evangelism getting jumpy
- How many find it starts for back enough?
- How many find it conveys people all the way to
commitment and joining existing church?
12Some barriers to church
What are you finding where you are?
- Are they
- Cultural
- Educational
- Social
- Spiritual
- Image
- Peer pressure
13Bridges but how much progress really?
142 Some ways forward
- A The draw of authentic community
15Choices of where to start
Target Group
Or Mission Cotext
Starting Place
Relational evangelism
Community theirs ours
16Ways forward cont
- B High tolerance of mess in church life
17Expect church mess
We love it tidy and ordered, but
Luther re the Christian Simul justus et
peccator In English that means
simultaneously justified and a sinner
cf Rom 7 vs 15-end What is church made
of ? only these ingredients
18Why should we expect mess ?
- 1 Because of Creation and Fall
- Everything is partial, incomplete, provisional
- Even lots of Church doctrine has been reactive
Those in glass churches should not throw stony
19Why expect the incomplete ?
- 2 Because of the nature of the Kingdom
Already the kingdom of God is near you
Luke 109 Not yet when you pray say Your
Kingdom come Luke 112
20The Now and Not Yet of the Kingdom
It affects how we understand Salvation Spiritual
ity Inner purity
21The Now and Not Yet of the Kingdom
It affects how we understand Salvation
We find three tenses used in the NT I
have been saved from the penalty of sin I am
being saved from the power of sin I will be
saved from the presence of sin
22The Now and Not Yet of the Kingdom
It affects how we understand Spirituality -
starting sustaining the God relationship I
have begun that journey I am very aware of how
far there is to go I will be finally fully
united with Him
23The Now and Not Yet of the Kingdom
It affects how we understand Inner Purity -
living out the Sermon on the Mount I have
accepted these are Jesus values I am painfully
aware of my inner thoughts I will be, one day,
whole in mind
24The Now and Not Yet
If mess, provisionality and incompleteness affect
how we understand and how we experience Kingdom
Salvation Spirituality Inner purity
Why dont we apply that to church life
behaviour too?
25Life at St Leonards Norfolk Park
26Questions to ask
Go for life transformation not sin management
- Dont think how are they doing?
- Rather ask
- Where did they come from?
- What are the signs of transforming grace?
- What is God calling them to?
Whats so amazing about Grace not whats so
dreadful about sin
27Ways forward cont
- C Expect stages like stepping stones
28Welcome to the Anston villages
29Stepping Stones - early days
30Stepping Stones further on
31Still Stepping out .
32Making it up as we go along ?
- Of course thats missionary
- Of course were in a new context
33Ways forward cont
D start something else
- A major limitation pressure on leaders
Can we invent what we need and preserve what we
already have?
Rising competition well go elsewhere
Draining people
Rising Standards
Value for Money
Rising Expectation
Widening Roles
Burning Out
Helps Free lay leaders Use another day Use low
control with high accountability
34Can we start something else? pt 2
Old sheep dogs and new tricks?
High above the crowd, Rex tried to remain
focussed, still he couldnt shake one nagging
thought He was an old dog and this was a new
35Ways forward cont
- E Learn from others
- Livability
- Urban Expression
- Faithworks
- Effective Church Presence and Enterprise Project
2008 - Eden Projects
36Planning to succeed?The building blocks of a
great community project
Jon Kuhrt, Adam Bonner David Arscott, Livability
37Equipping Christians to transform communities
- Direct work with churches talks, workshops,
evaluations and consultancy - Website www.communitymission.org.uk
- Training events
- Resources and booklets
38Urban Expression
- is an urban mission agency that recruits,
equips, deploys and networks self-financing teams
pioneering creative and relevant expressions of
the Christian church in under-churched areas of
the inner city.
39Inner-city church planting
- What is different?
- What can be learnt?
- What methods are needed?
- What does this teach us about future church?
40Ways forward cont..
- The basis of our hope
- Not our strategies
- Not even loving service and good community
- Encounter with Christ which transforms people
- The work of the Spirit leading to fruit
- changed lives
- gifts and ministries discovered
- further Christians
- more Christian communities
41Do not despise the day of small things
- Zechariah 410
- a word in relation to only foundations being
laid - In the NT
- The widows mite
- The five loaves and two fish
- Become like a child
42Jesus different pictures of his people
- The city set on a hill
- The lamp on the stand
Values Gathered Visible Attracting
Values Dispersed Invisible Subverting
We are free to use all of them which suit best
after Christendom?