Chapter 6: The Native Americans - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 6: The Native Americans


Chapter 6: The Native Americans Diversity Indian Culture glosses over diversity Language 1500 AD, 700 distinct languages Kinship system Political ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 6: The Native Americans

Chapter 6The Native Americans
  • Indian Culture glosses over diversity
  • Language 1500 AD, 700 distinct languages
  • Kinship system
  • Political - economic
  • In 1500 Native American population stood at
    10,000,000 and by 1900 declined to less than

Summary of Contact and Policies
  • 1492 Arrival of Columbus
  • 1607 Jamestown was founded
  • 1620 Pilgrims landed at Plymouth
  • 1622 First major Indian retaliation
  • 1744 Treaty of Lancaster Indian loss of land
  • 1778 First treaty between US and

Summary of Contact and Policies
  • 1803 US Louisiana Purchase
  • 1824 BIA established placed in the
    Department of War
  • 1830 Indian Removal Act eastern tribes moved
  • 1854 Indian Appropriation Act
  • 1862 Railroad Act
  • 1868 Fort Laramie Peace Conference
  • 1887 General Allotment Act (Dawes)
    Subdivided land

Summary of Contact and Policies
  • 1924 Indian Citizenship Act
  • 1944 National Congress of American
  • Indians
  • 1947 Indian Claims Commission Act
  • 1948 Indians allowed to vote in Arizona
  • 1953 Termination Act closes reservations and
    federal funding
  • 1962 Indians allowed to vote in New
  • Mexico
  • 1968 Indian Civil Rights Act

Summary of Contact and Policies
  • 1972 Indian Education Act
  • 1975 Indian Self-Determination Act
  • 1978 American Indian Religious Freedom Act
  • 1978 Indian Child Welfare Act
  • 1988 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act
  • 1990 Indian Art Craft Act

Reservation Life and Federal Policies
  • Approximately 25 of the Native American
    population live on reservations with
    approximately 75 living in Urban areas
  • There are slightly over 557 recognized
    reservations in the United States

Native American Legal Claims
  • From 1836 to 1946 Native Americans could not
    bring a claim against the government without an
    Act of Congress
  • Only 142 claims were heard during this period
  • In 1946 Congress established the Indian Claims
    Commission to hear claims against the government

Native American Legal Claims
  • Led to an increase in claims
  • Commission was extended until 1978 - now cases
    are heard by U.S. Court of Claims
  • Amount of awards and setoffs increased
  • The case of the Black Hills
  • Indian chose to recover land rather than seek a
    financial settlement

The Termination Act of 1953
  • The most controversial governmental policy toward
    reservation life
  • It reduced costs and ignored individual needs
  • Federal services were stopped immediately
  • The effect of the governmental order was
  • In 1975, the government resumed the services

Employment Assistance Program
  • Program led to the relocation from reservations
    to urban areas off the reservations
  • Government provided educational and business
  • but the impact was disastrous on the economic
    development of the reservation and led to brain
  • By 1965, about 1/3 returned to the reservation

Collective Action
  • Pan-Indianism
  • Intertribal movement toward solidarity and common
  • Emerged out of the effects of internal
    colonialism the treatment of subordinate
    peoples as colonial subjects by those in power
  • National Congress of American Indians (NCAI),
    founded in Denver 1948
  • Political role of NCAI was to lobby Washington
    for an Indian voice

Collective Action
  • Urban problems and AIM- founded by Clyde
    Bellecourt and Dennis Banks in 1968 at
    Minneapolis, MN police brutality to alcohol
  • Conflict over fishing rights in the Northwest led
    to fish-ins civil disobedience acts
  • Takeover of Alcatraz in 1969 Indians claimed the
    excess land left a year later, but this led
  • Red Power BIA sympathizers labeled apples
  • AIM led a 70 day occupation of Wounded Knee, S.D.
    to oust the leader of the Ogallala Sioux tribe

  • While collaborative action gathering cannot be
    minimized, there continues to be a strong effort
    to maintain tribal sovereignty or tribal self-rule

Native Americans Today
  • Poor economic development continued high rate
    of unemployment and poverty
  • Tourism is a double edged sword
  • It is a source of income but also a source of
  • Cottage industries - craftwork
  • Some income from mineral rights
  • Casino gambling significant income, but all of
    the negatives that associate gambling

Native Americans Today
  • Government employment major source of
  • BIA subculture
  • BIA educated workforce
  • Federal control of Native American education
  • BIA schools
  • Some tribes formed their own education
    systemswith mixed results
  • Educational Attainment - drop out or pushout rate
    is 50 higher than for Blacks or Hispanics
  • Testing, schooling,
  • and the crossover effect IQ tests taken in
    English instead of native language yields lower

  • There is under-enrollment at all levels, from the
    primary grades through college
  • There is a need to adjust to a school with values
    sometimes dramatically different from those of
    the home
  • There is a need to make the curriculum more
  • Tribal community colleges are under-financed
  • Reservation-born Native Americans encounter
    hardships when students later live in and attend
    schools in large cities
  • The language barrier faced by the many children
    who have little or no knowledge of English is

  • Native Americans suffer high rates of
  • 1. Alcoholism and mortality
  • 2. Under-nutrition
  • 3. Tuberculosis leading to death
  • 4. High rate of teenage suicide
  • Lack of access to health care resources poverty
    is a major contributor

Religious Expression
  • American Indian Religious Freedom Act passed by
    Congress in 1978
  • Act contains no penalties and enforcement
    provisions the law with no teeth
  • Native American Church - ritualistic use of
    peyote and marijuana
  • In 1994, Congress amended the Indian Religious
    Freedom Act to allow Native Americans the right
    to use, transport, and possess peyote for
    religious purposes

  • CERT was formed in 1976 - Council of Energy
    Resource Tribes
  • Consisted of twenty-five of the Wests largest
  • Other tribes were added later
  • Purpose is to protect and develop tribal natural
    resources such as natural gas
  • Struggle for environmental justice

  • Land disputes continue
  • Balance between environmental and economic needs,
    just as it is in larger society
  • Spiritual needs are at times associated with
    environmental issues, such as the inability to
    restrict access to sacred sites that exist in
    very public places

Figure 6-4 Intergroup Relations Continuum
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