Chapter 6: Ancient Rome 500 BCE-500 CE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 6: Ancient Rome 500 BCE-500 CE


Chapter 6: Ancient Rome 500 BCE-500 CE Section 1: The Roman Republic The Origins of Rome Legend: Romulus & Remus Important location: Tiber River, center of Italian ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 6: Ancient Rome 500 BCE-500 CE

Chapter 6 Ancient Rome 500 BCE-500 CE
Section 1 The Roman Republic
The Origins of Rome
  • Legend Romulus Remus
  • Important location Tiber River, center of
    Italian peninsula, center of Mediterranean
  • Greatly influenced by Greece

Legend of Romulus and Remus
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The Early Republic
  • 600 BCE Rome has its first king
  • 509 BCE Tarquin the Proud has its last king (he
    was a jerk)
  • Kings replaced by a republic a form of govt. in
    which power rests with the citizens who have the
    right to vote for their leaders

See page 157. What are some similarities in the
governments of the Roman Republic and the United
States? Which government seems more democratic?
  • Early in the republic, patricians (wealthy
    landowners who had most of the power) and
    plebeians (common farmers, artisans, and
    merchantsmajority of pop.) struggled for power
  • Plebeians were eventually allowed to form their
    own assembly and elect representatives called
  • The plebeians forced the creation of the first
    law code called the twelve tables

  • What government under the republic looked like

  • In times of crisis, the republic could appoint a
    dictator (a leader who had absolute power to make
    laws and command the army)
  • All citizens who owned land were required to
    serve in the army
  • Roman soldiers were organized into large military
    units called legions

Rome Spreads its Power
  • Rome conquers Italy by 265 BCE
  • Romes location gave it easy access to the
    Mediterranean Sea
  • 264 BCE-146 BCE Rome and Carthage fight the
    Punic Wars
  • Romes general Scipio wins war against Carthages
    general Hannibal

Section 2 The Roman Empire
The Republic Collapses
  • As Rome grew, the gap between the patricians and
    plebeians grew wider and this discontent led to a
    civil war in Rome
  • As the republic grew unstable, generals began
    taking power for themselves, recruiting the
    landless poor to become their soldiers in
    exchange for land and pay
  • 60 BCE Julius Caesar (a military leader) joins
    forces with Crassus (a wealthy Roman) and Pompey
    (a popular general) and is elected consul in 59
    BCE for 10 years these three men ruled Rome as a
    triumvirate (a group of three rulers)

Rome Under Caesar
  • 44 BCE Caesar named dictator for life started
    reforms (more citizenship granted, expanded the
    senate, created jobs for poor)
  • Some nobles and senators were concerned about
    Caesars growing power, success, and popularity
    and feared losing their influence
  • March 15, 44 BCE Caesar assassinated (stabbed to
    death) by a number of important senators

Beginning of the Empire
  • Civil war broke out again after Caesars death
    and destroyed what was left of the republic
  • 43 BCE Octavian (Caesars adopted son), Mark
    Antony (a general), and Lepidus (a powerful
    politician) take control of Rome and rule for 10
    years as the Second Triumvirate
  • Octavian becomes the unchallenged ruler of Rome,
    taking the title Augustus (or exalted one)
    hes also called emperor

A Vast and Powerful Empire
  • Pax Romana time of peace and prosperity lasted
    207 years
  • Augustus stabilized the frontier, glorified Rome
    with public buildings, and set up a civil service
    where he paid workers to manage the empire
  • Agriculture was the most important industry in
    the empire (90 of people engaged in farming!)
  • Romes vast trading network by land and sea
    brought additional food

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The Roman World
  • Slavery was widespread and important (maybe 1/3
    of total population)
  • There was a large gap between the rich and the
  • Many people are poor, homeless, and starving

Section 4 The Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Problems from within the empire and from outside
    the empire

A Century of Crisis
  • Romes interior weakens due to
  • tribes outside the boundaries of the empire and
    pirates on the Mediterranean disrupting trade
  • raising taxes
  • making more money (inflationa drastic drop in
    the value of money along with a rise in prices)
  • food shortages and disease spreading (less
  • the military becoming less disciplined and loyal
  • hiring mercenaries (foreign soldiers who fought
    for money) who had little sense of loyalty to the
  • Average citizens losing their sense of patriotism

Emperors Attempt Reform
  • Diocletian
  • divides the empire in two (Greek-speaking East
    and Latin-speaking West)
  • rules the east and appoints a co-ruler in the
  • Constantine
  • gains control of the western part of the empire
    then the eastern part, restoring the concept of a
    single ruler
  • Moves the capital from Rome to Byzantium
    (eventually renamed Constantinople)

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The Western Empire Crumbles
  • Final collapse was due to
  • worsening internal problems
  • the separation o the Western Empire from the
    wealthier Eastern Empire
  • outside invasions
  • the Huns push Germanic tribes into Roman lands
  • Attila the Hun and his soldiers terrorized both
    halves of the empire
  • Last Roman emperor (14-yr old Romulus Augustus)
    was ousted by Germanic forces in 476
  • Eastern Empire continues to flourish until 1453

  • What group of invaders came the greatest
  • What do these invasion routes have to do with the
    song Roll Over? (There were 10 in the bed and
    the little one said, roll over, roll over. There
    were 9 in the bed and the little one said)

Section 5 Rome and the Roots of Western
The Legacy of Greco-Roman Civilization
  • Greco-Roman Culture mixture of Greek,
    Hellenistic, and Roman culture
  • Sculptors create realistic portraits in stone
  • Much art was intended for public education
  • The poet Virgil wrote epics (like Homer)

The Legacy of Rome
  • Latin was adopted by different peoples and
    developed into French, Spanish, Portuguese,
    Italian, and Romanian (romance languages)
  • Aqueducts, the Colosseum, and the network of
    roads all show how the Romans were master
  • Romans were the first to believe that laws should
    be fair and apply equally to all people
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