Title: Biomedical Informatics Year in Review
1Biomedical Informatics Year in Review
- Daniel R. Masys, MD
- Professor and Chair
- Department of Biomedical Informatics
- Professor of Medicine
- Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
22007 Year in ReviewContent for this session is
including citation lists and linksand this
3Design for this Session
- Modeled on American College of Physician Update
sessions - Emphasis on what it is and why it is
important - 1-2 examples of each in detail and others in
synopsis - Audience interaction for each category of item
4Source of Content for Session
- Literature review of RCTs indexed by MeSH term
Medical Informatics, Telemedicine
descendents or main MeSH term Bioinformatics,
and publication date between November 2006 and
October 2007 (n42), further qualified by
involvement of gt100 providers or patients - Poll of American College of Medical Informatics
fellows list
5Thanks to
It takes a village
- Betsy Humphreys
- George Hripcsak
- Bonnie Kaplan
- Denis Protti
- Don Simborg
- David States
- Paul Tang
- Mark Tuttle
- William Yasnoff
- Rebecca Jerome
- Andrew Balas
- Marion Ball
- Dominic Covvey
- Robert Dolin
- Sherrilynne Fuller
- Terri Hannan
- Brian Haynes
- Bill Hersh
- Representative New Literature
- Notable Events the Top Ten list
7New Literature Highlights Clinical Informatics
- Unintended consequences of clinical information
technology - Clinical Decision Support
- Telemedicine
- The practice of informatics
8New Literature Highlights Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology
- Human Health and Disease
- The practice of bioinformatics
9Unintended consequences of clinical information
10(No Transcript)
11Unintended Consequences of Information
- Reference
- Linder et al., Arch Intern Med. 2007 Jul
9167(13)1400-5. Brigham Womens Hospital - Title
- Electronic health record use and the quality of
ambulatory care in the United States. - Aim
- Assess effects of Electronic Health Records on
quality of care delivered in ambulatory settings - Methods
- Retrospective, cross-sectional analysis of 17
quality measures from 2003-2004 National
Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, correlated with
use of EHRs.
12Unintended Consequences of Information
- Reference
- Linder et al., Arch Intern Med. 2007 Jul
9167(13)1400-5. - Results
- EHRs used in 18 of 1.8 billion visits
- For 14 of 17 quality measures, fraction of visits
where recommended best practice occurred was no
different in EHR settings than manual records
settings. - 2 better with EHR avoiding benzodiazepines in
depression, avoiding routine urinalysis - 1 worse with EHR prescribing statins for
hypercholesteremia (33 vs. 47, p0.01) - Conclusion
- As implemented, EHRs not associated with better
quality ambulatory care
13Unintended Consequences of Information
- Reference
- Linder et al., Arch Intern Med. 2007 Jul
9167(13)1400-5. - Importance
- Received disproportionate media attention due to
reactionary message - Lost in the media hype Less than 40 of EHR
implementations have all elements important for
effects on quality (e-prescribing, test ordering,
results, clinical notes, decision support). - Best performance regardless of infrastructure was
suboptimal (lt 50 adherence to best practice).
14Clinical Decision Support for Providers
- Reference
- Raebel MA et al. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2007
Jul55(7)977-85. Kaiser Permanente, Denver,
Colorado - Title
- Randomized trial to improve prescribing safety in
ambulatory elderly patients. - Aim
- To determine whether a computerized tool that
alerted pharmacists when patients aged 65 and
older were newly prescribed potentially
inappropriate medications was effective in
decreasing the proportion of patients dispensed
these medications. - Methods
- 60,000 pts randomized evenly in intervention
group pharmacists got e-alerts for 11 types of
15Clinical Decision Support for Providers
- Reference
- Raebel MA et al J Am Geriatr Soc. 2007
Jul55(7)977-85. - Results
- Over 1 year, 543 (1.8) of intervention groups
over age 65 were prescribed targeted meds, vs.
644 (2.2) of usual care group (P 0.002) - Statistically significant drop in use of
amitryptiline and diazepam. - Importance
- Adds to extensive literature on reducing Adverse
Drug Effects via alerts and reminders - Targeting healthcare team members who can modify
physician orders has beneficial effect - Note Similar design study of meds during
pregnancy reported in JAMIA July-Aug 2007
16Clinical Decision Support for Providers
- Reference
- Bailey T et al. Arch Intern Med. 2007 Mar
26167(6)586-90. Wash U., St. Louis - Title
- An intervention to improve secondary prevention
of coronary heart disease. - Aim
- Determine whether alerts sent to pharmacists,
combined with academic detailing by
pharamacists, change physician prescribing
behavior. - Methods
- RCT randomizing patients with acute MI in
hospital setting to alerts sent to pharmacist
based on elevated troponin I levels. Pharmacists
receiving alerts reviewed inpt meds list and
communicated with care providers.
17Clinical Decision Support for Providers
- Reference
- Bailey T et al. Arch Intern Med. 2007 Mar
26167(6)586-90. - Methods, contd
- Outcome measures proportion of Pts discharged on
ASA, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, and statins. - Results
- Improved compliance with ACE and statin
guidelines, no impact on beta blockers or ASA. - When all 4 classes of drugs considered together,
84 (305 of 365 eligible) intervention vs. 70
(343 of 488) in control received recommended
therapy (Plt0.001) - Importance
- Routing messages to pharmacists, combined with
academic detailing, provides useful model for
systematic improvements in care
18Clinical Decision Support
- Reference
- Chaudhry R et al. Arch Intern Med. 2007 Mar
26167(6)606-11. Mayo Clinic - Title
- Web-based proactive system to improve breast
cancer screening a randomized controlled trial. - Aim
- Improve mammography screening rates using alerts
and reminders directed at appointment
secretaries. - Methods
- Web-based preventive care reminder system created
to alert staff making appointments about
screening mammography. - 6600 patients signed up for study, randomized to
usual care or use of system that sent a letter or
e-mail message in advance of screening data, and
provided response status to appt. secretary.
19Clinical Decision Support
- Reference
- Chaudhry R et al. Arch Intern Med. 2007 Mar
26167(6)606-11. - Results
- Screening rate for annual mammography was 64 in
intervention group vs. 55 in control group
(Plt.001) - No difference in intervention vs. control on any
other preventive service. - Conclusion
- Practice re-design to send reminder messages to
appointment secretary rather than to physician
provider improved compliance with preventive care
services guidelines. - Importance
- More evidence that care team members other than
physicians are better targets for information
interventions designed to increase consistency of
20Clinical Decision Support for Providers
- 3 RCTs on Tobacco Cessation
- Unrod et al. Randomized controlled trial of a
computer-based, tailored intervention to increase
smoking cessation counseling by primary care
physicians. J Gen Intern Med. 2007
Apr22(4)478-84. Mt. Sinai, NYC - Wadland WC et al Practice-based referrals to a
tobacco cessation quit line assessing the impact
of comparative feedback vs general reminders. Ann
Fam Med. 2007 Mar-Apr5(2)135-42. Michigan
State - Bentz CJ et al. Provider feedback to improve 5A's
tobacco cessation in primary care a cluster
randomized clinical trial. Nicotine Tob Res. 2007
Mar9(3)341-9. Providence/St. Vincent,
Portland, OR
21Clinical Decision Support for Providers
- Methods
- Mt. Sinai study Computer tailored one page
summary to physician and patient re Smoking
Cessation Guidelines (5As Assess, Advise,
Assist-written, Assist-referral, Arrange).
Measured adherence to 5As guidelines, and
smoking cessation success at 6 months - MSU study Provider specific feedback on smoking
cessation referrals vs. general reminders.
Measured referral numbers and quit rate at 18
months. - Providence Portland study Provider specific
monthly feedback reports vs. no feedback from
state tobacco quitline.
22Clinical Decision Support for Providers
- Results
- All three studies showed statistically improved
compliance with 5As guidelines by providers and
increased in referrals for cessation help (Odds
ratios 2.7 5) - All showed increased numbers of patients quitting
smoking at borderline statistical significance
levels vs. control groups - Conclusion
- Modest positive impacts of proactive (tailored
information sheet) and retrospective (regular
feedback reports on numbers of referrals) smoking
cessation interventions - Interventions judged to be cost effective and are
continuing - Importance
- Approximately the same results in a CDSS area
(smoking cessation) from three different sites
with similar intervention and process/outcomes
measures - Information intervention necessary but not
sufficient to achieve optimal outcomes
23Clinical Decision Support for Providers
- Reference
- Rothschild JM, et. al. Transfusion. 2007
Feb47(2)228-39. Brigham and Womens, Boston - Title
- Assessment of education and computerized decision
support interventions for improving transfusion
practice. - Aim
- Reduce overuse of blood products via a CDSS
intervention. - Methods
- Random assignment of junior house officers to
receiving education and CPOE-based decision
support at time of ordering blood products. - Orders classified as DS-agree or DS-disagree
- DS-disagree charts reviewed for appropriateness
24Clinical Decision Support for Providers
- Reference
- Rothschild JM, et. al. Transfusion. 2007
Feb47(2)228-39. - Results
- Inappropriate non-emergent transfusion at
baseline was 72 in both interventional and
control groups. - Improved to 63 with conventional education.
- DS intervention group continued to improve to
59. - Physicians accepted 14 of DS-recommended orders,
especially recommendations to increase dose
(73). - Conclusion
- Education and CDSS had statistically significant
reduction of inappropriate transfusion orders,
though residual amount remained high. - Impact
- Dont be sanguine about expecting CDSS to change
25Clinical Decision Support for Providers
- Reference
- Kheterpal et al. Anesth Analg. 2007
Mar104(3)592-7. Univ. Michigan - Title
- Electronic reminders improve procedure
documentation compliance and professional fee
reimbursement. - Aim
- To evaluate alert system to improve documentation
of care for increased reimbursement. - Methods
- Automated system scanned EMR for surgical
procedures using arterial catheters, sent e-mail
and/or pager reminder to provider if no procedure
note about catheter placement. - Residents and CRN anesthetists randomized to msg
or no msg
26Clinical Decision Support for Providers
- Reference
- Kheterpal et al. Anesth Analg. 2007
Mar104(3)592-7. - Results
- Baseline compliance rate 80
- During 2 month study, 88 of intervention group
completed documentation requirements vs. 75 of
control. - After RCT ended, all staff got reminder and
compliance rose to 98 - Professional fee reimbursement projected to
increase 40,500 over 12 months. - Conclusion
- Documentation deficiencies amenable to
alerts/reminders - Impact
- ADSS works in a fashion similar to CDSS, perhaps
27Clinical Decision Support for Patients
- Reference
- Thompson RG et al. Qual Saf Health Care. 2007
Jun16(3)216-23. Univ Newcastle, UK - Title
- A patient decision aid to support shared
decision-making on anti-thrombotic treatment of
patients with atrial fibrillation randomised
controlled trial. - Aim
- To determine the efficacy of a computerised
decision aid in patients with atrial fibrillation
making decisions on whether to take warfarin or
aspirin therapy. - Methods
- 109 Pts with a. fib randomized to computerized
DSS vs. pamphlet on ASA vs. warfarin - Outcomes decision conflict scale, and therapy
28Clinical Decision Support for Patients
- Reference
- Thompson RG et al. Qual Saf Health Care. 2007
Jun16(3)216-23. - Results
- Decision conflict lower in CDSS group (ie.,
happier with decision made) - CDSS Pts agreed to start coumadin only 25 of
time when recommended by physician, vs. 94 of
printed guidelines group - Conclusion
- CDSS for patients can empower them to feel
comfortable about decisions that are medically
suboptimal - Impact
- Increased understanding mediated by CDSS systems
is a double edged sword
29Clinical Decision Support for Patients
- Reference
- Saitz R et al. Alcohol Alcohol. 2007
Jan-Feb42(1)28-36. Boston Univ. - Title
- Screening and brief intervention online for
college students the ihealth study. - Aim
- To test the feasibility of online alcohol
screening and brief intervention (BI) by
comparing (i) two approaches to inviting all
students to be screened, and (ii) a minimal
versus a more extensive BI. - Methods
- All freshman students(4008) sent one of two
e-mail invitations to participate in alcohol
counseling online application either invitation
for general health assessment, or invitation for
alcohol assessment
30Clinical Decision Support for Patients
- Reference
- Saitz R et al. Alcohol Alcohol. 2007
Jan-Feb42(1)28-36 - Methods, contd
- Participants with unhealthy alcohol use randomly
assigned to minimal or more extensive information
intervention - Follow-up after one month for those receiving
interventions - Results
- 55 of students completed online screening, no
difference if invitation specifically mentioned
alcohol vs. general health. - 37 of male students and 26 of female students
had unhealthy alcohol use. - More extensive intervention caused more students
to expression interest in changing behavior - 75 of intervention completed second assessment,
and of these unhealthy behaviors reduced by 33
in women and 15 in men.
31Clinical Decision Support for Patients
- Reference
- Saitz R et al. Alcohol Alcohol. 2007
Jan-Feb42(1)28-36 - Conclusion
- Over half of freshman class reached by e-mail and
completed health risk assessment - Mention of alcohol not a deterrent to
participation - Brief online intervention appeared to have
favorable short term impact. - Impact
- Contibutes to literature on self-reporting of
health conditions traditionally considered
32Clinical Decision Support for Patients
- 2 RCTs on Smoking Cessation
- Strecher VJ et al. Moderators and mediators of a
web-based computer-tailored smoking cessation
program among nicotine patch users. Nicotine Tob
Res. 2006 Dec8 Suppl 1S95-101. Univ. Michigan - Japuntich et al. Smoking cessation via the
internet a randomized clinical trial of an
internet intervention as adjuvant treatment in a
smoking cessation intervention. Nicotine Tob Res.
2006 Dec8 Suppl 1S59-67. Univ Wisconsin
33Clinical Decision Support for Patients
- Methods
- Michigan study 3971 smokers who purchased
nicotine patches randomized to standard web-based
materials vs. tailored web intervention.Measured
abstinence at 12 weeks. - Wisconsin study 284 smokers randomized to
bupropion counseling /- access to an online
support group and information site. Measured
abstinence at 12 weeks and 24 weeks.
34Clinical Decision Support for Patients
- Results
- Michigan study found tailored program more
effective by number abstinent in certain
subgroups (children at home, frequent alcohol
use, tobacco-related illness present) but not
significant for groups as whole - Wisconsin study found use of online resources
correlated with smoking abstinence, but no
overall difference in abstinence between groups. - Conclusion
- Targeted information interventions help a subset
of smokers to quit who would not otherwise - Importance
- Addiction interventions are a difficult area of
therapeutics, for which informatics has a modest
role to play
35New CDSS RCTs showing no difference for
intervention vs. control
- Curtis et al. Challenges in improving the quality
of osteoporosis care for long-term glucocorticoid
users a prospective randomized trial. Arch
Intern Med. 2007 Mar 26167(6)591-6. - Glassman et al. The utility of adding
retrospective medication profiling to
computerized provider order entry in an
ambulatory care population. J Am Med Inform
Assoc. 2007 Jul-Aug14(4)424-31. - Schapira et al. Decision-making at menopause a
randomized controlled trial of a computer-based
hormone therapy decision-aid. Patient Educ Couns.
2007 Jul67(1-2)100-7. - Tuil et al. Empowering patients undergoing in
vitro fertilization by providing Internet access
to medical data. Fertil Steril. 2007
36Clinical Decision Support
- 12 new RCTs published
- November 2006 October 2007
- 3 chronic airways disease
- 2 psychiatric care
- 2 diabetes care
- 2 imaging dermatology and ophthalmology
- 1 each prostate cancer, cardiac rehab,
- 3 RCTs on airways disease
- Chan DS et al. Internet-based home monitoring
and education of children with asthma is
comparable to ideal office-based care results of
a 1-year asthma in-home monitoring trial.
Pediatrics. 2007 Mar119(3)569-78. Tripler Army
Medical Center, Honolulu - Jan RL et al. An internet-based interactive
telemonitoring system for improving childhood
asthma outcomes in Taiwan. Telemed J E Health.
2007 Jun13(3)257-68. National Cheng Kung
University, Taiwan - Whitten P, Mickus M. Home telecare for COPD/CHF
patients outcomes and perceptions. J Telemed
Telecare. 2007 13(2)69-73. Michigan State
- Methods
- Tripler study 120 asthma pts age 6-17 randomized
to same clinical pathway with follow-up either
via office visit or website interaction. Measured
medication adherence, PFTs - Taiwan study 88 asthma pts randomized to either
Internet care guidance and spirometry reporting,
or printed materials and spirometry diary.
Measured self-reported symptoms, spirometry
results, quality of life, knowledge of disease - Michigan State study 161 pts with COPD/CHF
randomized to home care visits in person or via
telemedicine unit. Measured SF-36, patient
perceptions, physiologic status at beginning and
end of study.
- Results
- Taiwanese study found telemedicine group had
better adherence to meds, better PFTs. - Other two studies found clinical equivalence of
telemedicine and face-to-face visits at home or
office - Impact
- Adds to substantial literature showing
therapeutic equivalency of telemedicine vs. in
person monitoring of chronic airways disease.
- 2 RCTs
- Fortney JC et al. A randomized trial of
telemedicine-based collaborative care for
depression. J Gen Intern Med. 2007
Aug22(8)1086-93. Epub 2007 May 10. VA Health
Svcs Research, Little Rock AR - O'Reilly R. Is telepsychiatry equivalent to
face-to-face psychiatry? Results from a
randomized controlled equivalence trial.
Psychiatr Serv. 2007 Jun58(6)836-43. Regional
Mental Healthcare, London, Ontario, Canada
- Methods
- VA study 395 pts with moderately severe
depression followed at small VA community clinics
without psychiatrists. Measured med adherence,
treatment response, quality of life, pt
satisfaction with treatment. - Canadian study 495 pts referred for initial
psych consultation randomized to telepsych
interview or face-to-face consult. Measured
health status, patient satisfaction, costs
- Results
- VA study supplementing usual care with
telemedicine psych consultation improved
medication adherence and therapeutic response.
Also found higher patient satisfaction, and
better quality of life measures in intervention
group. - Canadian study found equivalence for
telepsychiatry outcomes and face to face
outcomes, with 10 decrease in overall costs for
telemedicine based care. - Impact
- Telemedicine technologies can extend subspecialty
support to primary care settings - Telepsychiatry equivalent to F2F as perceived by
- 2 RCTs
- Conlin PR et al. Nonmydriatic teleretinal
imaging improves adherence to annual eye
examinations in patients with diabetes. J Rehabil
Res Dev. 2006 Sep-Oct43(6)733-40. Boston VA - Pak H, et al. Store-and-forward teledermatology
results in similar clinical outcomes to
conventional clinic-based care. J Telemed
Telecare. 200713(1)26-30. Army TATRC, Fort
Dietrick MD
- Methods
- VA study 448 pts randomized to annual dilated
eye exam vs. non-dilated screening image with
remote interpretation, followed by in person
consult if indicated. Measured correspondence of
remote and in person findings, and adherence to
annual exam schedule - Army study 776 pts randomized to face-to-face
dermatology consult vs. telemedicine via store
and forward imaging text description
- Results
- VA study Strong but not perfect correlation of
tele-imaging with dilated in person exam.
Improvement in compliance with annual screening.
Patient acceptance high. - Army study found equivalence of diagnosis and
ongoing monitoring of response to therapy for
teledermatology and in person care. - Impact
- Store and forward telemedicine lends itself well
to specialties where static images are keys to
diagnosis and follow-up
472006-7 Telemedicine RCTs
- Continue 30 year history of showing equivalence
of telemedicine for selected types of home
monitoring, chronic disease follow-up, and visual
diagnosis - Only 1 of 12 addressed cost vs. benefit
- Leave unaddressed principal historical
impediments to telemedicine acceptance
reimbursement, licensure, liability
49Practice of Informatics
- Reference
- Beebe TJ et al. Health Serv Res. 2007 Jun42(3
Pt 1)1219-34. Mayo Clinic - Title
- Mixing web and mail methods in a survey of
physicians. - Aim
- To assess the effects of two different mixed-mode
(mail and web survey) combinations on response
rates, response times, and nonresponse bias in a
sample of primary care and specialty internal
medicine physicians. - Methods
- Randomized 500 physicians at Mayo clinic to
receiving either a mailed paper survey on EMR, or
web link for online survey, with cross over.
50Practice of Informatics
- Reference
- Beebe TJ et al. Health Serv Res. 2007 Jun42(3
Pt 1)1219-34. - Results
- Overall response rate higher with mailed survey
sent first than web link sent first (70 vs.
63). - Results obtained 2 days faster with web survey
- Key outcome variables no different in paper vs.
web survey methods - Impact
- Some insight on approaches to surveying
physicians in large institutional setting
51Practice of Informatics
- Reference
- Tideman R et al. Sex Transm Infect. 2007
Feb83(1)52-6. Univ. of Melbourne, Australia - Title
- A randomised controlled trial comparing
computer-assisted with face-to-face sexual
history taking in a clinical setting. - Aim
- To compare computer-assisted self-interview
(CASI) with routine face-to-face interview (FTFI)
for sexual history taking from patients in a
clinical setting. - Methods
- Randomized 713 new walk-in patients at STD clinic
to CASI or FTFI initial assessment. CASI
subsequently had FTFI.
52Practice of Informatics
- Reference
- Tideman R et al. Sex Transm Infect. 2007 Feb
83(1)52-6. - Methods, contd
- Comparison of self-reported risk behaviors,
concordance of CASI and FTFI assessments. - Results
- 85 of CASI pts comfortable with method
- Results equivalent except that women using CASI
reported more male partners than in FTFI setting,
and CASI users reported Hep B vaccination more
often. - Conclusion
- CASI efficient and acceptable method for
gathering sexual risk data in STD clinic setting
53Practice of Informatics
- Reference
- Bates B, et al. J Cancer Educ. 2007
Spring22(1)15-20. Ohio Univ. - Title
- The effect of improved readability scores on
consumers' perceptions of the quality of health
information on the internet. - Methods
- 519 community participants randomized to receive
lung cancer prevention level at 8th grade reading
level, 9th grade, or first year college reading
level. - Measured perceived trustworthiness, readability,
54Practice of Informatics
- Reference
- Bates B, et al. J Cancer Educ. 2007
Spring22(1)15-20. - Results
- Reducing reading level had no significant effect
on perceived readability, trustworthiness, or
completeness. - Conclusion
- Conventional wisdom about relationship of
readability and effectiveness not supported in
this study - Importance
- Of potential relevance to IRBs and guidelines for
informed consent documentation
55Practice of Informatics
- Reference
- Schneider S. et al. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2007
Jan34(1)39-46. Duke Univ. - Title
- Virtual reality a distraction intervention for
chemotherapy. - Aim
- To explore virtual reality (VR) as a distraction
intervention to relieve symptom distress in
adults receiving chemotherapy treatments for
breast, colon, and lung cancer. - Methods
- 123 patients in cross-over design, serving as own
control. Received Virtual Reality headset as
distraction during chemotherapy at one visit, and
not the next.
56Practice of Informatics
- Reference
- Schneider S. et al. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2007
Jan34(1)39-46.. - Methods, contd
- Measured symptom distress, fatigue, anxiety, open
ended questionnaire regarding experience. - Results
- Using VR made chemotherapy treatment seem shorter
and pts liked VR treatment sessions better than
std. - However, no difference in symptom distress
immediately or at 2 days post treatment
57Practice of Informatics
- Reference
- Schneider S. et al. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2007
Jan34(1)39-46.. - Conclusions
- VR distraction can make chemotherapy treatments
more palatable but do not decrease
therapy-associated symptoms - Impact
- Pharmacology trumps perceptual psychology in
chemotherapy settings
58Practice of Informatics
59New Literature Highlights Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology
- Human Health and Disease
- The practice of bioinformatics
60Bioinformatics Human Health Disease
- Reference
- The Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium.
Nature 447, 661-678 (7 June 2007) - Title
- Genome-wide association study of 14,000 cases of
seven common diseases and 3,000 shared controls. - Aim
- To find genetic determinants of 7 major diseases
using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
assessments at 500,000 loci, in 14,000 patients - Methods
- 54 centers in UK enrolled 14,000 volunteers,
whose DNA was genotyped with Affymetrix 500K SNP
chip. - Case control study design
61Bioinformatics Human Health Disease
- Reference
- The Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium.
Nature 447, 661-678 (7 June 2007) - Results
- 24 association signals significant at P lt 10e-7
- 1 in bipolar disorder, 1 in coronary disease, 9
in Crohns disease, 3 in Rheumatoid arthritis, 7
in type I diabetes, 3 in type 2 diabetes - 58 other SNP polymorphisms with differences at
10e-5 to 10e-7 - Importance
- The era of genome-wide scans has arrived.
- Personalized medicine based on individual SNPs
and linked SNP patterns (ie., haplotypes) will
significantly inform personalized disease
prevention, diagnosis and treatment - Level of complexity will make decision support
rules and CDSS essential
62Bioinformatics Human Health Disease
- Reference
- Estivill et al. PLoS Genet. 2007 Oct
193(10)1787-99. - Title
- Copy number variants and common disorders
filling the gaps and exploring complexity in
genome-wide association studies. - Aim
- Discussion of contribution of gene Copy Number
Variation (CNV) to human disorders. - Methods
- Literature review of GWAS studies and
contribution of CNV to explaining genetic
63Bioinformatics Human Health Disease
- Reference
- Estivill et al. PLoS Genet. 2007 Oct
193(10)1787-99. - Results
- Reduplicated genes account for some of the
unexplained variation seen in genome-association
studies. - CNVs not detected by standard SNP technologies,
but have been shown to contribute to genetic
variance in Parkinsons disease, Alzheimer,
Autism, retardation, and chronic pancreatitis - Importance
- Copy Number Variation is an important new genetic
concept that will have relevance in explaining
complex traits and some diseases
64Bioinformatics Human Health Disease
- Reference
- Levy et al. PLoS Biol 5(10) e254
- Title
- The Diploid Genome Sequence of an Individual
Human. - Aim
- Full genome sequence of J. Craig Venter, compared
to consensus published human genome sequence - Methods
- Standard DNA sequencing technologies applied to
single individual rather than small group of
reference samples
65Bioinformatics Human Health Disease
- Reference
- Levy et al. PLoS Biol 5(10) e254
- Results
- Comparing Venters DNA to NCBI reference human
sequence shows 4.1 million variants 3.2M SNPs,
53K block substitutions, 292K heterozygous
insert/delete events (indels), 559K homozygous
indels - Non-SNP variability accounts for 74 of variant
bases. - 44 of all genes heterozygous for 1 or more
variants - Importance
- Inter-individual variations may be 3-4 fold
higher than previously estimated (99.5 vs.
66The Practice of Bioinformatics
- Reference
- Duarte N et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007
Feb 6104(6)1777-82. UC San Diego - Title
- Global reconstruction of the human metabolic
network based on genomic and bibliomic data. - Aim
- Develop a computationally tractable, complete map
of human metabolism - Methods
- Combine genome annotations of complete human
genome with 50 years of published literature
(bibliome) on human metabolic pathways.
67Bioinformatics Practice of Bioinformatics
- Reference
- Duarte N et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007
Feb 6104(6)1777-82. - Results
- Systems biology project to create in silico model
of all metabolic pathways in humans, and their
genetic determinants - Mathematical network analysis of resulting
relationships show biological insights about
intracellular compartmentalization (e.g., drug
accessibility) and many gaps in understanding of
relationships among metabolic pathways - Importance
- An example of new systems biology tools that
combine mathematical analysis techniques with
knowledge derived from the published literature - Traditional intermediary metabolism pathways
(e.g., Sigma chart of cell) have many unexplained
68The Practice of Bioinformatics
- Reference
- Lim WK et al. Bioinformatics. 2007 Jul
123(13)i282-8.Columbia Univ. - Title
- Comparative analysis of microarray normalization
procedures effects on reverse engineering gene
networks. - Aim
- Develop a more appropriate method for normalizing
gene expression data for reconstructing gene
networks - Methods
- Comparison of commonly used algorithms for
rendering data from different Affymetrix genechip
experiments comparable
69Bioinformatics Practice of Bioinformatics
- Reference
- Lim WK et al. Bioinformatics. 2007 Jul
123(13)i282-8. - Results
- Genechips designed for pairwise comparison of
gene expression values. Inferring complex
network relationships is an off-label use that
can be affected by methodologic errors of
normalization - A better normalization algorithm developed at
Columbias DBMI is presented - Importance
- Mathematics of high dimensionality data from
genechips is complex - Systems biology requires careful attention to
making data from multiple experiments comparable
70The Practice of Bioinformatics
- Reference
- Bandeira et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007
Apr 10104(15)6140-5. UC San Diego - Title
- Protein identification by spectral networks
analysis. - Aim
- Develop a better method for interpretation of
mass spectroscopy signals for proteomics - Methods
- Use modified unmodified versions of the same
peptide to improve speed and efficiency of
protein identification
71Bioinformatics Practice of Bioinformatics
- Reference
- Bandeira et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007
Apr 10104(15)6140-5. - Results
- Converts protein identification from exhaustive
database searching problem to fast pattern
matching problem - Importance
- Proteomics is more complex than genomics (25K
genes generate 400K proteins) and computationally
challenging - Representative of novel algorithms to rapidly
identify proteins affected by post-translational
72Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
73Top Ten List of Notable Events in the Past 12
74Top Ten Events
- 10 Legislation mandates reporting of results
in Clinicaltrials.gov 12/2006
75(No Transcript)
76Top Ten Events
- 10 Legislation mandates reporting of results
in Clinicaltrials.gov 12/2006 - 9 Public access to genome-phenome correlation
data begins 10/1/2007 NCBI dbGAP database
77(No Transcript)
78Top Ten Events
- 10 Legislation mandates reporting of results
in Clinicaltrials.gov 12/2006 - 9 Public access to genome-phenome correlation
data begins 10/1/2007 NCBI dbGAP database
online - 8 Patient Safety Institute founded in 2001 in
response to IOM To Error is Human report
79(No Transcript)
807 International Terminology Standards
Development Organization Formed April 26, 2007
81Top Ten Events
- 10 Legislation mandates reporting of results
in Clinicaltrials.gov 12/2006 - 9 Public access to genome-phenome correlation
data begins 10/1/2007 NCBI dbGAP database
online - 8 Patient Safety Institute founded in 2001 in
response to IOM To Error is Human report
fails - 7 International Terminology Standards
Development Organization Formed - 6 AMIA clout and visibility increases
82AMIA RD funding growthGrants and Contracts
83AMIA VisibilityMedia Citations
84Top Ten Events
- 10 Legislation mandates reporting of results
in Clinicaltrials.gov 12/2006 - 9 Public access to genome-phenome correlation
data begins 10/1/2007 NCBI dbGAP database
online - 8 Patient Safety Institute founded in 2001 in
response to IOM To Error is Human report
fails - 7 International Terminology Standards
Development Organization Formed - 6 AMIA clout and visibility increases
- 5 NIH redefines scope of CTSA program
85(No Transcript)
86Top Ten Events
- 10 Legislation mandates reporting of results
in Clinicaltrials.gov 12/2006 - 9 Public access to genome-phenome correlation
data begins 10/1/2007 NCBI dbGAP database
online - 8 Patient Safety Institute founded in 2001 in
response to IOM To Error is Human report
fails - 7 International Terminology Standards
Development Organization Formed - 6 AMIA clout and visibility increases
- 5 NIH redefines scope of CTSA program
- 4 Publication of J. Craig Venters DNA
87(No Transcript)
88Top Ten Events
- 10 Legislation mandates reporting of results
in Clinicaltrials.gov 12/2006 - 9 Public access to genome-phenome correlation
data begins 10/1/2007 NCBI dbGAP database
online - 8 Patient Safety Institute founded in 2001 in
response to IOM To Error is Human report
fails - 7 International Terminology Standards
Development Organization Formed - 6 AMIA clout and visibility increases
- 5 NIH redefines scope of CTSA program
- 4 Publication of J. Craig Venters DNA
sequence - 3 ONC begins plan to transition AHIC to
private sector
89(No Transcript)
90Top Ten Events
- 10 Legislation mandates reporting of results
in Clinicaltrials.gov 12/2006 - 9 Public access to genome-phenome correlation
data begins 10/1/2007 NCBI dbGAP database
online - 8 Patient Safety Institute founded in 2001 in
response to IOM To Error is Human report
fails - 7 International Terminology Standards
Development Organization Formed - 6 AMIA clout and visibility increases
- 5 NIH redefines scope of CTSA program
- 4 Publication of J. Craig Venters DNA
sequence - 3 ONC begins plan to transition AHIC to
private sector - 2 Microsoft and Google announce plans for
Personal Health Records
91(No Transcript)
92And the 1 top event of 2007 is
93Top Ten Events
- 10 Legislation mandates reporting of results
in Clinicaltrials.gov 12/2006 - 9 Public access to genome-phenome correlation
data begins 10/1/2007 NCBI dbGAP database
online - 8 Patient Safety Institute founded in 2001 in
response to IOM To Error is Human report
fails - 7 International Terminology Standards
Development Organization Formed - 6 AMIA clout and visibility increases
- 5 NIH redefines scope of CTSA program
- 4 Publication of J. Craig Venters DNA
sequence - 3 ONC begins plan to transition AHIC to
private sector - 2 Microsoft and Google announce plans for
Personal Health Records - 1 CMS begins program to reward small practices
for using EHRs
94(No Transcript)
95The Year in Review Summary
- We is confronted by an insurmountable tidal
wave of opportunity
96Content for this session is athttp//dbmichair.
mc.vanderbilt.edu/amia2007/including citation
lists and linksand this PowerPoint