Title: Earth
1Earths Changing Crust
fault Cracks in the crust
Geologists Scientists who study the Earth
Magma Hot molten rock deep below the Earths surface
Lava Magma that reaches the Earths surface
Weathering Breaking down rocks into smaller pieces
Erosion The picking up and carrying away of pieces of rock
Deposition The dropping off of bits of eroded rock
Meteorite Rocks from space that strike a surface
3What Makes the Crust Move
- http//videos.howstuffworks.com/howstuffworks/236-
4Forces on and Under Earth Shape Its Surface
- The Earths crust is constantly moving.
- Earthquakes are related to cracks in the crust
called faults. - San Andreas Fault
5- During an earthquake the crust on either side, or
both sides of a fault is in motion. - Vibrations travel through the crust. The farther
away people are from the earthquake, the harder
it is to feel the vibrations. - Seismographs record the motion at locations all
around the crust.
6- Most of the time the crust moves VERY slowly and
people only notice when there is a visible
change. - To measure crust movement, surveyors measure
elevation (how high a place is above sea level). - Geologists place sensitive devices all along
faults. They hope that records of tiny movements
can be used to predict an earthquake.
7Plate Tectonics
- The crust is the Earths hard surface.
- It is very thin.
- About one-thousandth of the Earths thickness
8Plate Tectonics
- The Mantle
- Located under the crust
- Earths thickest layer
- Rock material here is solid, however it can flow
like a liquid. (Like putty does when you squeeze
it.) - Rock material is always in motion like heated
water in a pot. - It rises and pushes against the bottom of the
crust. This causes it to break into pieces, or
plates. - Earthquakes and slow motions of the crust result
from moving plates.
9Plate Tectonics
- Earths Core
- Located below the mantle
- Two parts
- A liquid Outer Core
- A solid Inner Core
10What Forces Act On The Crust
- http//videos.howstuffworks.com/howstuffworks/236-
11What Forces Act on the Crust?
- As plates of the crust move they can collide,
pull away from each other, or slide past each
other. - These movements cause 3 kinds of force to act on
the crust. - 1. Tension stretches or pulls apart the crust
- 2. Compression squeezes or pushes together the
crust - 3. Shear twists, tears, or pushes one part of
the crust past another
12- Forces in the crust cause a fault to form and
movement is caused along the faults. - Compression can crumple rock layers into wavy
folds. When two pieces of crust crash together,
mountains are formed. - Mountains made of folded and crumpled layers are
called fold mountains (Appalachians, Alps, and
- Tension and shear can also build up the crust.
Mountains can be formed as the crust is pulled
apart. - Hot molten rock deep below the Earths surface
(magma) rises upward. If this reaches the
surface it may flow out as lava. - Lava flows out when a volcano erupts.
- Volcanoes can also form islands.
14Check This Out!
- Hawaii Big Island Volcano eruption
15Fault-block Mountains
- Tension and shear can cause great blocks of crust
to break apart cleanly and move along faults.
This forms fault-block mountains.
16What Other Forces Shape the Earths Surface?
- While movements of the crust are building up the
Earths surface, other forces are breaking it
down. - Weathering
- Erosion
- The breaking down of the materials of Earths
crust into smaller pieces. - Occurs when the crust is exposed to water, air,
and changes in temperature. - http//www.uky.edu/AS/Geology/howell/goodies/elear
18How Does Weathering Occur?
- Water can dissolve some minerals right out of the
crust. - Moving water can make pieces of rock bang into
each other. - Small chips break off of the surface of the rock
causing the rock to get smaller and rounder. - Churning waters of a stream can wear down big
pieces of rock into small, rounded pebbles.
19How Does Weathering Occur?
- The wind blows sand and other bits of broken bits
of rock over Earths surface. These particles
also wear away rock. - When temperatures are low enough, water freezes
and expands. The force of expanding water is so
great that it can split rock apart. - Changes in temperature can also cause rock to
expand and contract. When parts of a rock expand
or contract more than others it can cause the
rock to break apart.
20Chemical Weathering
- Air contains gases that react chemically to form
new substances. - Oxygen in air reacts with iron to form rust.
- Carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide in air react
with rain to form acids. - These acids eat away at limestone rock.
- The carrying away of pieces of weathered rock by
gravity, water, wind, and ice. - Erosion can carry away a boulder, hill, or even a
mountain range piece by piece. - Water is the greatest agent. Each drop of water
falling from the sky erodes the land. - Water moving downhill picks up pieces of rock and
carries them downhill. The faster the water the
bigger the pieces of rock.
22What Does This All Look Like?
- HowStuffWorks Videos "Basics of Geology Erosion
and Weathering"
23How Can Wind Erode Rock?
- Wind does not exert as hard a push as water
moving. - Wind mostly erodes pieces of rock that are the
size of sand particles or smaller.
24How Can Ice Erode Rock?
- Ice causes lots of erosion.
- When ice of a glacier freezes onto rock and then
the glacier moves downhill, the rock is torn
right out of the ground. It can carry chunks of
ice bigger than your house with ease. - Glaciers also wear away the land. Rocks of all
sizes become frozen to the bottom of the glacier.
As the glacier moves the rock beneath it is
scratched and worn down.
25Ice and Sand Experiment
- Describe in detail what you observed during the
26Where Do Eroded Rocks Go?
- They are dropped to the bottom of the stream,
lake, or ocean when the water stops moving.
(DEPOSITION) - Deposition takes place when glaciers melt and
wind stops blowing. - Layer by layer, pile after pile, bits and pieces
of rock deposited by the water, wind, and ice
build up on Earths surface. - Deposition eventually fills up depressions in the
Earths surface. It can build up land along shore
27What Forces Shape The Moons Surface?
- Without air and water, there can be very little
weathering or erosion. - The only weathering and erosion is due to the
impact of rocks from space hitting the Moons
surface (meteorites). - Some craters formed by meteorites are big enough
to be seem from Earth. - Earths atmosphere protects its surface from such
impacts. Rocks from space burn up as they pass
through our atmosphere.