Title: 1.??( Pneumothorax):?????????????????
1.??( Pneumothorax)?????????????????
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5 - Spontaneous
- Primary pneumothorax
- Secondary pneumothorax
- Airway and pulmonary disease
(COPD, asthma) - Interstitial disease (Pulmonary
fibrosis) - Infection ( TB..)
- Neoplastic
- Catamenial ( Endometriosis)
- Iatrogenic
- Post-Traumatic
6Surgical indication for primary spontaneous
- Early complication
- Prolonged air leakage
- Non re-expansion of the lung
- Bilaterality
- Hemothorax
- Tension
- Complete pneumothorax
- Potential hazard
- Occupational hazard
- Absence of medical facilities in isolated
areas - Associated single bulla
- Psychological
- Second Episode
- Ipsilateral recurrence
- Contralateral recurrence after a first
pneumothorax -
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8Spontaneous Pneumothorax-Definition Factors
- Definition
- Accumulation of intrapleural air as the
result of a break in either the visceral or
parietal pleura - Factors determining gas reabsorption
- Diffusion properties of the gases
- Pressure gradients
- Area of contact
- Permeability of pleural surface
9Spontaneous Pneumothorax-Clinical investigation
- Signs and symptoms
- Sudden onset chest pain
- Shortness of breathing
- Cough
- Diagnosis
- Auscultation
- Differential diagnosis
- Skin fold
- Giant bulla
10Treatment Options for Pneumothorax
- Observation
- Needle aspiration
- Percutaneous catheter to drainage
- Water seal Pleur-evac type
- Heimlich valve
- Tube thoracostomy
- Water seal Pleur-evac type
- Heimlich valve
- Tube thoracostomy with instillation of pleural
irritant - Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery
- Thoracotomy
11Indications for Surgical Intervention
- Second episode
- Persistent air leakage for greater than 7-10 days
- First episode with unexpanded, trapped lung
- History of contralateral pneumothorax
- Bilateral pneumothorax
- Occupational risk (driver, airplane pilot, living
ina remote area) - Large bulla
- Large undrained hemothorax
- First episode in a patient with one lung
- First episode in a patient with severely
compromised pulmonary function
12Recurrence of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
- Therapy Recurrence ()
- Expectant 30
- Aspiration 20-50
- Chest tube drainage 20-30
- Pleurodesis (tetracycline) 25
- Pleurodesis (talc) 7
- Surgery 2
13Complication of Pneumothorax
- Tension pneumothorax
- Re-expansion pulmonary edema
- Persistent air leak
- Hemothorax (less than 5)
- Pneumomediastinum
14Removal of Chest Tube
- Indications
- No fluctuation in the fluid column of the tube
(complete lung reexpansion or tube occlusion) - Daily fluid drainage lt100ml in 24 hours
- Air leakage has stopped
- Proper timing (controversy)
- Spontaneous pneumothorax after tube thoracostomy
- removal tube within 6 hours of reexpansion--25
15- Tube Thoracostomy
- ( Chest Intubation)
16Indication of Chest Intubation
- Drain pleural fluid or air
- promote lung expansion
- 1. Pneumothorax
- 2. Hydrothorax
- 3. Hemothorax
- 4. Chylothorax
- 5. Pyothorax
- 6. Post-thoracotomy etc.
17Apparatus of Chest Tube Drainage
- 1. Underwater sealed bottle
- Separate from atmosphere
- 2. Collecting bottle
- Decrease resistance of drainage
- 3. Negative pressure suction
- Promote lung expansion
18Procedure of Chest Intubation
- 1. Local anesthesia, confirm location
- 2. Skin incision at selected area
- 3. Dissect into pleural cavity thru a
subcutaneous tunnel - 4. Deloculate in pleural cavity
- 5. Insert tube posteriorly and laterally
- 6. Close incision wound, fixed the tube
- 7. Connect tube to underwater sealed bottle (or
with negative pressure suction)
19Attention In Chest Tube Insertion
- Attention Prevent
occurrence - 1. Thru thoracostomy wound Underlying organ
injury - palpate the underlying structure (supra-or
infra-diaphragm) - 2. Avoid trocar intubation (except Lung or other
organ injury - emergency)
- 3. Keep tube in good direction Chest pain, great
vessel erosion - 4. Avoid intubation thru posterior Pain, unable
in supine - chest wall
- 5. Avoid to suture close Air leakage
- thoracostomy wound too loose Skin necrosis,
pain - or too tight
20Attention in Massive Subcutaneous (Mediastinal)
- 1. Keep airway patent (even endotracheal tube)
- 2. CXR
- 3. Insert chest tube in pneumothorax or
suspicious side - 4. Connect tube to negative pressure suction
immediately - 5. Close thoracostomy wd slightly loose
- 6. Insert another tube if no improvement
- 7. Low O2 nasocannula
- 8. Determine the cause treat underlying disease
- 9. Remove tube after complete subsidence
21When to Remove Chest Tube ?
- Criteria
- 1. No air leakage
- 2. Drained fluid lt 50 c.c./day
- 3. Clear serosanguineous color of fluid
- 4. Full expansion of lung in CXR
- Clear sterile fluid remove directly
- Turbid, infected fluid withdraw
progressively -
open drain
22Attention in Chest Tube Care (I)
- Attention Prevent occurrence
- Fix chest tube firmly Tube moving contamination
- Dont clamp tube during Tension pneumothorax
- transportation in presence of
- air leakage
- Dont use negative pressure suction Abrupt
mediastinal shift, - after pneumonectomy venous return decrease,
death - Dont apply negative suction Reexpansion
pulmonary edeme immediately after intubation for - cases with large volume or long
- duration of pneumothorax, hydro-
- pyothorax
23Attention in Chest Tube Care (II)
- Attention Prevent occurrence
- Dont lift up tube above Back flow contamination
- thoracostomy wound
- Use collecting bottle and elevate Back flow
contamination - the connecting tube between 2 Lung collapse
- bottles in big residual pleural
- space or massive air leakage
24Attention in Thoracotomy with Lung Resection (I)
- Attention Prevent occurrence
- Suture ligated or close pulmonary Slip out,
bleeding - vessel with stapler
- Make adequate length in bronchial Stump broken
- stump
- Cover bronchial stump with Bronchopleural
fistula - surrounding tissue, especially in
- pneumonectomy
- Pre-operative anti-TB or anti-fungal Disease
flare up - drug (at least 2 wks) for suspicious
- TB or fungal diseases