Title: Helping Domestic Violence Victims
1Helping Domestic Violence Victims
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
2Helping Domestic Violence Victims
- What is Domestic Violence
- Also called spousal abuse
- When one person in an intimate relationship tries
to dominate and control the other person - By using fear, guilt, intimidation, shame, etc.
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
3Helping Domestic Violence Victims
- What the Victim Experiences
- Being dominated
- Feeling humiliated
- Isolated
- Threatened constantly
- Intimidated
- Brainwashed into thinking its their fault
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
4Helping Domestic Violence Victims
What the Victim ExperiencesContinued
-Chipping away self worth and independence -Publi
c insults -Inappropriate names -Humiliation
-Using physical force -biting -kickin
g -hitting,etc
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
5Helping Domestic Violence Victims
Why the victim stays -Fear -Further
violence -Batterer will harm his/
herself -Being alone - Reduced Income -Judged
as a bad partner/ parent -Pressured to maintain
relationship due to religious beliefs
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
6Helping Domestic Violence Victims
Signs of Abuse
Visible Physical Injury -Bruises -Burns
-Miscarriages -Stress-related Illnesses
-Anxiety -Depression
Emotional Indicators -Isolation from family and
friends -Absenteeism/lateness in the workplace
-Unavailable to attend social gatherings
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
7Helping Domestic Violence Victims
Personally Helping- ASKING is the only way to be
-Best way to help is by listening
Do -Be prepared -Express concern -Offer
help -Support and believe the victim
Dont -Judge or blame -Wait for them to come to
you -Give advice
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
8Helping Domestic Violence Victims
Where to Get Outside Help
-Counselors - www.dvsolutions.org/ -
www.emergedv.com/ -Shelter homes -
www.safehorizon.org/page.php?pagesheltertour -
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
9Helping Domestic Violence Victims
-Educating in school systems -Promote more
awareness -If you show signs of being an abuser
seek counseling immediately
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
10Helping Domestic Violence Victims
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook