Title: Helping Domestic Violence Victims
1Helping Domestic Violence Victims
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
2Helping Domestic Violence Victims
- What is Domestic Violence
- Also called spousal abuse
- When one person in an intimate relationship tries
to dominate and control the other person - By using fear, guilt, intimidation, shame, etc.
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
3Helping Domestic Violence Victims
- What the victims experience
- Being dominated
- Feeling humiliated
- Isolated
- Threatened constantly
- Intimidated
- Brainwashed into thinking its their fault
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
4Helping Domestic Violence Victims
What the victim experiences
-Using physical force -biting -kicking
-Chipping away self worth and independence -Publi
c insults -Inappropriate names -Humiliation
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
5Helping Domestic Violence Victims
Why the victim stays -Fear -Further
violence -Batterer will harm his/
herself -Being alone - Reduced Income -Judged
as a bad partner/ parent -Pressured to maintain
relationship due to religious beliefs
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
6Helping Domestic Violence Victims
Signs of Abuse
Visible Physical Injury-Bruises -Burns
-Miscarriages -Stress-related Illnesses
-Anxiety -Depression
Emotional Indicators -Isolation from family and
friends -Absenteeism/lateness in the workplace
-unavailable to attend social gatherings
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
7Helping Domestic Violence Victims
Personally Helping- ASKING is the only way to be
-Best way to help is by listening
Dos -Be prepared -Express concern -Offer
help -Support and believe the victim
Donts -Judge or blame -Wait for them to come to
you -Give advice
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
8Helping Domestic Violence Victims
Where to Get Outside Help
-Counselors -Shelter homes -www.safehorizon.org/p
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
9Helping Domestic Violence Victims
-Educating in school systems -Promote more
awareness -If you show signs of being an abuser
seek counseling immediately
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
10Helping Domestic Violence Victims
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook
11Helping Domestic Violence Victims
Dan Schrader and Melissa Shook