Title: Implementing BCM
1Implementing BCM
Lynda McMullan CBCI Business Continuity Manager
2BCM - What, When, Who and How?
What is a Business Continuity Management
Programme What are the elements of a BCM
Programme When should each element of a BCM be
created? Who should undertake the BCM
Programme? How can BCM be embedded into an
3What is BCM?
BCI Good Practice Guides BS25999 Holistic
management process that identifies potential
threats to an organisation and the impacts to
business operations that those threats, if
realized, might cause and which provides a
framework for building organizational resilience
with the capability for an effective response
that safeguards the interests of its
stakeholders, reputation, brand and
value-creating activities
4- Business Continuity is the strategic and tactical
capability of the organization to plan for and to
respond to incidents and business disruptions in
order to continue business operations at an
acceptable pre-defined level. - BS25999
5What are the elements of a BCM Programme?
BC Policy identifies the organisations
definition of BCM / sets out the scope and
governance of the BCM programme / documents an
operational framework for management / documents
BCM principles / implementation and maintenance
plan for the policy. BC Strategy agreement on
the delivery of the BCM Programme Prioritisation
Exercise to determine critical
tasks/services Business Impact Analysis (BIA) /
Business Impact and Risk Analysis (BIRA) Business
Continuity Plan (BCP) Risk Register and Risk
Plan BCM Programme Plan Project Plan Exercise and
Review Plan
6When should each BCM element be created?
Policy Strategy before start of programme! BCM
Programme Plan Initial Prioritisation BIRA /
BIA BCPs Risk Plans/Register Exercise and
Review Programme
7Who should undertake the BCM Programme?
- Identified Plan Owners
- Senior Management
- All staff where applicable
8How can BCM be embedded into an organisation?
- Evacuation Planning
- Estates Facilities
- Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
- Value For Money (VFM)
- Been seen as an enabler not a constraint
- BCI Good Practice Guides
- BSI BS25999
- Legislation / Regulations
- H S Requirements
- Organisations Strategic Plans
- Daily/weekly Business Impacts
10(No Transcript)
11All non critical areas are planned for utilising
a Business Unit Recovery Plan