Title: Things
- Everyone Should Know About Forklift Safety
2Things Everyone Should Know About Forklift Safety
- 1. You're Only as Strong as Your Weakest Link
- 2. Anyone Can Be A Target.
- 3. Once Your Forklift Safety Plan is Done, it
Stays Done. - 4. How Protected Is Your Company.
- 5. There is Help.
3You are Only as Strong as your Weakest Link
- The challenge in establishing a work place
forklift safety plan is finding the time to do
the research and figure out what's right for your
company, your operators and your budget. The
problem quickly becomes obvious you may be doing
everything right but what about Federal OSHA,
Department of Labor standards and State
4Anyone Can be a Target
- OSHA is back in the enforcement business. Labor
Secretary Hilda L. Solis has said - "There's a new sheriff in town" and "Workplace
safety is more than a slogan. It's the law" - The Department of Labor which oversees OSHA has
made it crystal clear that - "The Bush administration days of lax enforcement
are over." - Inspections will become more frequent.
- OSHA proposed fines of 87 million - 4 times
greater than any previous sanction against an
5Once your Safety Plan is Done, it Stays Done
- A company forklift safety policy is a plan that
once it's done it lays out a road map for you to
follow any time - You hire someone new
- There are safety concerns at your facility
- Remain in compliance with updates
- It simply lays a foundation for ongoing forklift
safety policies and procedures. It's much easier
than you might think.
6How Protected Is Your Company
- Like most of small businesses in America the
chances are that some of your employees are
either family, or get treated like family. Who
is going to play short stop at the next company
picnic? If there is an accident that could have
easily been avoided by simple training and a
solid forklift safety plan. These days who can
afford to lose an employee to an injury or worse?
7There is Help
- CertifyMe, the leader in forklift operator
safety training and certification helps you
establish your complete forklift safety plan -
even if your budgets are stretched to the
breaking point.
8More Things
- All employers should know about forklift
certification and training
9Why Should You Take This Course?
- This course is designed to help you, the
Employer, implement a forklift safety operations
program. -
- After taking our course, you will have the tools
necessary to create an efficient, OSHA-compliant
code of operations for your operators and
10Who is This Course Designed For?
- This course is created to address the needs and
benefits of a Powered Industrial Truck training
certification course. - As the employer, you are responsible for
administering a course to your employees that
meets the specific needs of your equipment and
11Who is the Trainer?
- It is best to plan for classroom training as
well as hands-on, on-the-job training. - You may also want to hire an outside person to
train your employees. Third-party training
consultants may include - Forklift suppliers
- Third-party, independent compliance consultants
- Trade organizations or specialized training
schools - NSC (National Safety Council)
12Employee Certification
- Here are some rules of thumb
- Be able to present a contract of the training
process (for outsource training), as well as
certificates for each operator. - Have your trainer work with the operators using
his current work routines to ensure proper safety
guidelines are followed. - REMEMBER TO EVALUATE AND CERTIFY!For a Union has
trained an operator, have your evaluator observe
the operator, issue training on any issues he
sees fit, and - document everything before certifying him.
13Where to Evaluate Employees?
- Employees must be evaluated within their
everyday workplace. - Since your employees are operating your
machinery each day on your grounds, and according
to your safety training, it makes sense that
they're evaluated in a normal working environment.
14You have A LOT to do!
- Your training program will require just as much
administrative work as it does planning and
actual training. - Record where and when all training takes place,
including who provided the training - Be thorough about evaluation and certification
- Ensure all documentation
15What is my Safety Duty to my Employees?
- According to OSHA, the General Duty Clause of an
Employer is as follows - (GENERAL DUTY CLAUSE)Each employer shall furnish
to each of his employees employment and a place
of employment which are free from recognized
hazards that are causing or are likely to cause
death or serious harm to his employees. - Each employee shall comply with occupational
safety and health standards and all rules,
regulations and orders issued pursuant to this
article which are applicable to his own actions
and conduct. - Good administrative policy and regular
evaluation, you will ensure that your employees
are safe, and your business is OSHA-compliant.
16What is a Good Safety Program?
- A good safety program has
- Employer that addresses accidents or safety
issues - Employer commitment and employee involvement
- Possible hazards and prevention are addressed
- Someone "qualified" oversees safety regulations
for your operators - Consequences for employees who don't follow
safety procedure - Safety meetings where employee concerns are
addressed. - Continual program evaluation to ensure the best
possible safety program is being implemented
17Forklifts (Powered Industrial Trucks)
- OSHA defines a Powered Industrial Truck
- Powered industrial trucks, commonly called
forklifts or lift trucks, are used in many
industries, primarily to move materials. They can
be used to move, raise, lower, or remove large
objects or a number of smaller objects on pallets
or in boxes, crates, or other containers.
Commonly known as forklifts, pallet trucks,
lifttrucks, or forktrucks
18PIT Training Procedures
- The latest OSHA standard (1999) requires that
employees undergo both formal training, as well
as hands-on training. - The Formal Training should cover the new
standard, and how it applies to your individual
workplace and equipment. - The Practical Training, or Hands-on Training, is
conducted in your employees' work environment by
your trainer. This training ensures that your
employees control and maneuver forklifts using
safe operating procedures.
19Safe Operation
- According to regulation (L)(1)
- (L)(1)(i) The employer shall ensure that each
powered industrial truck operator is competent to
operate a powered industrial truck safely, as
demonstrated by the successful completion of the
training and evaluation specified in this
paragraph (L). - (L)(2) Training program implementation.
- (L)(2)(i) Trainees may operate a powered
industrial truck only(A)Under the direct
supervision of persons who have the knowledge,
training, and experience to train operators and
evaluate their competence and - (B)Where such operation does not endanger the
trainee or other employees
20Safe Operation (cont'd)
- (L)(2)(iii) All operator training and evaluation
shall be conducted by persons who have the
knowledge, training, and experience to train
powered industrial truck operators and evaluate
their competence. - (L)(3) Training program content. Powered
industrial truck operators shall receive initial
training in the following topics, except in
topics which the employer can demonstrate are not
applicable to safe operation of the truck in the
employers workplace.
21Safe Operation (cont'd)
- (L)(3)(i) Truck-related topics
- (D)Engine or motor operation
- (E)Steering and maneuvering
- (F)Visibility (including restrictions due to
loading) - (G)Fork and attachment adaptation, operation, and
use limitations - (H)Vehicle capacity
- (I)Vehicle stability
- (J)Any vehicle inspection and maintenance that
the operator will be required to perform - (K)Refueling and/or charging and recharging of
batteries - (L)Operating limitations
- (M) Any other operation instructions, warnings,
or precautions listed in the operators manual for
the types of vehicles that the employee is being
trained to operate.
22Related Topics
- In addition to operation of the truck, the
employee will also need to be trained in
workplace environmental factors that involve the
space around the truck, and how external factors
affect the truck. These include - (L)(3)(ii) Workplace-related topics
- (A)Surface conditions where the vehicle will be
operated - (B)Composition of loads to be carried and load
stability - (C)Load manipulation, stacking, and unstacking
23Related Topics (contd)
- (D)Pedestrian traffic in areas where the vehicle
will be operated - (E)Narrow aisles and other restricted places
where the vehicle will be operated - (F)Hazardous (classified) locations where the
vehicle will be operated - (G)Ramps and other sloped surfaces that could
affect the vehicle's stability - (H)Closed environments and other areas where
insufficient ventilation or poor vehicle
maintenance could cause a buildup of carbon
monoxide or diesel exhaust - (I)Other unique or potentially hazardous
environmental conditions in the workplace that
could affect safe operation.
24Refresher Training and Evaluation
- When the Refresher Training and Evaluation comes
in handy - (L)(4) Refresher Training and Evaluation.
- (L)(4)(i) Refresher training, including an
evaluation of the effectiveness of that training,
shall be conducted as required by paragraph - (L)(4)(ii), to ensure that the operator has the
knowledge and skills needed to operate the
powered industrial truck safely.
25Refresher Training and Evaluation (contd)
- (L)(4)(ii) Refresher training in relevant topics
shall be provided to the operator when - (A) The operator has been observed to operate the
vehicle in an unsafe manner - (B)The operator has been involved in an accident
or near-miss incident - (C)The operator has received an evaluation that
reveals that the operator is not operating the
truck safely - (D)The operator is assigned to drive a different
type of truck or - (E)A condition in the workplace changes in a
manner that could affect safe operation of the
truck. - If any of the above conditions are met by the
operator, Refresher Training may be provided.
26Evaluations/Duplicate Training
- Fortunately, OSHA gives us specific guidelines
on how often we should evaluate employee
performance - (L)(4)(iii) An evaluation of each powered
industrial truck operators performance shall be
conducted at least once every three years. - Remember to schedule these evaluations on time,
and ensure they are performed. Keep paperwork
throughout the process to avoid fines. - Also, as we covered before, you do not need to
retrain if the operator is found competent. Keep
records of any instance where such an evaluation
takes place in lieu of duplicate training. - (L)(5) Avoidance of duplicative training. If an
operator has previously received training in a
topic specified in paragraph (L)(3) of this
section, and such training is appropriate to the
truck and working conditions encountered,
additional training in that topic is not required
if the operator has been evaluated and found
competent to operate the truck safely.
27Evaluations/Duplicate Training (contd)
- Also, as we covered before, you do not need to
retrain if the operator is found competent. Keep
records of any instance where such an evaluation
takes place in lieu of duplicate training. - (L)(5) Avoidance of duplicative training. If an
operator has previously received training in a
topic specified in paragraph (L)(3) of this
section, and such training is appropriate to the
truck and working conditions encountered,
additional training in that topic is not required
if the operator has been evaluated and found
competent to operate the truck safely.
28With Regards to Certification
- (L)(6) Certification. The employer shall certify
that each operator has been trained and evaluated
as required by this paragraph - (L). The certification shall include
- Name of the operator
- Date of the training
- Date of the evaluation
- Identity of the person(s) performing the training
or evaluation. - Ensure that all points mentioned on this list
are recorded as part of your certification
29With Regards to Certification (contd)
- (L)(7) Dates. The employer shall ensure that the
operator of a powered industrial truck was
trained, as appropriate. - This means that anyone who operates a truck
within your workplace should not only be trained,
but should have documentation available that the
training took place. - THIS IS IMPORTANT. Don't skip this valuable step.
30Developing a Training Program
- Fortunately, OSHA doesn't leave you in the dark
when it comes to developing your program. - 1910.178 (L)(8) Appendix A to this section
provides non-mandatory guidance to assist
employers in implementing this paragraph (L).
This appendix does not add to, alter, or reduce
the requirements of this section. - Understanding this section will be very valuable
to you in developing your program.
31What's Going On?
- One of your most powerful resources for
developing a great safety program is yourself! - Keep a log of your equipment and the specs, as
well as which operators use that equipment.
32Understanding the Equipment
- You should be prepared to research more about
the following basic concepts - Stability Triangle This is an imaginary triangle
on the truck representing the force of balance
available at any time. - Center of Gravity The point which is at the
center of the stability triangle - i.e., will
stop the truck from tipping. - Load Center The truck will tip forward when it
is loaded, which adjusts the center of gravity.
Shifting the front load up will tip back the
33Understanding the Equipment (contd)
- Your operators should also understand these
hazards - Power Lines and other obstruction hazards could
seriously injure or kill an operator - DO NOT run over power lines.
- Stay at least 10 feet away from any live power
lines - Stay over 35 feet away from high-energy lines
- Ramp or slope driving.
- Never reverse or speed the truck on a slope
- procedures for backing up with a load,
- recognizing "blind spots" on the truck
34Operating Manuals
- Operating manuals are an extremely important
part of both your operator's work experience, AND
your training program. - OSHA 1910.178.(L)(3)(i)(m) states there must be a
record of - " any other operation instructions, warnings or
precautions listed in the operators manual for
the types of vehicles that the employee is being
trained to operate". -
- You should make this part of your training
materials, as well as readily available within
the truck. OSHA inspectors will check for these
materials during an inspection.
35ID Plates and Inspections
- ALL lift trucks are required to display
manufacturer ID plates, and inspectors must be
able to read them - Replace damaged plates, contact the manufacturer
for replacement - Keep records of communication with the
manufacturer, include those in your files as part
of your safety compliance process - Inspect your equipment daily, note its operating
condition and check the status of your plates
36Evaluating Your Operators
- Though there is no formal process OSHA dictates
for evaluating an employee, you MUST have your
own process, and you MUST document it thoroughly. - Written test
- On-site evaluation
- Oral evaluation
- Training documentation
37Training and Evaluation Certification
- Account that every employee who operates the
machinery has been trained, evaluated, and
certified. - Include the operator's name
- Date and type of training
- Evaluation date
- Identity of Trainer/Evaluator
- Keep your records for three years.
38Special Needs and Requirements
- OSHA does not require the employer to have
machine operators undergo physical examinations. - If you feel that an operator is a risk to
himself or fellow operators, or to your
equipment, you do have the right to take
appropriate action to ensure the safety of your
workers. - Federal law makes it illegal to hire an operator
under the age of 18. After confirming age, you do
not need to require special licensure for
operators to drive your forklifts. -
39OSHA Construction Safety Course
- OSHA 10-Hour Construction Safety Course Now
Mandatory In Seven States - Conneticut
- Massachusetts
- Missouri
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New York
- Rhode Island