Title: Wildland Fire Operations Research Group
1Wildland Fire Operations Research Group
- Ray Ault
- FERIC Western Division
2Presentation outline
- Why the fire group exists
- Who funds the group
- How projects are chosen
- How we deliver results
- Example of past projects
3Need for fire operations research
4Program areas
- Debris management
- Community protection
- Firefighter safety
- Aviation
- Linear developments
- Equipment design and evaluation
- Fire detection
- Railroads
5Where we work
6Funding -Government members
- Alberta Sustainable Resource Development
- Saskatchewan
- Government of NWT
- BC Forest Protection Branch
- Yukon Government
- Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
- Parks Canada
7Allied Industries-Linear development
- Atco Electric
- CN Rail
- Fortis Alberta
- BC Transmission
8Allied Industries - Aviation
- Fire-Trol Canada
- Astaris Canada
- Conair Aviation Ltd.
- F. I. Flying Tankers
- RBH Pacific
- Canadian Aircrane
9Allied Industries - General
- Mercedes Textiles
- Wildfire Equipment
- Syncrude, Suncor, CNRL
- Saskatchewan Forest Centre
- Vanderwell Contractors (1997)Ltd
- Millar Western Forest Products
- West Fraser Forest Products
- Alberta Pacific Forest Industries Inc.
- Vanguard Plastics
10Advisory Committee
Peter Bothwell Canadian Forest Service
Con Dermott Vanderwell Contractors (1971) Ltd.
Wally Born Alberta Sustainable Resource Development
Mark Coolen Millar Western Forest Products Ltd.
Warren Kehr West Fraser
Vince Eggleston Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc.
Don Podlubny Foothills Model Forest
Brent Schleppe Alberta Sustainable Resource Development
Susan Corey GNWT Forest Management Division
Robin Woodward Saskatchewan Forest Centre
Daryl Jessop Saskatchewan Environment
11Sources of funding Wildland Fire Group
2006 budget 1mil
12How projects are chosen
- Projects proposed by advisory members
- Advisory meets twice yearly
- Fall meeting to vote on projects priorities and
set work program - Each funding member has a vote
13How we deliver results
14Advantage reports
15Research and technology transfer
16Log Deck Protection Workshop
17Wildland Fire Group Personnelmissing Dave
Patterson / Sharad Karmacharya
18Examples of projects
19Aviation gel drop evaluations
20Fire fighter safetyhead protection
21Fire fighter safetyU of A Mechanical Engineering
22Saskatchewan Community Assessment Project
- Types
- Primary
- Secondary
- Tertiary
23(No Transcript)
24Linear Developments
25Linear Disturbancespecies selection with ARC
26Equipment evaluationall terrain vehicle caused
27Equipment evaluations infrared scanning
28Aerial ignition DeviceTechnology development
University of Saskatchewan
29Smoke detection
- All projects support fire operations
- Wide range of outside partners.
- Bring people together to apply innovations and
better methods. - Often our work is not research but bring together
the producer and user to the benefit of both.