Title: George Washington Carver
1Visions to Inventions by African Americans in
- By Joshua Seals, Michelle Jones, Ariassa Wilson,
and Noli James
2Percy Lavon Julian
- Born April 11th, 1899 Montgomery
Alabama(1899-1975) - African American Chemist
- Isolated and experimented simple compounds in
natural products that changed into chemicals of
importance to life - Synthesized progesterone and testosterone
- Graduated from the State Normal School for
Negroes in 1916 - Graduated Phi Beta Kappa and was valedictorian of
the 1920 class of DePauw University - In 1923, he received a master's degree in
chemistry at Harvard University - Earned a Ph. D. in organic chemistry in 1931 from
the University of Vienna
- Was named Chicago's Man of the Year (1950) by
the Jaycees and Chicago Sun-Times - Artificially created physostigmine
- Became director of chemicals development of the
Glidden Company in Chicago - Refined a soya protein (became Aero-Foam)
5 Otis Boykin 1920-1982 Inventor Engineer
Fisk University- (graduated 1941) Institute of
Technology (Chicago, Illinois) 1946- 1947.
Laboratory Assistant Testing automatic controls
for aircraft with the Majestic Radio and TV
Corporation in Chicago. Research engineer with
the P.J. Nilsen Research Laboratories.
Develop his own business a founded Boykin-Fruth,
The Resistor
What it did- Improved computers, radios, and
televisions used in guided missiles. What is a
resistor?- An electronic component used to slow
the flow of an electrical A chemical air filter
A burglarproof cash register Resistor of all
resistors! Cheaper to build made, able to
hold up against extreme changes in temperature
unit for the pacemaker that stimulate s the heart
and create a steady heartbeat What is a
pacemaker? The device uses electrical impulses
to maintain a steady heartbeat (black
inventors) Used all over the world, helping keep
people alive such as Lance
Armstrong Unfortunately Otis died of heart
Received a patent for a wire precision resistor
on June 16, 1959.- used for televisions and
radios Received orders from consumer electronics
manufacturers, the United States military and
electronics behemoth IBM. 1964, Boykin lived in
Paris, inventing electronic innovations for a new
crowd of customers. Most famous for pace maker
component. He among others are proof that hard
work makes dreams come true!
8George Washington Carver 1860 1943
- US agricultural chemist
- Advocated the diversification of crops
- Promoted peanut production
- Pioneer in the field of plastics
9EducationGeorge Washington Carver
- 1890 - Enrolled at Simpson College to study piano
and art - 1891 - Transferred to State Agricultural College,
Ames, IA - 1894 - Earned Bachelor of Agriculture Degree at
Ames - 1894 - Appointed member of faculty, Iowa State
College -
- 1896 - Earned Master of Agriculture Degree, Iowa
State College - 1896 - Went to Tuskegee Institute and became
Agriculture Director
10ResearchGeorge Washington Carver
- soil analysis, crop management, control of plant
diseases - promoted soil diversification and adoption of
peanuts, soybeans, and other soil-enriching crops - developed 108 products using sweet potatoes, 325
products using peanuts, and 75 products using
pecans - came up with a process for creating a plastic
material from soybeans - responsible for the invention in 1927 of a
process for producing paints and stains from
11- 1883 1941
- Born in Charleston, South Carolina into poor
family - American biologist, zoologist, physiologist
- Performed pioneering research in fertilization,
experimental parthenogenesis, and cell physiology - Made many discoveries relating to cell behavior
12Education Achievements
- 1907 Graduated from Dartmouth University with a
B.A. in Biology and minored in Greek and history.
Graduated Magna cum lade. - 1909 Began teaching at Howard University in
Washington, D.C. - Conducted research at Marine Biology Laboratory
in Woods Hill, Massachusetts. - 1915 First recipient of The National Association
for the Advancement of Colored Peoples Spingarn
Medal. - 1916 First African American to receive Ph. D
degree in experimental embryology at University
of Chicago. Graduated magna cum lade. - 1938 Just was invited to the Kaiser Wilhelm
Institute in Berlin. - Due to the time, struggled with racism, funding,
discrimination due to being an black scientist.
- Made leeway in research of fundamental problems
in cell biology, specifically parthenogenesis. - Studied Morphology, and how living cells
reproduce themselves - Successfully challenged Jacques Loeb's theory of
artificial parthenogenesis. Just came to the
conclusions - Cells performing asexual fertilization do so
naturally the ectoplasm of the cell contains all
tools needed. - Lab factors for egg experimentation should be as
close as possible to those found in nature. - Further led to his conclusion, that in any
species the eggs structure was just as important
as any external factor for development. - Published his work Basic Methods for Experiments
on Eggs of Marine Animals. This work created new
scientific area ecological developmental
biology. - His research on marine invertebrates was well
respected, and he was considered an authority . - 1939 Published The Biology of the Cell Surface,
which argues how life is derived from complex
organic structure.
14 References
- Internet www.biography.com/articles/Percy-Julian-
9359018 Retrieved- January 22, 2010 - Internet
- http//www.bookrags.com/biography/percy-lavon-juli
an-woi/ - Retrieved- January 22, 2010
15References (pt.2)
- Internethttp//www2.chemistry.msu.edu/Portraits/i
mages/julianc.jpg Retrieved- January 26, 2010 - Internethttp//www.depauw.edu/acad/chemistry/imag
es/DrPercyJulian01.jpg Retrieved- January 26,
2010 - Internethttp//www.ed.psu.edu/educ/pssc/images/ha
nd_diploma.jpg Retrieved- February 1, 2010
16References (pt.3)
- http//www.blackinventor.com/pages/otisboykin.h
tml - http//personal.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/H
17References (pt.4)
- Library Digital Collections - http//www.lib.iasta
te.edu/spcl/gwc/bio.html - "The Plant World - What Were Some Of The
Accomplishments Of George Washington Carver?."
Science Fact Finder. Ed. Phillis Engelbert.
UXL-Gale, 1998. eNotes.com. 2006. 24 Jan, 2010
gtongt - Tuskegee University - http//www.tuskegee.edu/Glob
al/story.asp?S1106545navmenu200_2 - Website of The Shroder Group www.biologie.uni-frei
burg.de/data/bio2/schroe. 27, Feb. 2008.
18References (pt.5)
- Bianco, D. (2010). Answers.com. Retrieved
February 10, 2010, from Answers Corporation
- Grey, M. (2007, February). Black History Month.
Retrieved February 10, 2010, from Time, Inc.
.html - How Stuff Works. (2010). Retrieved February 10,
2010, from How Stuff Works, Inc.
ts/ernest-everett-just-info.htm - http//www.ls.cc.al.us/blackhistory/Ernest_Evere
tt_Just.jpg - http//images3.wikia.nocookie.net/westwing/images/
b/b6/Dartmouth.gif - http//events.stanford.edu/events/172/17231/NAACP-
logo-sq.jpg - http//www.biologyreference.com/images/biol_02_img
0136.jpg - http//www5.pbrc.hawaii.edu/mbl/membio/cartoon2.gi