La Divina Commedia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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La Divina Commedia


La Divina Commedia Michelangelo s Last Judgment Inferno 1 Canto 1 Midway in life s journey reprises life as a pilgrimage midway in his life i.e. the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: La Divina Commedia

La Divina Commedia
  • Michelangelos Last Judgment

Inferno 1
  • Canto 1Midway in lifes journey reprises life
    as a pilgrimage midway in his life i.e. the
    year 1300 Jubilee Year! Instant connection to
    pilgrimage- Dante is 35 years old he finds
    himself on the wrong side of a mountain- in a
    dark wood- he looks back like someone who has
    just escaped a shipwreck! - then who appears but
    Virgil! Virgil who told Aeneass story will
    guide Dante through this journey!

Dante lost in the Dark Wood
Inferno 2
  • -Dante tells us that Aeneas is the chosen father
    of Rome
  • - then he tells us of Pauls journey
  • - but Dante protests I am not Aeneas - I am not
    Paul instantly signaling that his journey will
    also be like theirsremember that chronologically
    Dante has not yet journeyed to Rome from when
    he will start his pilgrimage to the City of God
    he must first go to the earthly city in his
    temporal life and then from there (per Augustine)
    can he undertake the journey to City of God)
    reminding us of their journeys
  • this vision then is a vision of that journey and
    we shall see to what it is connected when Dante
    asks why me
  • The answer A Lady in Heaven .. una donna wants
    this so the donna turned to Lucia and Lucia in
    turn asked Beatrice to go save Dante and Beatrice
    descended into Limbo to get Virgil out and to
    save Dante from the three beasts of temptation
    and send him on his journey.

The Darkening Skyof the First Night
Inferno 3
  • First stop the Gates of Hell people waiting
    for the boat to go to their respective
    punishments .. those who cannot get aboard the
    shadow of that soul, who in his cowardice, made
    the Great Denial - 2 interpretations Pilate
    or Celestine V who abdicated- does the
    interpretation matter? Pilates inaction led to
    the crucifixion Celestinos inaction led to
    abuse of the papacy they can indeed be figura
    of each other Dante neednt name the Great
    denial for the meaning is the same.

The doomed souls about to cross Acheron
Inferno 4
  • - Limbo the poets .. Dantes characterisation
    of Virgil as a virtuous poet who regrets having
    died before the birth of Christ (Canto 1, 69 I
    was born late )and the good Brutus who
    overthrew Tarquin .. later well see what he
    thinks of the other Brutus!

Homer, the Classic Poets
Inferno 5
  • -This is where we see what he thinks of Dido ..
    she is in the circle of the lustful .. and we
    also start to understand what he was getting at
    in the Vita Nuova with amore a morteThis is
    one of the steps where we will start to see that
    the pilgrimage is one to divine love as opposed
    to earthly AMOR

Paolo and Francesca
Inferno 18
  • Mention of the Jubilee, called by Boniface in
    return for indulgences, and the bridge to Castel

Castel SantAngelo and the Ponte SantAngelo
Inferno 19
  • Dante talks to one of the sinners and the sinner
    thinks its Boniface!the sinner is Pope
    Nicholas III- Rome referred to as that sweet
    Lady la bella donna l. 57 the rhetorical
    question - how much cash did Jesus ask from
    Peter? -Dante berates Constantines donation
    its great you were converted but what a fee!
    Here is where Dante places Clement (l. 82)

The Simoniac Popes
Boniface VIII
Inferno 27
  • Rome of the New PhariseesGuido da Montefeltro
    counsellor to Boniface VIII - recounts how
    Boniface relied on the power of Peter to pardon
    Montefeltro in advance for a sin that Boniface
    was asking him to commit i.e. tricking the
    Colonna out of their castle so that the Pope
    could destroy it - this is the Rome of the New
    Pharisees and it figures prominently throughout

Prenestina stronghold of the Colonna
Inferno 31
  • In describing one of the Giants he says he was a
    high as the giant pine cone in St. Peters 3159
    In Dantes time this stood outside the Basilica
    (its now inside the Vatican walls)

(No Transcript)
Inferno 34
  • The worst sin of all (Inf.1832) Betrayal of
    the Empire Dante places Brutus and Cassius
    side by side with Judas Iscariot betrayal of the
    Empire betrayal of Christ

(No Transcript)
  • Reversal of Infernal journey
  • Starts with an image taken from pilgrimage
    (pilgrimage to Jerusalem (rememeber the figural
    connection to Rome)

Purgatorio 1 in exitu Israel de Aegypto
Purgatorio 6
  • - bemoans an Italy as a ship unpiloted
  • 78 Ahi serva Italia, di dolore ostello, nave
    sanza nocchiere in gran tempesta, non donna di
    province, ma bordello!
  • beseeches the Emperor to come into Italy and fix
    things esp. the Church!
  • 105 come see how the Garden of the Empire goes
    to seed - come see your stricken Rome, that weeps
    alone a widow

Purgatorio 16
  • 94 Men need a Monarch over them who sees at
    least the towers of the True City .. yet no one
    is leading not the shepherd he is a sheep
    himself (i.e. the pope) Rome used to shine when
    her rod made the world good refers to two suns
    i.e. sees Empire and Papacy as equal lights ..
    n.b. this is before Monarchia

Purgatorio 22
  • 145 Romes noble blood

Purgatorio 29
  • Dante hears cries of Hosanna typically
    signaling the arrival of Christ in Jerusalem and
    then Beatrice arrives

The heavenly procession
Purgatorio 32
  • Rome as Babylon but Beatrice says she will take
    Dante to Heaven . i.e. to that Rome where Christ
    is a Roman (l. 102)

The harlot and the Giant
Paradiso 6
  • Justinian
  • 1. "After Constantine turned back the eagle
    against the course of heaven which it followed
    behind the man of old who wed Lavinia,
  • (The eagle, symbol of Roman power, had moved
    westward first with Aeneas, Lavinias husband
    then Constantine returned it east when he founded
    Constantinople in 330. )
  • 57. Then as that age dawned in which Heaven
    planned the whole world to its harmony, Caesar
    came, and by the will of Rome, took it in hand.
  • ( i.e. Julius Caesar preparing the way for the
    peace that will be brought about under Caesar

Justinian in the Ravenna Mosaics6th century in
the Basilica of San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy.
Paradiso 9
  • 125 the Holy land (which seems to have slipped
    from the Popes memory139 But the Vatican
    and the other chosen parts of Holy Rome that have
    been, from the first, them cemetery of those
    faithful hearts, that followed Peter and were his
    soldiery, shall soon be free of this adultery.
    per Folquet of Marseilles

Paradiso 15
  • 126 Cacciaguida (and ancestor of Dantes) I
    served with Conrad in the Holy Land against the
    evil creed whose followers take from you
    because your shepherd sins what is yours by

Paradiso 24
  • 63 Dante to St. Peter as it was set down by the
    pen of your dear brother, who, with you, set Rome
    on the road that leads to glorys crown
    (reference to the anonymous letter to the
    Hebrews, which Dante attributes to St. Paul )

Paradiso 27
  • l. 25 - St. Peter that usurper has made a sewer
    of my sepulcher, a flow of blood and stink
  • l. 62 Yet the high Providence that stood with
    Rome and Scipio for the glory of the world will
    once again, and soon be seen to come.

(No Transcript)
Paradiso 31
  • 34 If the Barbarians looking at Rome, were
    stupefied to see her works in those days when the
    Lateran outshone all else built by humanity, ,
    what did I feel on reaching such a goal (i.e.
    heaven)Dante makes a direct comparison to the
    pagans arriving in Rome and his arriving in
  • 104 As a stranger from afar .. comes to see
    our Veronica, and awed by its ancient fame, can
    never look his fill, but says to himself as long
    as it is displayed My Lord, Jesus Christ, true
    God, and is this then the likeness of thy living
    flesh portrayed? just so did I gaze on the
    living love of him who in this world, through
    contemplation, tasted the peace which ever dwells
    above (i.e. St. Bernard of Clairvaux who was
    afforded a glimpse of heaven) now Dante will turn
    his eyes for his vision of God

Final Image of Rome
  • Christian Rome versus Pagan Rome
  • Veronica and the Madonna versus La Lupa

  • Thus Dantes three part journey shows us
  • Hell - Rome abandoned Rome as BabylonPurgatory
    Rome remedied - a strong Monarchy, Eagle over
    the harlot
  • Paradise Rome fulfilled Rome where Christ is
    a Roman heaven
  • His pilgrimage therefore goes from the Rome of
    this world to the Rome of Heaven.
  • His pilgrimage has been spurred by Beatrice who
    was seeing in him a misdirection of his love
    towards courtly love but turning away from
    courtly love to higher love has allowed him the
    vision to see that politics cannot be only about
    temporal things but that politics and empire must
    be about fulfilling their spiritual significance
  • Parallel structurelove temporal love ------gt
    spiritual lovepolitics temporal empire -------gt
    spiritual empire
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