Title: Current State of Our Orcas
1Current State of Our Orcas
Highline Community College
2Killer Whales- Orcas
- Orcinus orca
- Largest member of the dolphin family, Delphinidae
- Identifying traits
- Tall dorsal fin
- Saddle patch behind dorsal fin
- White patches on sides, belly and behind eyes
3Orca Biology
- Average Birth Weight 395 lbs
- Average Adult Weight 2.6 9 tons
- Males are larger than females
- Lifespan
- Males 40 years
- Females gt60 years
- Sexually mature 13 years
4Orca Natural History
- Found in all the worlds oceans
- Travel in pods from 3 to gt150 members
- Feed on fish, squid and marine mammals
5Transient vs. Resident Orcas
Transients Residents
Habitat Offshore Nearshore
Food Marine Mammals Fish
Pod Size 3-5 gt20
Vocalization Quiet Very Vocal
6Resident Orcas
- Resident orcas live in coastal areas feeding
mostly on fish - Live in extended familial units called pods
- Pods are matriarchal
- Northeast Pacific resident orcas are found from
Puget Sound to Alaska - Puget Sound orcas are Southern Resident Orcas
7Southern Resident Orcas
- Consists of three pods J, K and L
- Summer in the area around the San Juan Islands
feeding on salmon runs - Winter on outer coast, but do not know where
8Dead Orcas
9State of Southern Resident Orcas
- Almost 20 orcas died between 1995 and 2000.
- Reproductive females have not produced young in
ten years. - Only four adult males in the entire community of
80 whales.
10Puget Sound Orcas and PCBs
- Highest levels of PCBs in blubber of any marine
mammal in the world - Average almost 150 ppm
- lt10 ppm PCB is known to cause immune problems in
seals - Dead female transient orca on Dungeness Spit in
May 2002 - 1000 ppm PCB
- 12ppm- EPAs standard for marine sediments
11Polychlorinated Biphenyls(PCBs)
- Highly stable oily fluids and solids
- Transformers, pesticides, etc
- Fat soluble
- Reside in fatty tissue
- Block hormone activity
- Destroy normal immune function
- Cause liver cancer, pituitary tumors, leukemia,
and lymphoma - Banned in U.S. since 1977
13Ecosystem Review
- Ecosystem
- Organisms interacting with environment and each
other through a food chain - Food Chain
- Biomass moves from one organism to another as
each eats a lower member and, in turn, is eaten
by a higher member
14Generalized Ecological Pyramid
3 Cons.
1 g
2 Consumers
10 g
Primary Consumers
100 g
Primary Producers
1000 g Biomass
15Idealized Puget Sound Ecological Pyramid
1 g
10 g
100 g
1000 g
- Pollutant
- Adversely affects the health, survival, or
activities of living organisms - Persistent Organic Pollutant
- Stable, Long Lasting
- Includes DDT and PCBs
17Factors Influencing Impact of Pollutants
- Solubility
- Water soluble pollutants
- Move easily through environment
- Fat soluble pollutants
- Need a carrier
- Long-lasting in bodys fatty tissue
- Persistence
- More stable
- Longer to break down
- More harm it can do
18Pollutants in the Food Chain
- Bioaccumulation
- Cells increase the concentrations of molecules
relative to the environment - Biomagnification
- Concentration of pollutants increases as they
move up the ecological pyramid - Only 10 of biomass, but most of the pollutant is
19DDT in a Long Island Estuary(from Woodwell,
Wurster and Isaccson, 1967)
20Idealized Puget Sound PyramidWith PCBs
10 g
100 g
1000 g
1 g
21The Double Whammy
- In blubber, PCBs are not very harmful.
- Low salmon runs force orcas to metabolize more
blubber to survive. - The blubber releases PCBs into the blood,
destroying the immune system. - Therefore, starvation increases the lethality of
the pollutant.