Title: CSET 4650 Field Programmable Logic Devices
1CSET 4650 Field Programmable Logic Devices
Introduction to FPGAs Field Programmable Gate
2Hierarchy of Logic Implementations
- The diagram below is a modified version of the
one we first used to discuss the role of FPLDs in
logic implementation - This version more closely reflects the details as
we have come to know them
3FPGA Development
- FPGAs evolved from Gate Arrays
- Parallel with development of CPLDs
4Gate Array Technology (1970s)
- Mask-Programmable Logic Devices
- MPLDs as compared to FPLDs
- Programmed as part of fabrication process
- Mask-Programmable Gate Arrays
- A specific type of MPLD
- Build standard layout of transistors on chip
- Customer specifies wiring to connect transistors
into gates and gates into systems - Only has to go through last few mask steps of
fabrication process - Faster than full-custom chip fabrication
5Gate Array Technology (1970s)
- Simple logic gates
- Use transistors toimplement combinationaland
sequential logic - Interconnect
- Wires to connect inputs andoutputs to logic
blocks - I/O blocks
- Special blocks at peripheryfor external
connections - Add wires for connections
- Done when chip is fabricated
- mask-programmable logic device
- Construct any circuit
6Evolution of the FPGA
- Early FPGAs
- Used mainly for glue logic between other
components (interfacing) - Simple Combinational Logic Blocks (CLBs)
- Small number of inputs and outputs
- Focus was on implementing random logic
efficiently - As capacities grew, other applications emerged
- FPGAs used as an alternative to custom ICs for
entire applications - Computing with FPGAs
7Evolution of the FPGA
- FPGAs have changed to meet new application
demands - Carry chains, better support for multi-bit
operations - Integrated memories, such as the block RAMs
- Specialized units, such as multipliers, to
implement functions that are slow/inefficient in
CLBs - Newer devices incorporate entire CPUs
- Xilinx Virtex II Pro has 1-4 Power PC CPUs
- Devices that dont have CPU hardware generally
support synthesized CPUs
8Current FPGAs Major Elements
- Programmability
- Technology used to program device
- Internal logic cell structure
- Combinational and sequential
- Complexity
- Routing mechanisms
- Interconnecting wires and their layout
Current commercial FPGAs have the same general
structure but differ among major components
9The Plan for Today
- We will look at a generalized overview of FPGAs
and their structure - More of our examples than not will be from Xilinx
devices - Since that is what we use in the lab
- Since they are recognized as a leading vendor
- Over the next few meetings, we will look at
greater detail about the major FPGA elements and
10General FPGA Architecture
Routing mechanism
Logic cell, often called a CLB configurable
logic block
11Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
- Based on Configurable Logic Blocks (CLB) as the
logic cells
12Current FPGAs Logic Cells
- Transistor pairs
- Basic small gates
- e.g., two-input NAND or XOR
- Multiplexers
- Look-up tables (LUTs)
- Wide-fan-in AND-OR structures
- Microprocessor-like
Current commercial FPGAs use logic cells that are
based one one or more of the following
13Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
- Requires some form of programmable interconnect
at crossovers
14Current FPGAs Programming
- Static RAM
- Switch is a pass transistor controlled by the
state of the SRAM bit - EEPROM
- Switch is a floating-gate transistor that can be
turned off by injecting charge onto its floating
gate - Antifuse
- Switch is a device that, when electrically
programmed, forms a low resistance path
15Current FPGAs versus MPLDs
- Programmable switches
- occupy larger chip areas
- exhibit higher parasitic resistance and
capacitance (power dissipation and propagation
delay result) - Additional chip area required for switch
programming circuitry - The more switches, the more flexible
- Flexibility requires higher overhead
- FPGAs are slower than MPLDs
16Current FPGAs Programming
SRAM- programmed
Antifuse- programmed
EPROM- programmed
Actel ACT1 2 Quicklogics pASIC Crosspoints
Alteras MAX AMDs Mach Xilinxs EPLD
Xilinx LCA ATT Orca Altera Flex
Toshiba Plessers ERA Atmels CLi
17FPGA Architectures
- FPGAs are commercially available in many
different architectures and organizations. - Although each companys offerings have unique
characteristics, FPGA architectures can be
generically classified into one of four
categories - Symmetrical Array
- Row Based
- Hierarchical PLD
- Sea of Gates
18FPGA Architectures
- The Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs) are
organized in a two dimensional array separated by
horizontal and vertical wiring channels. - Each CLB contains flip-flop(s), multiplexers, and
a combinatorial function block which operates as
an SRAM based table look-up. - Connections between CLBs are customized by
turning on pass transistors which selectively
connect the CLBs to the interconnection resources
19FPGA Architectures
- Pass transistors selectively connect the
interconnect lines between the horizontal and
vertical wiring channels. - SRAM cells which are distributed around the chip
hold the state of the interconnect switches. - Surrounding the CLB array and interconnect
channels are the programmable I/O blocks which
connect to the package pins.
20FPGA Architectures
- Xilinx XC4000 FPGA
- Greater logic capacity per CLB is achieved using
a two-level look-up table - Compared to earlier families, the routing
resources have been more than doubled. - number of globally distributed signals has
21FPGA Architectures
- This organization is similar to that found in the
traditional style of Mask Programmed Gate Arrays
(MPGAs). - Vertical interconnect segments of varying lengths
are available. - Vertical segments in input tracks are permanently
connected to logic module inputs, and vertical
segments in output tracks are permanently
connected to logic module outputs.
22FPGA Architectures
- Long vertical segments are available which are
uncommitted and can be assigned during routing. - The horizontal wiring channel resources are also
segmented into varying lengths. - The minimum horizontal segment length is the
width of a single logic module, and the maximum
horizontal segment length spans the full channel.
23FPGA Architectures
- Any segment that spans more than one-third of the
row length is considered a long horizontal
segment. - Dedicated routing tracks are used for global
clock distribution and for power and ground
tie-off connections.
24FPGA Architectures
- The Actel ACT family FPGAs a logic module matrix
is arranged as rows of cells separated by
horizontal wiring channels - This organization is similar to that found in the
traditional style of Mask Programmed Gate Arrays
25FPGA Architectures
- This architecture represents a hierarchical
arrangement of CLBs using a two-dimensional array
structure. - Interconnections are via a centralized
programmable interconnect structure - CLBs can be cascaded
- I/O structures not shown
26FPGA Architectures
- The Altera Multiple Array MatriX (MAX)
architecture represents a hierarchical
arrangement of Erasable Programmable Logic
Devices (EPLDs) using a two-dimensional array
structure. - The design provides multiple level logic, uses a
programmable routing structure, and is user
reprogrammable based on EPROM or EEPROM
27FPGA Architectures
- this design has a two-dimensional mesh array
structure which resembles the gate array sea of
gates - Static RAM programming technology is used to
specify the function performed by each logic cell
and to control the switching of connections
between cells.
28FPGA Architectures
- The CAL1024 design contains 1024 identical logic
cells arranged in a 32 X 32 matrix. - The design is considered to be a mesh-connected
architecture since each cell is directly
connected to its nearest north, south, east, and
west neighbors. - In addition to these direct connects, two global
interconnect signals are routed to each cell to
distribute clock and other low skew requirement
control signals.
29Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
- Xilinx Spartan-3 die image note the regularity
30Field Programmable Gate Arrays
Xilinx FPGAs are based on Look-up Tables (LUTs)
as the CLB.
A LUT is simply a representation of a truth table
three-input truth table
The function is programmable any LUT can be
programmed to be any function
three-input Look-Up Table
FPGAs are just a whole lot of LUTs with lots of
31Synthesizing Functions to CLBs
- Flexibility of CLBs is a big win -- much harder
to map to technology with less-flexible blocks - Basically, can divide logic into n-input
functions, map each onto a CLB. - Tools may have special-purpose routines for
common blocks (like adders) - Harder problem Placing blocks to minimize
communication, particularly when using carry
32FPGA Organization
- Xilinx FPGAs are based on SRAM
- Lose programming when power is turned off
- Can be programmed by a computer or by a special
EPROM - Capacity
- May have up to 10,000,000 gate equivalent
- Up to 1,200 I/O pins
- FPGAs must add some kind of switch to the
equation to be user programmable. - The size and performance of the switch
essentially determines the architecture - ULM (Universal Logic Module) must be as small as
possible to maximize versatility and utilization
35Whats in a CLB?
36CLB Variables
- Number of inputs to LUT
- Trade off number of CLBs required vs. size of CLB
and routing area - How is logic implemented
- LUT vs. programmable and-or-invert vs. other
- Technology used to hold configuration (program)
of CLB - Flip-flop in CLB?
- Additional Functionality
- Carry chains
37Switch Detail
- Programmable Switch Matrix
- Connections are controlled by RAM bits
- More later
38Programmable Switch Matrix
39The Fitters Job
- Partition logic functions into CLBs
- Arrange the CLBs
- Interconnect the CLBs
- Minimize the number of CLBs used
- Minimize the size and delay of interconnect used
- Work with constraints
- Locked I/O pins
- Critical-path delays
- Setup and hold times of storage elements
40Input-Output Blocks
- One IOB per FPGA pin
- Allows pin to be used as input, output, or
bidirectional (tri-state) - Inputs
- Direct
- Registered
- Drive dedicated decoder logic for address
recognition - IOB may also include logic for boundary scan
41I/O blocks
- Looks like a CPLD macrocell
42Xilinx 4000-series FPGAs
43FPGAs Summary
- Historically, FPGA architectures and companies
began around the same time as CPLDs - FPGAs are closer to programmable ASICs - large
emphasis on interconnection routing - Timing is difficult to predict - multiple hops
vs. the fixed delay of a CPLDs switch matrix. - But more scalable to large sizes.
- FPGA configurable logic blocks have a few inputs
and 1-2 flip-flops, but there are many more of
them compared to the number of macrocells in a
44Common CPLD FPGA Problems
- Pin locking
- Small changes, and certainly large ones, can
cause the fitter to pick a different allocation
of I/O blocks and pinout. - Locking too early may make the resulting circuit
slower or not fit at all. - Running out of resources
- Design may blow up if it doesnt all fit on a
single device. - On-chip interconnect resources are much richer
than off-chip. - Larger devices are exponentially more expensive.
45FPGAs Pros
- Reasonably Cheap
- Good for low-volume parts, more expensive than IC
for high-volume parts - Short Design Cycle (1sec programming time)
- Reprogrammable
- Can download bug fix into units youve already
shipped - Large capacity (4 million gates or so, though we
wont use any that big) - FPGAs in the lab are rated at 300K gates
- More flexible than PLDs -- can have internal
state - More compact than MSI/SSI
46FPGAs Cons
- Lower capacity, speed and higher power
consumption than building an integrated circuit - Sub-optimal mapping of logic into CLBs
- Less dense layout and placement due to
programmability - Overhead of configurable interconnect and logic
blocks - PLDs may be faster than FPGA for designs they can
handle - Need sophisticated tools to map design to FPGA