Near Term Infants - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Near Term Infants


Near Term Infants Susan M. Ludington, CNM, Ph.D., FAAN Walters Professor of Pediatric Nursing Case Western Reserve University – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Near Term Infants

Near Term Infants
  • Susan M. Ludington, CNM, Ph.D., FAAN
  • Walters Professor of Pediatric Nursing
  • Case Western Reserve University

Near Term/Late Term
  • Infants born at 34, 35, 36 and 37 weeks
    gestational age are called NEAR TERM (AKA Late
    Preterm) Infants -4-5 weeks before due date
  • Near terms have a higher rate of post-discharge
    rehospitalization and illness than fullterm
    infants (Raju et al., 2006 Wang et al., 2004)

Prevalence of Near Term Births
  • Near terms comprise the largest and a growing
    proportion of preterm (lt37 wks GA) births
    (Mathews MacDorman, 2007).
  • Represent approximately 7 of births
  • in US near terms are 6.4-8.5 of all births
  • in Canada 7.7 of infants are born lt37 weeks and
    5.6 of all infants are 34-36 weeks GA
    (Santo-Donato, 2006).

Near term characteristics
  • AGA
  • Normal APGARS
  • Usually go home with MOM in 2-3 days
  • Considered to be healthy, like full term infant,

They are more like preterm infants than fullterm
  • though often treated like full term newborns,
    near-term newborns are at risk for same problems
    that prematures experience respiratory
    distress, hyperbilirubinemia, feeding problems,
    and neurodevelopmental delays (AWHONN).

  • 1. Increased Mortality
  • 2. Increased Morbidity
  • 3. Respiratory Instability apnea
  • 4. Cardiovascular instability
  • 5. Thermoregulation
  • 6. Hypoglycemia
  • 7. Sepsis
  • 8. Hyperbilirubinemia
  • 9. Feeding Problems
  • 10. Neurodevelopmental delay

For all these problems, theres KC
Increased Mortality
  • 2001 mortality rate for 32-36 GA8.9/1000
  • 2002 mortality rate 9.2/1000 (MacDorman et al.,
    2005) with similar results in 2004 (Mathews
    MacDorman, 2007)
  • Kangaroo Care decreases mortality
  • (Kambarami, Chided Pereira, 2003 Worku
    Kassie, 2005)

Increased Morbidity
  • Wang et al., 2004 90 near term vs 95 FT
  • Near terms had more evaluations for sepsis,
    hypoglycemia, breathing probs, jaundice, and 27
    needed IV fluids (only 5 FT needed IV fluids).
  • LOS was longer and costs for near terms were
    2630 more than FT
  • Kangaroo Care reduces LOS (27.2 days vs 34.6)
    (Ramanathan et al., 2001)

Respiratory Instability
  • Due to ? diffusion capability lungs
    underdeveloped, few gas exchange sites at 29-35
    wks, surface area in alveoli ? at 36 wks
  • Due to ? fluid clearance ability esp C/S
  • Due to ? surfactant ?? elasticity of alveolae

Respiratory Assessment
  • Check for Apnea of Prematurity Periodic
    Breathing Biggest use of home monitor
  • lt 20 secs with spontaneous recovery
  • lt 20 secs with HR? /or cyanosis, stimulate
  • gt 20 secs stimulate meds

Apnea Treatment
  • 3 types of Apnea
  • 1. Central (controlled by brain, airflow goes in
    and out of lungs without respiratory effort)
  • 2. Obstructive (due to airway obstruction like
    flexed neck, airflow goes in but does not go down
    into lungs but respiratory effort continues
  • 3. Mixed (combination of central obstructive)

Nasal Thermistor for Apnea Study
Apnea reduction by 75 during KMC
Ludington-Hoe et al Neonatal Network 1994
(No Transcript)
Peaceful slumber 1 hour after birth
KC for apnea
  • Apnea rarely occurs during KC (Chen et al., 2000
    Clifford Barnsteiner, 2001 Ludington-Hoe et
    al., 2004 Tornhage et al., 1999)
  • Apnea does not increase during KC (Bohnhorst et
    al., 2001, 2004 Kadam et al., 2005)
  • Apnea may decrease during KC (Ludington-Hoe et
    al., 1994 Hadeed et al., 1995 Meier, 2003)
  • Because apnea mostly occurs during active sleep
    and arousals and these are minimized during
    Kangaroo Care (Ludington-Hoe et al. 2006
    Lehtonen Martin, 2004)

  • Quiet sleep in Kangaroo Care

Cardiovascular Instability
  • When changing position, being manipulated,
    feeding, or having apnea, HR ? ? BP vacillates
  • Full term BP 50-85 mmHg
  • Near term BP 25-50 mmHg

Cardiovascular Instability TX
  • Monitor HR and skin color
  • Mimimize agitation, avoid crying stress changes
    heart rate
  • KC produces calm (Morelius et al., 2005 Moore
    et al., 2007)
  • Prevent crying or answer quickly to prevent
    foramen ovale shunting (Ludington-Hoe, Cong
    Hashemi, 2002).
  • Crying is rare in KC (Ludington, 1990 Anderson
    et al. 2003) and KC ?crying (Chwo et al., 2002
    Erlandsson et al., 2007 Lai et al., 2005, Moore
    et al., 2007)

Note the infants smile in PKC
Hypothermia is big concern
  • Lose body heat due to large surface area (lose
    40 through head alone), no shivering
    thermogenesis ability, limited brown fat supplies
    (only 207 of total weight at birth in near
    terms), limited glucose and oxygen reserves for
    thermogenesis, and spend most of reserves on
    maintaining temperature (near term spends twice
    the O2 consumption to stay warm than a fullterm
    infant does).

Hypothermia Treatment
  • Maintain warm environmental temp becuz a drop of
    2 doubles O2 consumption rate and ? anaerobic
  • Do not wean from incubator until at least 1500
  • KC infants are warmer in KC than in any
    incubator or radiant warmer (Ludington-Hoe et
    al., 2000)
  • Best temp for near term is 36.8C (36.5-37.4)

Advantages of Kangaroo Care to Thermal Regulation
  • Mother conducts heat to infant (Bergstrom et al.,
    2007 Ludington-Hoe et al., 2000, 2004, 2005)
  • KC warms entire body, not just trunk (Christidis
    et al., 2003)
  • KC warms and keeps warm without causing change in
    O2 consumption nor metabolic rate (Karlsson,
  • KC maintains temp in neutral thermal zone (Jonas
    et al., 2007 Ludington-Hoe et al., 2004 Moore
    et al., 2007 Ndiaye et al., 2006)
  • KC is more efficient for rewarming than any
    device (Galligan, 2006)
  • AAP recommends KC for thermoregulation (AAP, 2005)

Sepsis 4 times more common in near term than in
term infants
  • Acquire infections in utero, during delivery, and
    during postpartum
  • Early sign is ? apnea, poor feeding, and acting
    just not right
  • TX work up, close monitoring, antibiotics and
    active KANGAROO CARE (ideally with Mothers own
    milk for enteromammary and enterodermal pathways
    (Schanler, 2001 Schanler et al., 2005). KC
    reduces infection (Conde-Agudelo et al., 2003
    Charpak et al., 2001, Kambarami et al., 1998)

Hypoglycemia causes seizures
  • Five times more often in near term than full term
  • Due to delivery (no more coming from mother and
    when it was, infants level was only 60 that of
    mothers), slow start up in first 2-4 hours of
    infants own gluconeongenesis and glycogenolysis,
  • All newborns will have drop unless you prevent it
    with treatment

Hypoglycemia Treatment -1
  • Monitoring glucose level lt40-45mg/dl
  • New 2007 guidelines say do it at 12, 24, 48 and
    pre-discharge use nomogramfor near term infants
    (Bhutani Johnson, 2006 Beachy, 2007)
  • Watch for apnea, lethargy, jittery behavior,
    tachypnea, hypothermia
  • Common treatment is early feeds and IV glulcose
    with bolus of 2-4 ml/kg D10W then continuous
    infusion based on 4-8 mg/kg/minute

Hypoglycemia Treatment -2
  • Keep infant in Kangaroo Care. Over first 90
    minutes of life, even without feeding, blood
    glucose will stay closer to normal (Anderson et
    al., 2003 Christensson et al., 1996 Mazurek et
    al., 1999) because staying warm promotes
    euglycemia (Chantry, 2005)
  • Feed infant breastmilk while in KC because this
    reduces hypoglycemia (American Academy of BF Med)

Feeding Problems gut mature at 34 weeks but
still growing and building integrity of sphincters
  • Though Breast Milk is best, many BF problems
  • 1, decreased milk intake 2 inefficient
    (immature) sucking inadequate feeding volume,
  • 2. consequent reduced maternal milk supply
    (Shapiro-Mendoza et al., 2006 Tomashek et al.,
    2006 Jain Cheng, 2006 Hall et al., 2000)

  • Kangaroo Care CLEARLY promotes better
    breastfeeding, even in infants as low as 23 weeks
    GA (Moore Anderson, 2007 Moore, Anderson
    Bergman, 2007 Carfoot et al., 2005) and
    increases milk production (CDC, 2005 Hurst et
    al., 1997)
  • Mothers Milk Club in Chicago (Meier, 2003)
  • Uninterrupted KC, daily KC, pumping near baby, KC
    before anticipated feeding time, dont let sleep
    beyond 4 hours
  • feed 8-12 times/day
  • (includes night) and
  • mothers need support
  • Aim for 15-20 gm/kg/day gain

Hyperbilirubinemia is common
  • ?bilirubin usually occurs in 1st week, so the
    earlier the discharge the more likely readmission
    (Watchko, 2006)
  • 80 of preterms develop Hyperbili (Sola, 2007)
  • Kernicterus in common (Bhutani Johnson, 2006)
  • Dehydration is common (Jones et al., 2003)
  • Due to immaturity of liver and intestine, ?
    production, ?elimination, and more common in
    Breastfed infants

Assessment of Bilirubinemia
  • Expect hyperbilirubinemia in near terms
    (80-Sola, 2007)
  • Do first assessment at 12 hours of life
    transdermal (icterometer) from forehead and nose
    tip. If gt2 in 1st 24 hrs, estimated mean
    bili5.5-8.7 mg/dl (Facchini et al., 2007). If gt3
    after 24 hours of life, then take total bili
    transcutaneously and if gt 11 mg/dl, take serum
    value and compare to critical chart (Bhutani
    Johnson, 2007)
  • Initiate phototherapy when critical values are at
    or near 40th Percentile on NOMOGRAM for near
    terms (Bhutani, Johnson, Sivieri, 1999)
  • Assess bili level 24 hours after discontinuing
    treatment and ALWAYS BEFORE DISCHARGE. Only
    discharge if bilirubinemia lt 15 mg/dl.
  • If bilirubinemi or gt 20mg/dl, restart
  • REMEMBER that 48Hours of Phototherapy leads to
    oxidative stress and metabolic derangements in
    near term infants (Sola, 2007).

What to Tell Parents
  • Infant has special, preemie-like needs
  • Infant needs special monitoring
  • Give them AWHONN near term booklet Optimizing
    Health of Near Term Infants. Available from, phone 800-354-2268 (US) or
    800-245-0231(Canada), fax 202-728-6726, mail
    AWHONN, Dept. 4015, Washington, DC 20042-4015.
    2005 WHO 2004)

Going out with DaddyKC is infants right,
parents delight
  • Beachy JM. 2007. Investigating jaundice in the
    newborn. Neonatal Network 26(5), 327-333.
  • Bhutani VK Johnson L. 2006. Kernicterus in
    late preterm infants cared for as term healthy
    infants. Semin Perinatology 30, 89-97.
  • Hall RT, Simon S,Smith MT. 2000. Readmission of
    breastfed infants in the first 2 weeks of life.
    J. Perinatol 20, 432-437.
  • Jain S Cheng J. 2006. Emergency department
    visits and rehospitalizations in late preterm
    infants. Clin Perinatol 33, 935-945.
  • Jones G, Stekete RW, Black RE, Chutta ZA, Morris
    SS, Bellagio Child Survival Study Group. 2003.
    How many child deaths can we prevent this year?
    Lancet 362, 839-852.

Bibliography Cont.
  • Raju TNK, Higgins RD, Stark AR, Leveno K. 2006.
    Optimizing care and outcome for late preterm
    (near-term) infants a summary of the workshop
    sponsored by the National Institute of Child
    Health and Human Development. Pediatr 118,
  • Shapiro-Mendoza C, Tomashek KM, Kotelchuck M. et
    al., 2006. Risk factors for neonatal morbidity
    and mortality among healthy later preterm
    newborns. Semin Perinatol, 30, 54-60.
  • Tomashek KM, Shapiro-Mendoza CK, Weiss J et al.
    2006. Early discharge among later preterm and
    term newborns and risk of neonatal morbidity.
    Semin Perinatol 30, 61-68.

Bibliography continued
  • Wang ML, Dorer DJ, Fleming MP Catlin EA. 2004.
    Clinical outcomes of near term infants. Pediatr
    114, 372-376.
  • Watchko JF. 2006. Hyperbilirubinemia and
    bilirubin toxicity in the late preterm infant.
    Clin Perinatol 33, 839-852.
  • Kangaroo Care references are available on the
    annotated bibliography that is free and can be
    sent by email to you by asking for it from
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