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Review for Final Exam


Review for Final Exam 15th December (Saturday) 1:30-4:30 PM LMS 151 Temperature of reradiating surface may be determined from knowledge of its radiosity . – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Review for Final Exam

Review for Final Exam
  • 15th December (Saturday)
  • 130-430 PM
  • LMS 151

Part 1 Closed book and notes (30 minutes) Based
on general theoretical concepts Part 2 Open
book and notes (120 minutes) Based on numerical
Heat ExchangersDesign Considerations
  • Chapter 11

Heat Exchanger Types
Heat exchangers are ubiquitous in energy
conversion and utilization. They involve heat
exchange between two fluids separated by a solid
and encompass a wide range of flow configurations.
  • Concentric-Tube Heat Exchangers
  • Simplest configuration.
  • Superior performance associated with counter

  • Cross-flow Heat Exchangers
  • For cross-flow over the tubes, fluid motion,
    and hence mixing, in the transverse
  • direction (y) is prevented for the finned
    tubes, but occurs for the unfinned condition.
  • Heat exchanger performance is influenced by

  • Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers

One Shell Pass and One Tube Pass
  • Baffles are used to establish a cross-flow and
    to induce turbulent mixing of the
  • shell-side fluid, both of which enhance
  • The number of tube and shell passes may be
    varied, e.g.

One Shell Pass, Two Tube Passes
Two Shell Passes, Four Tube Passes
  • Compact Heat Exchangers
  • Widely used to achieve large heat rates per
    unit volume, particularly when
  • one or both fluids is a gas.
  • Characterized by large heat transfer surface
    areas per unit volume, small
  • flow passages, and laminar flow.

(a) Fin-tube (flat tubes, continuous plate fins)
(b) Fin-tube (circular tubes, continuous plate
(c) Fin-tube (circular tubes, circular fins)
(d) Plate-fin (single pass)
(e) Plate-fin (multipass)
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
  • An essential requirement for heat exchanger
    design or performance calculations.
  • Contributing factors include convection and
    conduction associated with the
  • two fluids and the intermediate solid, as
    well as the potential use of fins on both
  • sides and the effects of time-dependent
    surface fouling.
  • With subscripts c and h used to designate the
    cold and hot fluids, respectively,
  • the most general expression for the overall
    coefficient is

Assuming an adiabatic tip, the fin efficiency is
A Methodology for Heat Exchanger Design
Calculations - The Log Mean Temperature
Difference (LMTD) Method -
  • A form of Newtons law of cooling may be
    applied to heat exchangers by
  • using a log-mean value of the temperature
    difference between the two fluids
  • Counter-Flow Heat Exchanger

  • Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger
  • Note that Tc,o cannot exceed Th,o for a PF HX,
    but can do so for a CF HX.
  • For equivalent values of UA and inlet
  • Shell-and-Tube and Cross-Flow Heat Exchangers

Overall Energy Balance
  • Application to the hot (h) and cold (c) fluids
  • Assume negligible heat transfer between the
    exchanger and its surroundings
  • and negligible potential and kinetic energy
    changes for each fluid.
  • Assuming no l/v phase change and constant
    specific heats,

Special Operating Conditions
  • Case (c) ChCc.

Use of a Correction Factor
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Effectiveness NTU method
  • Computational Features/Limitations of the LMTD
  • The LMTD method may be applied to design
    problems for
  • which the fluid flow rates and inlet
    temperatures, as well as
  • a desired outlet temperature, are prescribed.

For a specified
HX type, the required size (surface area), as
well as the other outlet temperature, are
readily determined.
  • If the LMTD method is used in performance
    calculations for which
  • both outlet temperatures must be determined
    from knowledge of the
  • inlet temperatures, the solution procedure
    is iterative.
  • For both design and performance calculations,
    the effectiveness-NTU
  • method may be used without iteration.

  • Maximum possible heat rate
  • Will the fluid characterized by Cmin or Cmax
    experience the largest possible
  • temperature change in transit through the
  • Why is Cmin and not Cmax used in the definition
    of qmax?

  • Number of Transfer Units, NTU
  • A dimensionless parameter whose magnitude
    influences HX performance

Heat Exchanger Relations
  • Performance Calculations

  • Design Calculations
  • For all heat exchangers,

Radiation Processes and Properties-Basic
Principles and Definitions-
  • Chapter 12
  • 12.1 through 12.8

General Considerations
  • Emission is due to oscillations and transitions
    of the many electrons that comprise
  • matter, which are, in turn, sustained by the
    thermal energy of the matter.
  • Emission corresponds to heat transfer from the
    matter and hence to a reduction
  • in its thermal energy.
  • Radiation may also be intercepted and absorbed
    by matter, resulting in its increase
  • in thermal energy.

  • Emission from a gas or a semitransparent solid
    or liquid is a volumetric
  • phenomenon. Emission from an opaque solid or
    liquid is treated as a surface phenomenon.
  • The dual nature of radiation
  • In some cases, the physical manifestations of
    radiation may be explained
  • by viewing it as particles (aka photons or
  • In other cases, radiation behaves as an
    electromagnetic wave.

For propagation in a vacuum,
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • The amount of radiation emitted by an opaque
  • surface varies with wavelength, and we may
  • speak of the spectral distribution over all
  • wavelengths or of monochromatic/spectral
  • components associated with particular

Radiation Heat Fluxes and Material Properties
  • ? reflectivity ? fraction of irradiation (G)
  • a ? absorptivity ? fraction of irradiation
  • t ? transmissivity ? fraction of irradiation
    transmitted through the medium.
  • r a t 1 for any medium. r a 1
    for an opaque medium.

Directional Considerations and Radiation Intensity
  • In general, radiation fluxes can be determined
  • only from knowledge of the directional and
  • spectral nature of the radiation.
  • Radiation emitted by a surface will be in all
  • directions associated with a hypothetical
  • hemisphere about the surface and is
  • characterized by a directional distribution.

  • The solid angle associated with a complete
    hemisphere is

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Relation of Intensity to Emissive Power,
Irradiation, and Radiosity
  • For a diffuse surface, emission is isotropic and

  • The radiosity of an opaque surface accounts for
    all of the radiation leaving the
  • surface in all directions and may include
    contributions from both reflection and
  • emission.

  • How can the intensities that appear in the
    preceding equations be quantified?

Blackbody Radiation and Its Intensity
  • The Blackbody
  • An idealization providing limits on radiation
    emission and absorption by matter.
  • For a prescribed temperature and wavelength, no
    surface can emit
  • more radiation than a blackbody the ideal
  • A blackbody is a diffuse emitter.
  • A blackbody absorbs all incident radiation the
    ideal absorber.
  • The Isothermal Cavity (Hohlraum).

(a) After multiple reflections, virtually all
radiation entering the cavity is absorbed.
  • Emission from the aperture is the maximum
    possible emission achievable for
  • the temperature associated with the cavity
    and is diffuse.

  • Does this condition depend on whether the
    cavity surface is highly
  • reflecting or absorbing?

The Spectral (Planck) Distribution of Blackbody
  • The spectral distribution of the blackbody
    emissive power (determined
  • theoretically and confirmed experimentally)

  • The fractional amount of total blackbody
    emission appearing at lower
  • wavelengths increases with increasing T.

The Stefan-Boltzmann Law and Band Emission
  • The total emissive power of a blackbody is
    obtained by integrating the Planck
  • distribution over all wavelengths.

where, in general,
and numerical results are given in Table 12.2.

  • If emission from the sun may be approximated as
    that from a blackbody at
  • 5800 K, at what wavelength does peak
    emission occur?
  • Would you expect radiation emitted by a
    blackbody at 800 K to be discernible
  • by the naked eye?
  • As the temperature of a blackbody is increased,
    what color would be
  • the first to be discerned by the naked eye?

Surface Emissivity
  • Radiation emitted by a surface may be
    determined by introducing a property
  • (the emissivity) that contrasts its emission
    with the ideal behavior of a blackbody
  • at the same temperature.
  • The definition of the emissivity depends upon
    ones interest in resolving
  • directional and/or spectral features of the
    emitted radiation, in contrast
  • to averages over all directions
    (hemispherical) and/or wavelengths (total).
  • The spectral, directional emissivity
  • The spectral, hemispherical emissivity (a
    directional average)

  • The total, hemispherical emissivity (a
    directional and spectral average)
  • To a reasonable approximation, the
    hemispherical emissivity is equal to
  • the normal emissivity.
  • Representative values of the total, normal
  • Note
  • Low emissivity of polished metals and
    increasing emissivity for unpolished
  • and oxidized surfaces.
  • Comparatively large emissivities of

  • Representative spectral variations
  • Representative temperature variations

Response to Surface Irradiation Absorption,
Reflection and Transmission
  • There may be three responses of a
    semitransparent medium to irradiation
  • The wavelength of the incident radiation, as
    well as the nature of the material,
  • determine whether the material is
    semitransparent or opaque.
  • Are glass and water semitransparent or opaque?

  • Unless an opaque material is at a sufficiently
    high temperature to emit visible
  • radiation, its color is determined by the
    spectral dependence of reflection in
  • response to visible irradiation.
  • What may be said about reflection for a white

A black surface?
  • Why are leaves green?

Absorptivity of an Opaque Material
  • The spectral, directional absorptivity

Assuming negligible temperature dependence,
  • The spectral, hemispherical absorptivity
  • To what does the foregoing result simplify, if
    the irradiation is diffuse?

If the surface is diffuse?
  • The total, hemispherical absorptivity
  • If the irradiation corresponds to emission from
    a blackbody, how may the
  • above expression be rewritten?

Reflectivity of an Opaque Material
  • The spectral, directional reflectivity
    Assuming negligible temperature
  • dependence
  • The spectral, hemispherical reflectivity
  • To what does the foregoing result simplify if
    the irradiation is diffuse?

If the surface is diffuse?
  • The total, hemispherical reflectivity
  • Limiting conditions of diffuse and
  • specular reflection.

Polished and rough surfaces.
  • Is snow a highly reflective substance?

White paint?
  • The spectral, hemispherical transmissivity

Assuming negligible
temperature dependence,
Note shift from semitransparent to opaque
conditions at large and small wavelengths.
  • The total, hemispherical transmissivity
  • For a semitransparent medium,

Kirchhoffs Law
  • Kirchhoffs law equates the total,
    hemispherical emissivity of a surface to its
  • total, hemispherical absorptivity

However, conditions associated with its
derivation are highly restrictive
Irradiation of the surface corresponds to
emission from a blackbody at the same temperature
as the surface.
  • But, Kirchhoffs law may be applied to the
    spectral, directional properties
  • without restriction

Why are there no restrictions on use of the
foregoing equation? How might we take advantage
of the foregoing equation?
Diffuse/Gray Surfaces
Radiation Exchange Between SurfacesEnclosures
with Nonparticipating Media
  • Chapter 13
  • Sections 13.1 through 13.4

Basic Concepts
  • Enclosures consist of two or more surfaces that
    envelop a region of space
  • (typically gas-filled) and between which
    there is radiation transfer.

Virtual, as well as real, surfaces
may be introduced to form an enclosure.
  • A nonparticipating medium within the enclosure
    neither emits, absorbs,
  • nor scatters radiation and hence has no
    effect on radiation exchange
  • between the surfaces.
  • Each surface of the enclosure is assumed to be
    isothermal, opaque, diffuse
  • and gray, and to be characterized by uniform
    radiosity and irradiation.

The View Factor (also Configuration or Shape

Consider exchange between differential areas
View Factor Relations
  • Reciprocity Relation.

  • Summation Rule for Enclosures.
  • Two-Dimensional Geometries (Table 13.1)

For example,
An Infinite Plane and a Row of Cylinders
  • Three-Dimensional Geometries (Table 13.2).

For example,
Coaxial Parallel Disks
Fig. 13.5
Blackbody Radiation Exchange
net rate at which
radiation leaves surface i due to its interaction
with j
or net rate at which surface j gains radiation
due to its interaction with i
  • Net radiation transfer from surface i due to
    exchange with all (N)
  • surfaces of an enclosure

General Radiation Analysis for Exchange between
the N Opaque, Diffuse, Gray Surfaces of an
  • Alternative expressions for net radiative
  • transfer from surface i

  • Equating Eqs. (3) and (4) corresponds to a
    radiation balance on surface i

which may be represented by a radiation network
of the form
  • Methodology of an Enclosure Analysis
  • Evaluate all of the view factors appearing in
    the resulting equations.

Two-Surface Enclosures
  • Simplest enclosure for which radiation exchange
    is exclusively between two
  • surfaces and a single expression for the rate
    of radiation transfer may be
  • inferred from a network representation of the

  • Special cases are presented in Table 13.3.

For example,
  • Large (Infinite) Parallel Plates
  • Note result for Small Convex Object in a Large

Radiation Shields
  • Consider use of a single shield in a
    two-surface enclosure, such as that associated
  • large parallel plates

Note that, although rarely the case, emissivities
may differ for opposite surfaces of the shield.
  • Radiation Network
  • The foregoing result may be readily extended to
    account for multiple shields
  • and may be applied to long, concentric
    cylinders and concentric spheres,
  • as well as large parallel plates.

The Reradiating Surface
  • Approximated by surfaces that are well
    insulated on one side and for which
  • convection is negligible on the opposite
    (radiating) side.
  • Three-Surface Enclosure with a Reradiating

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Implications of the Simplifying Assumptions
We have assumed
  • Isothermal, opaque surfaces.
  • Gray surfaces.
  • Diffusely emitting and reflecting surfaces.
  • Surfaces that all experience uniform
  • Surfaces that all produce uniform radiosity.
  • Enclosures with gases that do not emit, absorb,
    or scatter.

Seldom are all the assumptions rigorously
satisfied. The analysis technique may, however,
be used to obtain first estimates. The
implications of not satisfying all the
assumptions rigorously are often less severe in
problems involving multimode effects.
Multimode Effects
  • In an enclosure with conduction and convection
    heat transfer to or from
  • one or more surfaces, the foregoing treatments
    of radiation exchange may
  • be combined with surface energy balances to
    determine thermal conditions.
  • Consider a general surface condition for which
    there is external heat addition
  • (e.g., electrically), as well as conduction,
    convection and radiation.
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