Title: SCALE-UP Multivariate Calculus
1SCALE-UP Multivariate Calculus
- Bill Moss
- Department of Mathematical Sciences
- College of Engineering and Science
- Clemson University
- 1967-2001 Naval Nuclear Power School, Georgia
Tech, Old Dominion - 1983 Clemson Mathematical Sciences
- 1995 College of Eng and Science formed
- 1997 SUCCEED TBCD co-PI, teaching effectiveness
workshops - 1998 Laptop WebCT pilots
- 2002 Undergraduate Laptop requirement
- 2003 Begin scale-up experiment
- 2005 NSF grant scale-up math eng
3Felder-Brent Intellectual Model
- variety and choice of learning tasks
- explicit communication and explanation of
expectations - modeling, practice, and constructive feed-back on
high level tasks - a student-centered instructional environment
- respect for students at all levels of development
- Student-Centered Activities
- For Large Enrollment
- Undergraduate Programs
- NC State University
- Physics Education R D Group
- http//www.ncsu.edu/PER/scaleup.html
5(No Transcript)
6Clemson Martin Hall M-205
7MTHSC 206 Course Policy
- Reduced lecture 10-15 mini-lectures
- Maple tutorials objectives, exposition, hand
solutions, Maple solutions - Course journal (TA graded 10)
- Maple exercises (TA graded 10)
- Team learning activities/quizzes (10)
- Team projects (2 per semester, 10)
- Four hybrid exams (40)
- Final exam (20)
8Learning Cycle (MootB)
- Engage mini-lectures make connections to prior
learning and other courses - Investigate learning activities everyone is a
student and a teacher - Reflect journals and Maple exercises
- Apply projects with complex models
9Instructors Role
- Learn names and majors
- Change teams at mid-term
- Roam and make formative assessments
- Coach teams during learning activities
- Coach entire class as needed
- Coordinate with TA grading of journals and Maple
10NSF Project
- PI Matt Ohland (Gen Engr), co-PIs Bill Moss,
Scott Schiff (CE), Sherrill Biggers (ME) - Adapting and Implementing the SCALE-UP Approach
in Statics, Dynamics, and Multivariate Calculus - Make connections between these three courses and
freshman physics - Develop cross-course exercises and learning
activities -
11Essential Components MootB
- Development of a community of learners
- Explicit connections that make mathematics
meaningful - A model for verbal and written communication
- Balanced assessment practices
- A variety of problem solving experiences
- A learning cycle that provides a structure for
inquiry - A diversity of materials, manipulatives, and
12Curriculum Matrix by Content Strand
Developing Algebraic Thinking (1 module) Developing Geometric Logic (1 module) Developing Measurement Benchmarks (1 module) Developing Number Concepts (2 modules)
K Rhythm and Design Towers and Trails Over and Under Like and Unlike
1 Together and Apart Symmetry and Shapes Up and Down Families and Facts
2 Collecting and Sorting Rows and Columns Large and Small More and Less
3 Plotting and Growing Shapes and Paths Scales and Balances Ordering and Arranging
4 Signs and Symbols Corners and Containers Inside and Outside Stories and Statements
5 Steps and Distance Conjectures and Transformations Tools and Time Values and Variables
13Professional Development
14Hands-On Learning
15Strong Writing Component