Title: Targeting Each Student
1Targeting Each Student
- David Chiszar
- Director of Assessment and Quality Analysis
- Naperville Community Unit School District 203
- Leo Bohman
- VP Application Development, K-12
- SPSS Inc.
2K-12 Analytics System Components
- SPSS Dimensions
- Surveys
- Assessment deployment
- Paper based
- Hand held
- On line
- Item bank development
- SPSS 15.0
- Descriptive statistics
- Significance tests
- Segmentation models
- Prediction models
- Value added / growth models
- Data visualization
LongitudinalData Mart
Data collection
- Microsoft
- SQL Server 2005
- Analysis Services
- Integration Services
- Reporting Services
- Office 2007
- Sharepoint 2.0
- ASP .Net 2.0
- Professional Services
- Project management
- Technical support
- Application hosting
- Staff development througheducation partners
3Longitudinal Data Mart
- Data Model
- Improvement Planning
- Demographics
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- IEP Special education needs
- FRL Socio-economic status
- LEP English is a second language
- Enrollment
- Grade
- Year
- Courses
- Teachers
- Schools
- Interventions
5Assessment Instruments
- ISAT Illinois Standards Achievement Test
- ITBS Iowa Test of Basic Skills
- IAA Illinois Alternative Assessment
- IMAGE Illinois Measure of Annual Growth in
English - CogAT Cognitive Abilities Test
- PSAE Prairie State Achievement Examination
- Scale score
- correct
- Normal curve equivalent
- Percentile rank
- National, State, District, School, Grade Age
- Standard score
- Raw score
- Standard age score
7Formative assessments
- Dec 2006 Finals
- Courses
- Algebra
- French
- Accounting
- Keyboarding
- Honors pre calculus
- Patterns
- Item detail
- Questions
- Responses
- Statistics
- State standards
- Curriculum objectives
- Role
- Teacher
- School administrator
- District administrator
- System administrator
- Security rules
- Data access
- System function
- ISAT goals
- District
- School
- Grade
- Subject
- Standards cut scores
- Exceeds
- Meets
- Watch
- Probation
- Kindergarten early intervention program
- Students between special education and district
expectations - Monitor as a cohort group
11Use in Improvement Planning
- Web based for staff
- Finite number of ad hoc views
- Analytic presentations
- Student reports
12Introduction to Naperville 203
- Suburban Chicago
- 18,000 students
- 21 buildings
- 2 high schools
- 5 middle schools
- 14 elementary schools
- 1200 teachers
14SPSS DimensionsAssessment Deployment
Hand held
15Paper Process
- Scan operation
- Pick students test
- Create test documents
- Scan answer sheets
- Results reporting
- Class summary receipts
- Data to data mart
- Edit results
- Item analysis
16Authoring with Question Librarian
- New paradigm for authoring and inventory
management of items - User defined item attributes
- Subject, grade, class, strand, etc.
- Statistics P-value, Chi square test, Point bi
serial correlation - Primary secondary state standard
- Curriculum objectives
- Sophisticated search engine
- Easy assembly of items into assessments
- Supports authoring/approval work flow process
- Teacher public/private district public/private
repositories - Facilitates sharing the development of item banks
- Beta for early adopters April full release
18SPSS Advanced Analytics
- Tests of Significance
- Visualization with Predicted Score
19Predicted Score Methodology Today
2007 ISAT Math prediction model f(district
history with that grade on ISAT Math score
history ISAT Reading score history ITBS Math
score history ITBS Reading history . Any
other standardized tests history available)
Predicted student ISAT math score f(2007 ISAT
Prediction model for the grade applied to the
students history on the standardized tests
Method typically explains 60 - 70 of variation
in test scores
Standardized tests administered annually
Predictions are static for a year!
20Predicted Score - 2007
2007 ISAT Math prediction model f(district
standardized test history with that grade
District Math assessment history District Math
intervention history District Math staff
development history . Any other relevant
quantifiable district activity)
PARADIGM SHIFT needed to address a richer data
set and an interest in measuring the effect of
each local variable. Growth model development is
a function of experimentation with sampling
theory and probability analysis within a
simulation model. Stochastic vs. deterministic
Increase accuracy of prediction Refinement the
measurement of the inherent error in the
Relevant district data is collected, organized
and used in the model! Predictions are updated on
demand! Contributions of variables to progress
can be measured!
21Growth Model Development Partners
- Dr. Yeow Meng ThumCollege of Education, Michigan
State University - Arie van der Ploeg, Senior Researcher
- Apply SPSS Software to Growth Modeling
Methodologies Adapting value-added approaches
for use by schools and districts to predict
patterns of improvement using local and state
23Webinar follow up
- Web site resources
- Effective Use of Electronic Data Systems A
Readiness Guide for School and District
LeadersLearning Point Associates and Educational
Service Agency Alliance of the Midwest - Predictive Analytics Extending the Value of Your
Data Warehousing InvestmentThe Data Warehousing
Institute, Jan 2007 - Finding Additional Value in New Accountability
Systems Learning Point Associates Dr. Thum - Recording of this session on www.spss.com
- Survey
- Feedback on session and resources
- Ideas for future sessions
24Contact Information
David Chiszar Naperville Community Unit School
District 203 203 West Hillside Road Naperville,
IL 60540 P. 630.420.6963 e-mail
dchiszar_at_naperville203.org website
Leo Bohman SPSS Inc. 233 S. Wacker Drive, 11th
Floor Chicago, IL 60606 P. 262-569-8922 e-mail
lbohman_at_spss.com website www.spss.com