Title: Blended Learning: The Optimal Link in ESL
1Blended Learning The Optimal Link in ESL
Restructuring Courses in the Information Age
- Instructor/Designer Li-Lee Tunceren
- St. Petersburg Junior College
- Clearwater, Florida
2 Blended Learning
Computer Lab
Cyber space
3Blended Learning Linking Tradition and
- Synchronous learning
- Face-to-face contact
- Teacher centered
- Memorization/mastery
- Class discussion
- Text-based content
- Linear sequencing
- Completion
- Log on anytime 24/7
- Online forum/email
- T designer/guide
- Exploration/discovery
- Bulletin board
- Web-based network
- Branched learning
- Life-long learning
4 Designing a Web-Based ESL Course
5 Continual Design/Improvement
Student Feedback
Goals Objectives
Formative Evaluation
6Blended Learning in Advanced ESL
- 10 contact hours/week
- Textbooks
- Novels
- Summaries/Reactions
- Essay Writing
- Objective tests
- Written responses
- Exit Exams
- Unlimited contact
- Online readings
- Online help/analysis
- Discussion board
- Publishing on the Web
- WebCT quizzes
- Email
- Online support
7Student Feedback - Spring 2001
- Is very important having weekly assignments I
can do it any time in any place on any computer.
- I can review easily all the things that I
feel weak.
- People who are not familiar with computers
have to study and get to know something about it.
- Most benefit is possibility to check my
answers and take quizzes again.
- It is not limited just to the hours in school.
- I see that my English is getting better. I
can also see that Im getting better in using
the Internet. So I like it.
8Student Concerns/Issues to Consider
- I dont like writing in the bulletin that
everyone is going to read what you say. - I need more discussion and pronouncing English
practice. - If two students do quiz together, only one gets
the score. - In class computers are very slow and need
maintenance. - It is confused and sometimes spend too much time.
Really I prefer just doing regular
class, its simple and more clear. - Sometimes when we read long article, like 3 or 4
pages long, my eyes always feel sour in the
middle of reading.
9(No Transcript)
10Lets collaborate!
- Browse my course
- http//wild.spjc.edu
- Log-in User Name
- eslguest
- Password
- esl0081clti
- Advanced ESL
- L. Tunceren
- tuncerenl_at_spjc.edu