Title: Xray crystallography
1X-ray crystallography Richard Neutze Richard.Neutz
e_at_chembio.chalmers.se Ph 773 3974 Laboratory
located on bottom floor of the Lundberg building,
Medical Hill.
2- Crystal Concept
- In 1611 Kepler suggested that snowflakes derived
from a regular arrangement of minute brick-like
units. - -The essential idea of a crystal.
3- X-rays
- Discovered by Rontgen 1895
- Cause of tremdous scientific excitement.
- 1,500 scientific communications within first
twelve months. - US scientists repeated experiments within four
4- Theory of Diffraction
- 1910 von Laue derived theory of diffraction from
a lattice.
5- Braggs Law of diffraction 1912
- Diffraction observed if X-rays scattering from a
plane add in phase. - Path difference DP 2d sin q.
- - d is the spaceing between planes q is the
angle of incidence. - Scatter in phase if path difference is nl
- n is an integer l is the X-ray wavelength.
- 2d sin q n l
- First structure (NaCl) in 1912.
W. H. Bragg W. L. Bragg
6- 1953 Double helix structure of DNA
- Crick Watson used X-ray diffraction to work
out the way genes are encoded.
7- Diffraction pattern.
- Crystals diffraction pattern recorded by
Rosalind Franklin. - Revealed the symmetry of the helix pitch of
8- First Protein Structure
- Myoglobin.
- Protein purified from whale blood.
- Max Perutz 1958.
- Showed a 75 a-helical fold.
- 155 amino acids, 17 kDa.
9- First Protein Complex
- Hemoglobin.
- Two copies each of a b chains of myoglobin in
a complex. - Solved by John Kendrew.
10- Structure of Nucleic Acid Protein complex.
- Nobel prize to Aaron Klug in 1982.
- Also contribution to electron microscopy.
11- Photosynthetic Reaction Centre Structure.
- First membrane protein structure in 1985.
- Nobel prize to Michel, Deisenhofer Huber 1988.
- Showed the technique of detergent solubilised
membrane protein crystallisation.
12- Structure of F1-ATPase
- Revealed the details of the rotational mechanism
of ATP-synthase. - Nobel prize in 1997.
13- Structure of the K
channels - Revealed the structural basis for ion transport
across a membrane. - Deep physiological relevance.
- Nobel prize in Chemistry 2003 to Roderic
14- Structure of TBSV
- First Virus structure, tomato bushy stunt virus,
1978. - By Steve Harrison.
- Revealed icosohedral symmetry of a virus
15- Ribosome
- 50 S and 70 S ribosome structures in 2000.
- Massive RNAProtein complexes.
- Revealed details of how proteins synthesyzed by
16Crystal definition A crystal is an object with
translational symmetry r(r) r(r) ax by
Has crystal symmetry
Doesnt have crystal symmetry
17Proteins pack symmeterically within crystals
18- Prerequisites for protein crystallisation.
- Need about 10 mg purified protein.
- - Various forms of chromatography.
- - Better than 95 purity if possible.
- Must be homogeneous.
- - Protein isoforms microhetrogenity very
damaging to crystal growth. - Typically concentrate to about 20 mg/ml.
- Must be stable throughout the experiment.
- - Can take days, weeks or months to grow crystals.
19- Typical purification protocols.
- Grow cells (E. coli, yeast etc).
- Break cells (French press or sonication or
lysozyme). - Separate eg. membranes from other things by
centrifugation. - - Extract supernatent, resolubilise membrane
proteins or inclusion bodies. - Purification
- - Ion exchange chromotography affinity
chromotography (His tag) Gel filtration most
common. Isoelectric focussing a less common
option. - Check purity on a SDS gel.
- - Other biophysical characterisation such as
activity assays, dynamic light scattering, etc. - Frequently change buffer.
- Concentrate to typically around 10 to 20 mg/mL.
- Crystallisation setups.
20- Crystallisation concept
- Protein solubility affected by adding
"precipation agents" - - eg. salt, polyetheleneglycol etc.
- In a controlled way take protein to
supersaturation. - - Adding percipitant.
- - Drying out the drop.
- - Exchanging the buffer (dialysis).
- Wait regulatly observe the experiment under a
21- Factors affecting protein solubility.
- pH
- - As pH changes certain groups (eg. Asp, Glu,
Lys, His, Arg, Try) go from neutral to charged,
or from charged to netural. - - Alters surface charges interactions with
water. - Salts affect protein surface charges interact
with water. - - Salting in (adding salt increases protein
solubility). - - Salting out (adding salt decreases protein
solubility). - Polar solvents.
- - eg. polyetheleneglycol (PEG) soaks up water.
- Temperature
- - Thermodynamic factors influence solubility.
22- Solubility curve
- Protein solubility depends on concentration.
- - Eventually it will percipitate.
- Adding a "precipitant" (or precipitating agent)
can lower the protein solubility. - - This way achieve super-saturation.
- Nucleation can occur.
- - If too many nuclei then hundreds of
tiny-crystals. - BUT If close to the solubility curve may achieve
slow crystal growth.
23- Batch ( micro-batch) experiments.
- Mix solubilised protein with a precipitant.
- - Achieve directly a super-saturated sample.
- - Protein concentration decreases as the crystals
grow. - Simple (just mix).
- - Easily scaled down to 100 nl levels (micro or
nano-batch) robot based approaches.
Protein precipitant solution
24- Vapour diffusion
- Soluble protein placed in a drop (5 ml) above a
buffer with higher precipitant agent
concentration. - Drop reservoir equilibrate by exchanging water
(vapour diffusion). - - The most popular method
- - Hanging drop sitting drop.
- Achieve supersaturation, nucleation crystal
Protein precipitant solution
Vapour diffusion
Precipitant solution
25- Dialysis experiments
- Soluble protein placed in a "dialysis button"
covered with a dialysis membrane. - - Equilibrates with buffer in which the button is
placed. - - Can increase or decrease the precipitant
contentration. - Leads to supersaturation, nucleation growth.
26- Temperature
- Normally experiments performed in temperature
controlled rooms. - We have 20oC and 4oC rooms.
27Types of preciptiation
A skilled person can read the drops knows
what to try next.
29More Crystals
30- Screening Optimisation
- Begin with a commercial screen of 48 or 96
conditions. - - Samples a range of pH, percipitant agent
additive conditions successful for
crystallisation. - If hits are promising then optimise around the
conditions. - - vary pH.
- - Salts (monovalent divalent cations can help
tremendously). - - Additives (many small molecules, eg. MPD,
ethanol, Heptanetriol etc.). - A multi-dimensional search.
- - If have a lot of protein can make a
grid-search. - - If limited must try to be selective
31- Crystallisation Robots
- Can perform experiments down to 100 nl drops.
- - More accurate than a person.
- - Enables many more experiments to be made
rapidly for the same amount of purified protein.
32- Problems
- Just get percipitate
- - Protein denatured?
- - Micro-hetrogeniety? (seriously disrupts crystal
packing). - - Need better preparation purification.
- - Other protein sources to find more likely
candidates. - Protein too flexible?
- - Additives eg. metals or inhibitors to increase
stability. - - Mutagenesis/other sources to increase
stability. - - Break up target sub-domains.
- Too many micro-crystals.
- - Micro-seeding (adding crushed up diluted
crystal seeds). - - Streak seeding (touching a crystal with a
cat-whisker streaking it through a new drop).
33- Crystals diffract to only very low resolution.
- - Check protein preparation try seeding.
- - Try to slow down growth
- lower protein/percipitant concentrations.
- lower temperature.
- Crystals grow as eg. very thin rods cannot be
used - - Seek out new crystal forms.
- Crystals not reproducible.
- - Sequence the crystal check for contaminant.
- Number of experiments?
- - May need hundreds of experiments to optimise
overexpression. - - May need to try dozens of different protein
sources. - - May need to do thousands of crystal screens.
- - May need tens-of-thousands of optimisation
experiments. - - May be lucky with first experiments.
34- Cryo-techniques freezing
- Exposure to X-rays causes damage.
- - Electrons removed from atoms.
- - Free radicals created highly reactive.
- - With time the crystal "dies".
- At low temperature the crystal life-time
extended. - - Most X-ray data now recorded near 100 K.
- Freeze crystals by plunging into liquid nitrogen
(or liquid propane if problematic). - - Crystals frequently damaged by freezing.
- - Become more moasic (ie. Broken up into tiny
tiny nano-crystals each with slightly different
orientations). - - Can lower the resolution.
- Add a cryo-protectant before freezing.
- - Typically glycerol or PEG400.
- - Must also screen optimise cryo-protectants.
35- X-ray source Diffractometer
- Freeze a crystal on a loop mount in an X-ray
36X-ray diffraction from a protein
- Large number of spots because unit cell large
- - typically 30 to 300 Ã….
37Synchrotron Radiation
- Large international facilities.
- - Brightest X-ray sources available.
- Cost about 1 billion Euros.
- - Sweden has a cheap one in Lund.
- User communities of scientists travel to them.
38- Collecting data
- Must rotate the crystal over many degrees so as
to sample all angles. - Typically 100 X-ray diffraction images in a
data set.
39Progress in structural determination
40X-ray crystallography summary
- Collect diffraction data.
- Interpret electron density.
41- Summary of Lecture
- X-ray diffraction a very powerful tool for
structural determination. - Crystallisation is as much an art as a science.
- Sample must be pure homogeneous.
- Myoglobin was the first X-ray structure solved
almost 50 years ago. - 27,000 entries now in the protein data bank.