Title: Kenneth Dibble
1 The Charity Commission as Regulator of Charities
inEngland and Wales
- Kenneth Dibble
- Executive Director Legal and Charity Services
2Scope of charitable Sector in England and Wales
- 190,000 registered charities
- Annual income 32 billion
- 78 of income accounted for by 3 of charities
- 600,000 paid staff
- 900,000 trustees
- 27 of population volunteer once a month
3Scope of Regulation by Charity Commission
- Established by Statute (1993 Charities Act)
- - Remit charities established in England and
- Wales
- Independent of Government
- Key functions civil regulator
- - Support and intervention
4Scope of Regulation by Charity Commission
- Promoting charity effectiveness by
- - Maintaining a public register of charities
- - Advice and guidance
- - Conferring regulatory consents
- - Monitoring, investigating and remedying abuse
and maladministration
5Maintaining a Public Register of Charities
- Public register
- Requirements of registration
- Exempt and Excepted charities
- Information available
- - name, purposes, governing document,
- trustee names, contact details, submission
- of accounts record
- - copy of register extract
- - copy of governing document and accounts
6Advice and Guidance and Conferring Regulatory
- Powers to give general advice
- Powers to give specific advice that trustees are
acting within their trusts - Authorising transactions or acts contemplated in
the administration of a charity
7Monitoring, Investigating and Remedying Abuse
- The monitoring infrastructure
- Statutory inquiries
- Temporary and protective powers
- - freezing bank accounts
- - restraining trustees
- - suspending trustees, officers, employees
- - appointing receiver and manager
- Permanent and remedial powers
- - scheme of reorganisation
- - removal of trustees, officers, employees
- - appointing new trustees
- - legal proceedings to recover charity property
8Commission as RegulatorStrategic Perspective
- Principles of best regulatory practise
- - proportionate, accountable, consistent and
- transparent, targeted
- Support and Intervention
- - securing compliance with charity law
- - enabling charities to work better
- - promoting sound governance and accountability
- Proportionate regulation
- - upfront guidance, support and advice
- - intervention where real and substantial
- - detriment to beneficiaries
- - significant loss or risk to assets
- - damage to public reputation of charity or
charity in general - - damage to public confidence in charity
9Commission as RegulatorRegulatory Activity
- 20 million hits on our website
- 60 key publications
- 210,000 calls to our Contact Centre
- 10,000 responses to email requests
- 28,000 pieces of tailored advice
- 6,270 Registrations
- 5,000 Consents or authorities given
- 600 Review visits
- 300 Investigations
10Charity Commission The FutureA new vision and
11New Charity Legislation Charities BillBackground
- Strategy Unit review
- Government Proposals for a Charities Bill
- - Reforming the legal framework
- - Building trust and confidence
- Ensuring independent, open and
- proportionate regulation
12Charity Commission
- Reconstituted Commission as a corporate body
- Five regulatory objectives directed at charities
- increase public confidence
- promote awareness and understanding of public
benefit - increase compliance with legal obligations
- encourage effective use of resources
- enhance accountability
- Five general functions
- determining charitable status
- encouraging / facilitating better charity
administration - identifying, investigating and remedying abuse
- obtaining, evaluating and disseminating
information - giving information, advice, proposals to
13Charitable statusCharitable purposes
- Purposes
- 12 descriptions of purposes
- minor extensions of common law in respect of
poverty, sport and community development, animal
welfare. Further definitions for health
citizenship and community development amateur
sport relief in need. - 12th purpose - residual category and provides for
development of law by analogy. - Common law interpretation of terms
- Public benefit
14Public benefit test
- Removal of the presumption
- Common law definition remains
- net benefit, public accessibility, private
benefit - incidental
- Commission under duty to provide guidance on
public benefit subject to consultation - Future development of the law
- legal basis for development
- current issues
- development of guidance
- poor relations/employees
- fee charging charities
- religious charities
15Commission approach toremoval of presumption
- Development of public benefit guidance
- At registration
- positive assurance of public benefit
- Public character checks
16Charitable Incorporated Organisation
- New legal entity, corporate structure, liability
of members limited, minimum 1 member, minimum 1
trustee, Commission sole jurisdiction - CIO becomes incorporated on registration with
Commission as a charity - Powers of CIO
- Duties of charity trustees and members
- Relations with third parties
- Conversion procedure for charitable companies and
IPSs - Transfer procedure for unincorporated charities
- Amalgamation and transfer procedure for CIOs
- Dissolution
17Charity Appeal Tribunal (1)
- New appellate court of first instance
- Jurisdiction to consider Commission decisions
afresh and hear new evidence - Commission respondent
- AG may intervene at his request or tribunal
invitation - Lord Chancellor to make rules governing appeals
- Appeal to court on a point of law
18Charity Appeal Tribunal (2)
- Constitution
- president, legal and ordinary members
- Appeals
- - all decisions / orders currently subject to
statutory appeals - additionally exercise of other powers of the
19Charity Appeal Tribunal (3)
- Class of applicant
- - varies - AG, charity, institution, trustees,
persons - controlling and managing, persons affected
- Decision of tribunal
- - varies - dismiss, quash, substitute for
decision - another decision Commission could have
made, - refer matter back to Commission
- Commission
- - power to refer matter to Tribunal with consent
of AG -
- Not required if
- - income lt 5000 excepted by Commission
- or SoS if income lt 100,000
- Voluntary registration
- Position of Exempt Charities
- concept of principal regulator
- Regulatory intervention by Commission at request
of principal regulator
21Enhanced Commission powers
- To give general advice and guidance
- To enter premises to secure, inspect take
possession of documents including e storage
22Enhanced Commission powers
- To give direction to protect charity
- To direct application of charitable property
23Enhanced Commission powers
- To confer relief for breaches of trust if
trustees have acted honestly and reasonably - Change to cy pres rules to facilitate changes of
purposes - Public register of merges conferring
- - automatic vesting
- - automatic transfer of legacies
24Provisions to help charities
- Powers to change object, powers, administrative
provisions - Power to spend capital if justified as being in
the interests of charity - Powers to take out Trustee Indemnity Insurance
25Charities Bill
- Third reading and Report in House of Lords in
October - In House of Commons by 2006
- Royal Assent and Implementation hoped by mid