Title: Kenneth Yuan
1Kenneth Yuan
2Talking about Kenneth Yuan, he came to HBS from
Guangyuan located in the South-western region of
the Peoples Republic of China. He also
discovered that the school provided him a great
opportunity to create a good and positive impact
of education on the local people. According to
him, he had lots of case studies that are about
China, and most of the time he talked to his
colleagues regarding the questions that are
related to aspects of China. Kenneth Yuan always
focuses on improving the mind-set of the people
and viewpoint of the country. And thus, to make
it possible, he began with various campaigns and
programs to give a 360-degree view of China.
3As VP of the HBS Greater China Club, he showed
awareness to different job opportunities in
Greater China. He also provided useful
information to the club members. Kenneth Yuan is
a real estate expert representing sellers or
buyers of real estate or real property. Coming
from a background of environmental engineering
and advanced polymer chemistry, he has gained a
good reputation in the field of general
management. As career vice president of the HBS
Greater China Club, Yuan has carved out a role
that is part ambassador, part recruiter. I will
pay attention to job opportunities in the Greater
China area, he says, and pass the information
along to the club members and also coordinate
when people from China come to campus, to host
information sessions.
4Kenneth Yuan is an expert in real estate
business. He representing sellers or buyers of
real estate or real property. Coming from a
background of environmental engineering and
advanced polymer chemistry, he has gained a good
reputation in the field of general management.
5- Social Links
- https//www.alumni.hbs.edu/stories/Pages/story-bul
letin.aspx?num3390 - https//m.facebook.com/pages/category/Business-Ser
eprecatedrefexternal3Awww.google.com_rdr - https//www.pinterest.com/kennethyuanus/
6Thank you