Stochastic Processes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Stochastic Processes


The order of observations clearly matters it is crucial to the analysis. ... Degression on Linear Operators. B is a linear operator, i.e. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Stochastic Processes

Stochastic Processes
  • Shane Whelan
  • L527

Time Series
Univariate Time Series
  • A univariate time series is a sequence, ltxngt for
    n1,N, where each observation, xn, is recorded
    at regular time interval t0n?t.
  • The order of observations clearly matters it is
    crucial to the analysis.
  • e.g., daily stock index values
  • e.g., monthly inflation rates
  • Time series modellling uses discrete time steps
    and the term time series is used to denote the
    random process ltXngt and a realisation, ltxngt of
  • Note, in a useful generalisation, N can equal ?
    (a one-sided infinite sequence) and, in fact we
    can have a two-sided infinite sequence

Deconstructing Univariate Time Series
  • A useful decomposition of time series might be
  • Trend a one directional movement in the
    observations over the long-term.
  • Cyclical component a periodic effect, with
    period considerably less than N. A seasonal
    effect is a cyclical component, the cycle having
    a period of 12 months.
  • Random component a non-trending, non-cyclical
    error term representing the influence of
    non-modelled factors on the series.

Deconstructing Univariate Time Series
  • Also can decompose time series into various
  • Trend too long a period to estimate from given
    data (i.e., too low frequency)
  • Cyclical as before, a medium frequency
  • Random component a very high frequency that
    appears a mix of all frequencies (white noise,
    white light), so appears random or unmodellable.

Examples of Time Series
  • Random Walk with Normally distributed increments,
    Sn, where
  • and Xi are independent and normally distributed.

  • Exercise TS.1 Write down the density function of
  • Exercise TS.2 Let in denote the interest rate in
    time period n-1 to n and let (1in) be
    distributed log-normal, parameters ?n, ?n. Assume
    that interest rates each year are indep. of one
    another. At time O the invested wealth is W0.
    What is the distribution of Wt, the accumulated
    wealth at time t?

  • Exercise TS.3 Assume in TS.2 that (1in) is
    distributed log-normal, with, for each n
    parameters ?0.075 and ?0.025. Let W01,000.
    Find the upper and lower quartiles of W5.

Examples of Time Series (Cont.)
  • Moving Average (MA) Model. Let Yj, be a sequence
    of i.i.d random variables indexed from -? to ?
    and let ?0, ?1 ,,?p be p1 real numbers with ?p
    ?0. Let
  • Then Xn is a moving average process of order p,
    denoted MA(p).

MA Models
  • Often used to smooth datasee filtering later.
  • Autocovariance only depends on lag (see later).
  • Exercise TS.4 Prove that a moving average
    process has a constant mean.

Examples of Time Series (Cont.)
  • An autoregressive process (AR) of order p is a
    sequence of random variables Xn (indexed from -?
    to ?) such that
  • Where ?p ?0 and ltengt is a zero-mean white noise
  • Denoted AR(p).

AR Processes - Remarks
  • Mean is generally zero.
  • Includes random walk as special case when p1 and

Filtering Time Series
  • Often we want to detect, isolate and remove
    deterministic components or, in general, other
    features of a time series.
  • One common general method is to filter the
    original or input time series (xn) to create a
    filtered or output time series (yn). An important
    class of filters is the linear filter (i.e., a
    linear weighted sum of original)
  • The weights, ltajgt, are the filter.

Filtering Time Series
  • Give example using difference filter.
  • Of course, filters generally contain a finite
    number of terms, which are small relative to the
    number of data points in original time series.
    The filtered time series is generally shorter
    than the original one.

Examples of Filters
  • The Perfect Delay. Consider a time series ltxngt.
    The time series delayed or lagged by j periods is
    the time series yn, where ynxn-j. This is a
    linear filter with ?k1 if kj, otherwise 0.

Examples of Filters
  • The Centred Moving Average Filter. Define filter
  • where -q?k?q
  • otherwise
  • This filter does not affect linear trend in
    series but reduces the standard deviation of
    noise component by a factor of (2q1)-½ with some
    further assumptions.

Examples of Filters
  • A linear filter is said to be recursive if the
    filtered series, yn, can be written in terms of
    lagged values of the series to be filtered,xn, or
    itself, i.e.,
  • Recursive form is often handy for computation.
  • By substitution, rewrite recursive filters in
    conventional format (i.e., output series as a
    function of input series only) before theoretical

Example of a Recursive Filter
  • The exponential smoothing filter is defined
  • ynayn-1(1-a)xn
  • If ?a?lt1, then it can be written as an ordinary
  • This is an example of an MA(?) filter.

Filters in the frequency domain - Motivation
  • Times series are often studied in the frequency
    domain (a function of w, frequency) as opposed to
    the time domain (a function of t) theoretically
    easier to handle and intuitive (after you make
    the initial leap)similar to the justification
    for using MGF rather than density functions in
  • Consider
  • Then A is the amplitude, w is the frequency or
    angular frequency, ? is the phase and et is some
    (assumed) stationary series.

Filters in the frequency domain - Motivation
  • But time series will tend to be a blend of many
    different periodic variations, so write
  • Recall that eiwtcos(wt)isin(wt)
  • So the representation above can be written

But how general is the new representation?
  • Theorem Let be an absolutely
    summable series (i.e., ) then it can be
    represented in the form

  • Apply Theorem to a filter so we know
    that it can be represented
  • Note the slight change in where constant
    placed. A(w) is known as the transfer function
    of (linear) filter

  • Given input time series and filter
    then the output time series is given

Examples of Using Filters in Frequency Domain
  • The transfer function of
  • Perfect delay filter by j is given by
  • Centred MA filter is given by
  • Exponential smoothing filter is given by

Why prefer frequency domain?
  • Recall that the transfer function X(w) or A(w)
    contains all the information in the time series
    or filter.
  • Now filtering requires messy double summationthe
    convolution formula.
  • Put filtering series ltxngt with tha ltakgt filter
    is, in the frequency domain, given by X(w).A(w).
  • Hence we can apply many filters relatively

  • An idealised filter, A(w)1 if wlt?/2 otherwise
    0, is applied to xn. What is the output? Describe
    its effect.

Backshift Operator Characteristic Equations
  • The backshift operator, denoted B, when applied
    to series produces series
    where ynxn-1, i.e., B
  • Sometimes, in a (slight) abuse of notation, it is
  • yn Bxn xn-1
  • This is the same as the perfect delay filter with
    lag of 1.

Degression on Linear Operators
  • B is a linear operator, i.e.,
  • B(axby)a(Bx)b(By) for series x,y and constants
  • (BC), the product of operators is defined as the
    end result of applying operator C first and then
    B to the result, i.e., BCx(B(Cx)).
  • What is B2?
  • How would you define B0?

The Backward Difference Operator
  • The backward difference operator, denoted ?, when
    applied to series produces series
    where ynxn-xn-1
  • Sometimes, in a (slight) abuse of notation, it is
  • yn ? xn xn - xn-1
  • Also, ? (1-B)
  • Exercise Prove ? is a linear operator
  • Exercise Write down ?3xn in terms of
  • (a) xn-k ,and,
  • (b) in terms of just xn, constants and B

Characteristic Equations
  • Let be AR(p) process. Then
  • xna1xn-1apxn-pen
  • Rewrite as
  • xn-a1xn-1--apxn-pen
  • (1- a1B1--apBp)xn en
  • Define the p-degree polynomial
  • ?(?)1- a1 ? 1--ap ? p
  • ?(?) is called the characteristic polynomial of
    the time series
  • So now, ?(B)xn en

Characteristic Equations
  • ?(?)0 is is called the characteristic equation.
  • Let the roots of the characteristic equation be
    ?1,?2,,?p. Then the characteristic polynomial
    can be written in its factor form

Characteristic Equations
  • Exercise
  • Consider the time series
  • xn(-1/6)xn-1(2/3)xn-2(-1/6)xn-3en
  • Given that 2 is a root of its characteristic
    equation, write the characteristic equation in
    its factor form.

Stationary Time Series
  • Recall that a stochastic process is weakly
    stationary, covariance stationary or second-order
    stationary, if EXn? and Covxn,xn-t?(t)
  • Aside Can you recall what a stationary or
    strictly stationary stochastic process is?
  • Generally, calibration techniques (i.e.,
    estimating the parameters of time series models)
    requires stationarity. Hence one tries to
    transform a given time series into a stationary

Autocovariance Autocorrelation
  • Now, given stationarity, we have
  • Cov(Xs, Xr)EXsXr-EXs2 ?(s-r)
  • So ?(0) is the common variance of the terms.
  • Properties of the autocovariance function, ?(n)
  • It is an even function, i.e., ?(n) ?(-n)
  • It is a non-negative definite function,i.e.,
  • For all sets of real numbers, ?1,,?n and any set
    of integers k1,,kn the function ?(.) satisfies

Example White Noise
  • A random process ltengt is termed white noise if
  • Een? for all n.
  • ?(m)cov(en,enm) ?2 if m0, otherwise 0.
  • If ?0 then it is known as zero-mean white noise.
  • When ltengt are iid Normal is an important special
    case of a white noise process.

Autovariance Autocorrelation
  • Define the autocorrelation function (a
    dimensionless number) as
  • ?n ?(n) / ?(0) and, so ?n?1.

Partial Autocorrelation
  • The partial autocorrelation function of the
    series is denoted lt?(k)gt where k ranges from 1 to
    ? and defined as
  • ?(k)det Pk/Pk
  • Where Pk is the kxk autocorrelation matrix
  • that is, Pk?ij where pijpi-j and Pk is Pk
    with the last column replaced by the transpose of
    (?1, ?2, ?3, ?k).

Examples of Partial Autocorrelation functions
  • An AR(2) process given by Xn?1Xn-1?2Xn-2en has
    acf ?k. Prove that the pacf at lag 2, ?(2) ?2.
  • This result holds in general, i.e., if Xn is
    AR(p) so Xn ?1Xn-1?2Xn-2 ?pXn-p en has acf
    ?k. Then the pacf at lag j, ?(j) ?j when j?p.

Partial Autocorrelation
  • Another way to define and evaluate the pacf
    function ?(k) is recursively.Put ?(k) ?k,k then

Modelling Estimation
  • The challenge is, given a finite time series (N
    points), to find a model of which the time series
    is a likely realisation.
  • If stationary then common mean is often estimated
    using sample mean
  • And autocovariance by sample autocovariances
  • The autocorrelation function and pacf as
    functions of above so to estimate them just
    replace the true value with its estimate in the

Some Modelling Tips
  • The correlogram is a very useful diagnostic tool
    a graph of the acf as a function of its lag.
  • Also graph the pacf against the lag as it
    indicates the order of the AR(p) process (i.e.
    the pacf of an AR(p) process cuts to 0 at lags
    p1 and greater).

Time Series 1
Correlogram Blown Up
Time Series 1 After Taking First Differences
Time Series 2
Correlogram Time Series 2
Main Linear Models of Time Series
  • The 4 main linear models we shall treat are
  • AR autoregressive model
  • MA moving average model
  • ARMA - autoregressive model with moving average
  • ARIMA - autoregressive integrated model with
    moving average residuals

Definition of AR(p) process
  • Let B be the backshift operator and let EXn?
    ?n. Then the series ltXngt is AR(p) if ?(x) is a
    polynomial of order p and
  • ?(B)(Xn- ?)en
  • where en is zero-mean white noise series.
  • To completely specify an AR(p) we need p initial
    conditions (x1,..xp) as well as the formula. The
    initial conditions can be real numbers or random
  • Example AR(1)

Theorem on AR Processes
  • Let ltXngt be an AR(1) process,i.e.,
  • Xn ? ?(Xn-1- ?) en where en is zero-mean white
    noise and given initial condition, Xs-1x ?
  • Then,

  • An AR(1) process is not weakly stationary in
    generalboth mean and autocovariance depend on
    initial value of process and/or time lag since
  • But non-stationarity decays with time since
    initiation, so for large values of n-s then it
    tends to be very like a stationary process. We
    call this property transient non-stationarity.
  • If we assume that the process began infinitely
    long ago then the transient non-stationarity has
    worn off and now it has constant mean, ?, and
    acf, ?k?k.
  • The pacf is zero for an AR(1) process at all lags
    greater than 1.

Similarly, we can fully characterise an AR(2)
  • Let ltXngt be AR(2), i.e.,
  • Xn?1Xn-1?2Xn-2 en , ngts-1
  • Xs-1x1
  • Xs-2x0
  • And en is iid normal with zero mean and variance
  • Then.

Theorem AR(2) Process Deconstructed
  • Then we have ltXngt for n?s
  • where ?1, ?2 are the reciprocals of the roots to
    the characteristic equation.

Moving Average Model
  • Definition A moving average process of order p,
    denoted, MA(p), is a sequence of random
    variables, ltXigt, such that ?p?0 and
  • Xn?en?1en-1?2en-2?pen-p
  • Where en is a zero-mean white noise with variance
  • This can also be written in form
  • Xn ??(B)en
  • Where ? is a pth degree polynomial in B.

Moving Average Model
  • An MA(p) process is called invertible if the
    p-roots of the equation ?(x)0 are greater than
    unity in absolute value.
  • Consider an MA(1) process. Rewrite it as
  • en-?-?1en-1 xn
  • Then, on repeated substitution, we arrive at
  • In this form, it says that there is a dependency
    on e0 which will only wear away if ?1lt1 (which
    is equivalent to saying the MA process is

Theorem on MA Models
  • MA(p) is weakly stationary with EXn? and
    autovariance function given by
  • when k?p and ?(k)0 if kgtp.
  • Proof The proof relies on Eeiej?ij?2.Care is
    needed in handling the subscripts.
  • Corollory An MA(p) process is weakly stationary.

  • Consider the MA(p) process given by
  • Xtb0Ztb1Zt-1bpZt-p where Zi are zero-mean
    white noise.
  • What is..
  • The mean of EXt
  • The variance of EXt
  • Its autocorrelation function at lag k?

  • Classify the process
  • Xn(0.25)Xn-2 en
  • and, given that it has an infinite history, show
    that it can be written in the form
  • Xnen(0.25)en-2(0.25)2en-4

Recap AR Processes
  • We have shown that
  • For the AR(1) case we derived its mean and
    covariance structure. We showed (in exercises)
    that its acf decays geometrically and its pacf at
    lags greater than 1 is zero. In particular we
    noted that it is transient non-stationary.
  • These properties extend to the AR(p) case its
    acf decays (with maybe some ripples) and its pacf
    at lags greater than p is 0. It is transient
  • Another fact (not proved) For an AR process to
    be (long run) stationary then all its
    characteristic roots must have modulus strictly
    greater than 1.

Recap MA Processes
  • We have shown that
  • For the MA(p) case we derived its mean and
    covariance structure. We showed that its acf cuts
    to 0 at lags greater than p. In particular we
    noted that it is stationary.
  • It can be shown that the pacf of an MA(p) process
    tends to decay (with maybe some ripples).
  • Another fact (not proved) For an MA process to
    be stationary then all its characteristic roots
    must have modulus strictly greater than 1.

Bringing it together - ARMA
  • An ARMA(p,q) model is given by
  • Xn?1Xn-1?2Xn-2?pXn-p enb1en-1
  • Where ej is a zero-mean white noise.
  • Using the Backshift operator we can write it as
  • ?(B)Xn?(B)en.
  • We need to specify p initial conditions.

Theorem (Proof not on Course)
  • Let Xn be an ARMA(1,1) process defined by
  • Then

Theorem continued (Proof not on Course)
Stochastic Processes
  • Shane Whelan
  • L527
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