Title: Citizenship
2The Nobel Prize
3Alfred NOBEL 1833-1896
- Aged 17 fluent in Swedish, Russian, French,
English and German - invented dynamite
- used for blasting rock in many types of
construction .. and in weapons
4Alfred NOBEL 1833-1896
- left money for prizes in Physics, Chemistry,
Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace - later Economics
- The Nobel Foundation gave permission for
- The Nobel School
5 Marie Curie
James Watson
T.S. Eliot
Mother Teresa
Alexander Fleming
The Nobel School
Amartya Sen
Martin Luther King
Ernest Rutherford
6The Nobel School
7The Nobel School
James Watson
8James Watson
- I just like to know why things happen and I think
we have inherited this. Curiosity about things,
why things happen, can prepare you for how you
live in the world.
9James Watson and DNA
10What DNA enables us to do
11(No Transcript)
12What DNA might enable us to do
13Even more amazing
and all because of James Watsons curiosity!
14Ernest Rutherford
The Nobel School
15The Atom
- One of the largest atoms is the caesium atom and
10 million of these would fit between a serration
on a postage stamp and the next serration
16Ernest Rutherford
- I know of no more enthralling adventure of the
human mind than the voyage of discovery into the
almost unexplored world of the atomic nucleus
17The Nobel School
Marie Curie
18Using Marie Curies Alpha Particles
- Most of the atom is empty space. The rest
consists of a positively charged nucleus of
protons and neutrons surrounded by a cloud of
negatively charged electrons.
20In the stillness, there is only the danceTS
- All things are made of atoms, little particles
that move around in perpetual motion, attracting
each other when they are a little distance apart
but repelling each other upon being squeezed into
one another.
21If the nucleus were one pea, the atom would be
the size of Wembley Stadium!
If a nucleus were one pea
its atom would be Wembley Stadium and
ten million atoms would fit between each
serration on a postage stamp
22Ernest Rutherford
- Generosity he did not add his name to many
discoveries he initiated - Kindness he helped scientists and academics
escape from Nazi Germany - He is buried in Westminster Abbey
23Alexander Fleming
- Do not wait for fortune to smile
- upon you prepare yourself with knowledge
- Fleming along with two other scientists won
the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in
1945 for the discovery of penicillin and its
curative effect on various infectious diseases
25Mother Teresa
The Nobel School
26Mother Teresa
- Please don't kill the child. I want the
child. Please give me the child. I am willing to
accept any child who would be aborted, and to
give that child to a married couple who will love
the child, and be loved by the child. From our
children's home in Calcutta alone, we have saved
over 3000 children
27In Calcutta
- People suffer. They have forgotten how to
smile, they have forgotten the beauty of the
human touch. They need someone who will
understand and respect them.
28Alexander Fleming
The Nobel School
29Mother Teresa
- I am grateful to accept the Nobel Prize in the
name of the hungry, the homeless, the crippled,
the blind, the lepers, of all those people who
feel unwanted, unloved and uncared-for throughout
society, people shunned by everyone.
30TS Eliot
- Skimbleshanks, the Railway Cat
- Mr. Mistofellees
- Macavity, the Mystery Cat
- Old Deuteronomy
- The Jellicle Cats
31Martin Luther King
The Nobel School
32The Nobel School
T.S. Eliot
33T S Eliot
- We shall not cease from exploration
- And the end of all our exploring
- Will be to arrive where we first started
- And know the place for the first time.
34Amartya Sen about TS Eliot
- Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
- Where is the life we have lost in the living?
- TS Eliot
35- Where is the life we have lost in the living?
36Alexander Fleming
- When given the Noble prize, he was praised
for co-operation (he sent his mould to other
laboratories), for scientific enthusiasm and for
firm belief in an idea
37(No Transcript)
38Amartya Sen
- You cannot evaluate what is happening in an
economy or a society without looking at people
who are on the downside and not just those who
are doing well and prospering.
39Amartya Sen
The Nobel School