Title: MM of HBV related cirrhosis
1Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
Extract of licorice root (Glycyrrhiza Glabra).A
sulphated polysaccharide of plant lectin.Two
molecules of glycerrhetinic acid one molecule
glucoronic acid.
2Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Glycyrrhizin
- Extract of licorice root (Glycyrrhiza Glabra). A
sulphated polysaccharide of plant lectin, with
two molecules of glycerrhetinic acid one
molecule glucoronic acid. - Mechanism of Action
- Induction of endogenous interferon Abe et al.
Microbiol Immunol 1982 26535-39). - Cytoprotection Shiki et al J Gastroenterol
hepatol 1992 7 12-16 - Lysis of liver cell by antiliver cell antibody.
Nagai et al Jap J Pharmacol 1992 58 209 - 218
(Rat ischemia re-perfusion model) - Prevent free radical injury, by stimulating
protein kinase C (Mori 1989). - Prevent cell to cell infection by nonspecific
blocking of cell receptors
3Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Commercial preparation of Glycyrrhizin
- Stronger Neominophagan C Glycyrrhizin 0.2
- Glycine 2
- Cysteine 0.1
- Glycine protects hepatocytes from injury caused
by anoxia, cold ischemia and mitochondrial
inhibitors - (Marsh 1993)
4Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Existing therapy
- SHF - No specific treatment available
- Major cause viral (97)
- INF??, LAM only for HBV.
- CH - Mostly viral HCV, HBV or mixed
- Option Interferon and Nucleoside analogue
- Cirrhosis Usually resistant to antiviral therapy
- Interferon may lead to flare up.
- If transplanted high rate of reinfection.
- Rationale for use of glycyrrhizin
- Cytoprotective and anti viral properties
- Safe, minimal side effects
- Therapeutic options limited in SHF,CH and
cirrhosis - Liver transplant still in infancy
- Cheaper as compared to other modalities
5Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Parenteral glycyrrhizin in SHF
- Study period Jan 1993-Dec 2001Consecutive
patients with SHF - Diagnosis Histology AHBN
- No portal hypertension
- No ingestion of hepatotoxins
- ALT gt 2.5x normal
- SHF patients treated with supportive therapy for
Jan 83-1992 satisfying same criteria acted as
control (98/200) - Exclusion criteria Encephalopathy, renal
failure, sepsis, active gastrointestinal
hemorrhage - Mortality with complication 95. So drug may not
have adequate time to act.
6Sub-acute hepatic failure (SHF) Contd.
Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Drug dosage schedule -
- 100 ml I/V daily x 1 month
- 100 ml I/V Alternate day x 2 months
- Follow up till 9 months (Based an experience in
Japan) - Out come measures
- 1. Survival
- 2.chronic liver disease in survivors
7Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Investigations
- Haematological, LFT, RFT At admission, once
weekly. - Hepatotropic viral markers At inclusion, 3M,
9M.Liver histology (PM or AM)/CT- all at /close
to inclusion, after 6 month of Rx in survivors. - Hepatotropic Viral Markers HBsAg, HBeAg, IgM anti
HBc, IgM anti HAV, - IgM anti HEV Anti HCV (Elisa)
- HBV DNA (PCR) in sera -ve for all above
serological markers. - At base line, at end of therapy (3M), at end of
8Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Comparison of clinical parameters among survivors
of Glycyrrhizin treated and control patients with
SHF (3 months) - Parameters Glycyrrhizin Controls
- Number 77 98
- Survivors 56 (73) 31 (33) (plt0.001)
- Jaundice
- Absent 50 (90) 16 (54) (plt0.01)
- Present 6 (10) 15 (46)
- Ascites
- US non detectable 46 11
- Minimal (US) 6 9
- Clinically detectable 4 (7) 11 (35.5)
9Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Liver function profile before and after therapy
among survivors (3 month) - Parameters Glycyrrhizin (n56) Controls (n31)
- Before After Before After
- S.bilirubin (mg/dl) 20.3 10.9 1.05
0.89 16.9 3.2 3.2 2.1 - ALT (IU/L) 122.5 119.5 29.2 16.4 142
71 78 38 - Prothom time (Sec) 10.3 11.8 1.9 0.8 16.6
9.2 9.6 89 - S. Albumin (g/dl) 2.7 0.64 3.4 0.62 2.6
1.3 2.3 1.0 - P lt 0.001 P lt 0.01
10Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Survivors among SHF developing CLD
- Etiology No. of Pts. Death FUgt6M Chronicity
- HAV 2 (2.6) 0 (0) 2 0/2 (0)
- Isolated 36 10 26 15
- Mixed (HBVHEV) 9 1 8 3
- HCV 3 (4) 1 (33) 2 1/2 (0)
- Isolated 8 2 6 0
- Mixed (HEVHAV) 2 0 2 0
- NANE 16 (21) 7 (44) 9 3/9 (33)
- ATT 1 (1.3) 0 (0) 1 0/1 (0)
- Total 77 21(27) 56 22/56(39)
- HBV/HCV/NANE - 33- 50 Survivors develop
chronicity - HAV/HEV/ATT - Survivors had complete recovery
11Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Summary
- Amongst Glycyrrhizin treated patients with SHF,
survival (73) was significantly better than
controls (33). - The complication rate due to liver failure was
also lower amongst the Glycyrrhizin treated
patients (37.5) than in controls (82). - The clinical and biochemical improvement was
faster and better amongst Glycyrrhizin treated
patients than in controls. - Unlike in AVH/AHF in whom HEV was the major cause
at our centre, HBV was the most important cause
of SHF. 9/45 (20) HBV SHF were due to HEV
super infection over HBsAg carrier state. - Chronic sequalae amongst SHF survivors were
documented in 40 of the patient. HBV and or HCV
related SHF only developed chronic sequalae.
HEV/HAV/ATT induced SHF when survived were
completely cured without any chronic sequalae.
12Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Glycyrrhizin in chronic hepatitis
- Pilot study - 46 pts screened and 24 included
- Inclusion criteria - Bx proven cases of CH of
viral aetiology with gt2 Times ?ALT on 2 occasion
2 weeks apart at start of therapy - Exclusion criteria GI bleed, encephalopathy,
renal failure sepsis and evidence of PHT,
Wilsons disease, autoimmune hepatitis, drug
toxicity,refused. - Dosage schedule - 60 ml daily I/V - 1month, 60
ml alternate day- 5 mths - Investigations and follow-up - same as in SHF
- End point
- Completion of therapy
- Loss to follow up
- Death
13Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Glycyrrhizin in chronic hepatitis
- Assessment of remission
- Complete remission Normal ALT at end of 6 month
remain so for 8 weeks - Partial - 50 ? in ALT with elevate after
stoping of Rx - No response lt 50 ? in ALT
- Relapse - rise in ALT after 8 weeks of
14Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- LFT and serological profile
- Parameters Basal (n21) 6 months
(n21) - S.bilibubin (mg/dl) 4.1 6.1 1.21.2 plt0.01
- ALT (IU/dl) 76.546.9 51.959.1 plt0.05
- S. Albumin (g/dl) 3.60.6 3.50.9
- PT Prolongation 3.25.0 1.63.6 plt0.05
- Icterus present 4 4
- HBsAg 11 9
- HbeAg/HBVDNA 7 5
- HCVRNA 4 4
- HbsAgHCVRNA 3 3
- No marker 3 3
- Complete response in 7, partial 5, relapse 6
15Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Summary
- Synthetic function of liver showed improvement
- ALT decrease in 57 but relapse a seen in 50
- 25 showed histologoical improvement
- serological clearance poor.
- Drug is cytoprotective rather then antiviral.
- Based on these observations we planned a RCT
Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Glycyrrhizin in Chronic hepatitis- RCT
- Number of patients screened 61
- Number of patients included 27
- Number of patients completing 6 months of
- therapy and included for analysis 27
- Number of patients excluded 34
- Reasons for exclusion
- Interferon therapy- 26
- Cirrhosis- 4
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis- 2
- Refusal to be included in the study 2
17Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- LFT and virological clearance
- Glycyrrhizin (n14)
controls (n13) - Before After p Before After p
- S. bil 6.269.03 0.8 67 lt0.001 2.546.02 0.91
lt0.001 - ALT 7771 38.6 46.6 lt0.001 67.645.3 58.8
47.5 NS - S. Alb 2.61.64 3.11.8 lt0.05 3.51.2 2.81.65 lt0.
05 - PT 3.4 4.2 2.9 2.6 NS 3.5 4.8 4.23.7 NS
- HBsAg 7 5 NS 7 7 NS
- HBeA/DNA 5 4 NS 5 5 NS
- HCVRNA 3 3 NS 2 2 NS
- HBHCV 1 1 NS 1 1 NS
- No markers 3 3 NS 3 3 NS
- The values after end of therapy amongst
Glycyrrhizin treated and control patients however
were similar (pgt0.1)
18Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Biochemical response and relapse
- Glyr Controls p
- n 14 (n 13)
- Overall response 13(93) 4 (31)
- Complete response 8 3 lt0.05
- Partial response 5 1
- No response 1 9 lt 0.05
- Relapse 2 2 NS
- Pre Rx histo 13 13 NS
- Post Rx histo 7 7 NS
- Histologic improve 4 4 NS
19Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
LFT and virological clearance Glycyrrhizin
(n14) controls (n13) Before After E.
FU Before After E.FU S. Bil 3.45.6 2.22.8, 1
.37 1, 3.83.1 4.44.9 3.6
4.2 ALT 90.6119 41 23.8, 47.429 7212
1.6 74.5 118 79142 S. Alb 3.30.8 3.20.9 3.
40.8 3.00.7, 2.70.7, 2.70.6 PT 7.29.
8 5.4 6.4 4.53.4 5.38.0 8.05.5 6.65.7
p lt 0.05 Plt 0.01 AND P lt 0.05
20Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Summary
- At the end of treatment improvement in synthetic
function of liver was noticed ALT showed a fall
from base line value but in 50 relapse is seen
after discontinuation of therapy - Poor viral clearance seen
- 25 documented histological improvement
- None had any side effects.
- Thus drug is cytoprotective and not antiviral
21Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
Glycyrrhizine in cirrhosis (RCT) Rationale -
no specific therapy for cirrhosis with activity
- INF therapy may hasten liver failure - Re
infection high in transplanted patients . Aim -
prolong life - delay progression of liver
22Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Glycyrrhizine in cirrhosis
- Inclusion Criteria
- Patients of cirrhosis of non alcoholic etiology
having raised ALT levels as in CH - - Histological evidence of cirrhosis on biopsy
- - Biochemical evidence of activity ? ALT
- - viral markers positive
- Exclusion Criteria
- GI bleed, encephalopathy, renal failure sepsis
and Wilsons disease, autoimmune hepatitis, drug
toxicity, associated CAD and pulmonary disease - Doses schedule
- Same as in CH
23Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Glycyrrhizine in cirrhosis (RCT)
- Response to therapy
- Complete response - ? ALT, during initial 6
months and remains so for atleast 8 weeks after
stopping treatment and absence of necro
inflammatory activity on liver biopsy - Partial response - 50 of above or normal ALT at
6 moth with ? with in 8 weeks of stopping
treatment - Failure lt 50 improve or ? ALT drug therapy
- Follow up - for one year to evaluate biological
relapse, complication - End point Death completion of study ( 1½ yr
after inclusion)development of complication on
24 Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Glycyrrhizin in cirrhosis (RCT)
- Number of patient screened 125
- Number of patients included 50
- Reasons for exclusion
- G.I. bleed 26
- Encephalopathy 15
- Alcoholic cirrhosis 20
- Renal failure 6
- Dibetes mellitus 1
- Unable to follow protocol/refusal 6
- Lost to follow up within 3 weeks of inclusion 7
- Adequate data for analysis 43
- No. of patients completing 6 months
- of therapy with Glycyrrhizin 43
25Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Glycyrrhizin in cirrhosis (RCT)
- Glycyrrhizin Controls
- Etiology
- HBV 10 15
- HCV 5 3
- HBV HCV 2 0
- Cryptogenic 4 4
- Childs score
- A 8 4
- B 10 14
- C 3 4
- All parameters between both groups were similar.
26Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Glycyrrhizin in cirrhosis (RCT)
- Parameters Glycyrrhizin Controls p
- 21 22 --
- Complete Response 10 4 lt0.01
- 16(76) 6(27)
- Partial response 6 2
- Failure 5 (24) 16 (73) lt0.01
- Biochemical relapse 6/16(36) 1/6(17) gt0.1
- Death 5 (24) 7(32) gt0.1
- Complications 5 (24) 11(50) gt 0.1
- (SBP/encephalopathy)
27Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Summary (RCT)
- 1. No significant difference seen in child score
at the beginning but at the end of therapy more
patients in treatment group had better childs
score. - 2. Biochemical remission better in treatment
group as compare to controls (76 Vs 27 (ALT ? ) - 3. Synthetic function like serum albumin
Prothombin time showed improvement is treatment
group. - 4. No difference in virological clearence seen
- 5. No histological improvement noticed .
- 6. Complication are seen in 25 pt in treatment
arm are as compared to 50 in controls mortaltiy
remained unchanged
28Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Conclusions
- Glycyrrhizin improve survival in patient with SHF
although no effect seen on hepatotropic viruses - HEV induced SHF have better prognosis and do not
have chronic sequelae. Drug may be of great help
as hepatoprotective almost curative. - In HBV HCV related SHF survival improved but
high chronocity seen. So once synthetic functin
improve there patietns can be treated with
antiviral - In chronic hepatitis drug can help in improving
synthetic liver function and decreases
inflammatory activity so that antiviral can be
used subsequently - Not effective in clearing both HBV HCV
29Saraya Herbal medicines Glycyrrhizin
- Conclusions
- In cirrhosis with activity although no effective
therapy is available Glycyrrhizin helps by
improving synthetic function, decreases ALT and
bilirubin in substantial proportion of patient.
Discontinuation of therapy leads to relapse of
necro inflammatory activity, - No histolgical remission, viral clearance or
survival benefit noted. Hence these patient may
need long term therapy - Further studies are needed to assess utility of
this drug.