Title: Recap Galaxies
1Recap Galaxies
- Describe similarities and differences in the
observation of a galaxy and of Crab Nebula - Describe our galaxy (the Milky Way)
- What type of observation was most important in
establishing the type of our galaxy ? - What types of galaxies are in the Universe and
which type is most abundant ? Is there a link
between various type of galaxies ? - Discuss the types of active galaxies and the
possible link between these types.
2The Creation of the Universe
- The Universal Expansion
- Big Bang or Continuous Creation ?
- The Temperature of the Universe
- The First Fractions of a Second
- Where is the Anti-matter ?
- After the First Second
3The Universal Expansion
- Cosmogony the early biography of the Universe
(the archeology of the Universe) - V.Slipher (1912) and E.Hubble(1923) showed the
most galaxies have the atomic spectra shifted
towards red. - 1929 - Hubble and Humason established that this
shift increases with the galaxies becoming dimmer
and dimmer. Hubble plotted galaxies speed vs
distance and that plot bears his name. Galactic
distances were calculated with Cepheid stars
4Big Bang or Continuous Creation ?
- 1922 - A.Friedman showed that Einsteins general
relativity equations can have a solution
corresponding to an expanding or contracting
Universe. - 1926 - Hubbles diagram showed that all galaxies
started from the same point. Unfortunately,
Hubble obtained a life of the Universe shorter
than the age of Earth (as found in the studies of
rocks and fossils) - H.Bondi, T.Gold and F.Hoyle proposed a Continuous
Creation (or a Stationary State) model of the
Universe, which uses intergalactic white holes. - 1952 - W.Baade at Palomar discovers the error in
Hubbles observations and makes the Universe
older than Earth. - 1951 - the Vatican officially supports the Big
Bang model. - 1950s - G.Gamow, R.Alpher and R.Hermann determine
the production of elements during the first
moments of the Big Bang. - Hoyles model continued to be a direct
competitor of Big Bang. But in 1965 another
discovery eliminated completely Hoyles Continuum
5The Temperature of the Universe
- In 1965 Bell Labs announced that the Universe
contains a radio energy corresponding to a
temperature of 3 Kelvin degrees (or 270 degrees
Celsius). That agreed well with the Big Bang
model. - Accidents at Bell Labs
- 1931 K.Jansky did the first radio-astronomical
observations - 1965 A.Penzias and R.Wilson discovered the cosmic
microwave radiation. - R.Dicke at Princeton was able to repeat the
experiment of Penzias and Wilson and that marked
the publication of the result known to physicists
as the Universal 3oK black body radiation.
6The First Fraction of a Second (I)
- Big Bang was the most powerful phenomenon
imaginable. - At less than 10-35 seconds from the beginning of
the Big Bang and at temperatures above 1028
degrees the 10-dimensional Universe had a
democracy of particles (squeezed at distances
smaller than 10-33 cm) and forces. - At a slightly lower temperature a symmetry
breaking created an abundance of super-heavy
Higgs bosons, which gave the weight (1015 GeV) to
the hyper-weak force carriers. The hyper-weak
force transformed baryons into leptons and
anti-baryons into anti-leptons.
7The First Fraction of a Second (II)
- The asymmetry in the hyperweak transformations
makes the disintegration of anti-baryons more
probable. This created a Universe dominated by
particles over anti-particles. More exactly it
created the observed ratio of 1 anti-hadron to
10,000 hadrons. - It also created the observed ratio of 1 baryon to
1 billion photons. - How to measure these ratios ? One can weigh a
galaxy from its dynamics and one can measure its
size. The result is an average density of about
10-6 10-8 baryons per cubic cm. The density of
photons is found by physicists to be about 400
photons per cubic cm. - It is remarkable that the same ratio of
baryons/photons is obtained from a model of Big
Bang at temperatures above 1012 degrees. - This period has a huge predominance of radiation
(photons at energies of MeV) over matter (baryons
at energies of GeV) . Today while the ratio is
preserved, the photons have energies of order of
10-3 eV and that change makes matter more
important than radiation.
8The First Fraction of a Second (III)
- After 10-4 seconds from beginning of the Big Bang
the Universe reached a temperature of 1012
degrees. - In this state theorists believe that small
fluctuations were amplified and lead to the
formation of galaxies. - Recent calculations show that a model with 6
types of quarks leads to a soup of hadrons
capable to produce galaxies. - Between 10-4 and 10-3 seconds at a temperature of
1011 degrees most heavy baryons disintegrated
creating protons and neutrons and a large number
of neutrinos, while the radiation created pairs
of electrons and positrons. - At about 10-3 seconds from the beginning of the
Big Bang, after the breaking of symmetry
occurring when particles were at distances of
around 10-16 cm, the fundamental forces were
functioning like today.
9The Inflationary Model (I)
The Grand Unified Theories - based Inflationary
Model predicts a 50 orders of magnitude increase
for the 10-32 seconds old Universe.
size (cm)
time (sec)
10The Inflationary Model (II)
- How is the inflation possible ?
- Vacuum is a bubbling environment based on
quantum fluctuations of mass-energy. Guth has
shown that it is possible to buildup these
quantum kicks to create galactic seeds. In
some very few places inflation yields to the
creation of a new Universe. - Guth showed that for the Universe to be the way
it is the inflation doubling its size 100,000
times should have stopped after 10-30 seconds
(the inflation energy had to decay).
11After the First Second (I)
- S.Weinberg The First Three Minutes
- At 10 billion degrees the neutrinos decoupled
from the rest of particles and the weak force
stopped from changing protons and neutrons their
ratio froze to a value 1/6-1/7. - At 3 billion degrees the radiation was unable to
create pairs of electrons/positrons and the
density of photons became a constant (like that
of neutrinos) - At 1 billion degrees the fusion of protons
started. It formed deuterons and then helium
nuclei. In only 200 seconds this process changed
about a quarter of protons into helium nuclei.
Todays observed ratio of helium to hydrogen is
3/10, with the extra 5 increase being due to the
fusion reactions inside the stars. - The total number of baryons observed today in
stars and intergalactic is related to the number
of particles which were produced during the Big
Bang and this link established that the number of
quarks can be either 6 or maximum 8.
12After the First Second (II)
- The cooling of the Universe happened in a few
hundreds of thousands of years. - At 5000 degrees (the temperature at the surface
of our Sun), the radiation was separated from
heavy matter and the cooling continued separately
for the heavy matter, for photons and for
neutrinos. - The cooling of the photons lead in time to the
microwave radiation observed by Penzias and
Wilson. Zeldovich and his collaborators
determined that the temperature of the neutrinos
should be today around 2 absolute degrees (still
undetectable) - The first atoms were formed about 300,000 years
from the beginning of the Big Bang, when the
Universe was about 20,000 smaller than today.
13Galaxies Formation
- The first galaxies were formed when the Universe
was about 100 million years old having a density
about 10,000 larger than today. - A possible scenario considers primordial black
holes as the seeds for their formation (it is
also possible that simple clouds of matter
separated during the expansion). - Young galaxies are associated with quasars and
the fact that the most remote quasars correspond
to an age of the Universe of about 1 billion
years indicates that the galaxies before that
time were too small or dim to be seen today. - The first stars inside galaxies were probably
formed in parallel to their activity as quasars.
Our solar system corresponds to 2nd or 3rd
generation of stars which use a large
concentration of heavy elements produced in
supernovas. - The separation of galaxies of different sizes
would create a non-uniform Universe, in
contradiction with the current galactic
observations. A.Guth inflationary model provides
the explanation for a uniform distribution of the
clusters of galaxies.