Hamas - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Judea, home of the Jews in ancient times, was conquered by the Romans and renamed Palestine ... The kidnapping of Corporal Nachshon Waxman (October 9-14, 1994) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hamas

  • by Malgorzata Rajab

  • From the beginning history has created many
    issues between Palestinians and Israelis
  • Judea, home of the Jews in ancient times, was
    conquered by the Romans and renamed Palestine
  • Palestine was later conquered and inhabited by
    Arabs for over a thousand years
  • The Zionist movement arose to restore the Jews to
    Israel, largely ignoring the existing Arab
  • Following the Balfour Declaration in 1917,
    Palestine was granted to Britain as a League of
    Nations mandate to build a national home for the
    Jewish people.
  • In result, Arabs resented the Jews coming in to
    take their land.
  • Britain desperately tried to stop Jewish
    immigration to Palestine.

  • Following the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews
    were killed by the Nazis, Britain was pressured
    to allow Jewish immigration to Palestine.
  • In 1947, the UN partitioned the land into Arab
    and Jewish states.
  • The Arabs did not accept the partition and the
    first war broke out.
  • The Jews won in a overwhelming victory, expanded
    their state and created several hundred thousand
    of Palestinian refugees.
  • Most of the Arab states refused to recognize
    Israel or make peace with it. Wars broke out in
    1956, 1967, 1973 and 1982, and there were many
    terror raids and Israeli reprisals. Each side
    believes different versions of the same history.
    Each side views the conflict as the fault of the

What is Hamas?
  • Hamas is an acronym (from Arabic) for Harakat
    al-Muqawama al-Islamiya (also called Islamic
    Resistance Movement)
  • Hamas is the Palestinian Muslims fundamentalist
  • It is perhaps the largest and the most
    influential group operating on the
    Palestinian-Israeli Territory
  • It has an extensive social service network,
    including a terrorist branch that carries out
    suicide bombing and attacks against the Israelis
  • Hamas operate in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as
    well as inside the Israeli borders

  • The origins of the Hamas are closely linked to
    the historical development of the Palestinian
    national movement.
  • Palestinian nationalism emerged as a result of
    British colonialism, coupled with the Zionist
    movement, creation of the state of Israel, and
    interaction with the neighboring Arab states.

Origins cont.
  • Hamas has its roots from the Muslim Brotherhood,
    a religious and political group founded in Egypt
    in 1928.
  • Sheikh Ahmed Yassin is the founder and spiritual
    leader of Hamas
  • Hamas emerged during the outbreak of the first
    intifada (shaking off from Arabic), a
    Palestinian uprising against Israelis in December
  • The first Hamas suicide bombing took place in
  • Originally a militant organization later it
    transformed into a political party

  • Sheik Yassin was the leader until he was
    assassinated in March 2004
  • Replaced by Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi , who was
    assassinated a month later
  • Other members (on most part killed by Israelis)
  • Mahmoud Abu Hanoud (2001)
  • Sheikh Salah Shehada
  • Sheikh Khalid Meshal (who
    is believed to currently
  • direct the organization
    from Damascus, Syria)

Where do they operate?
  • In Gaza, the West Bank, and inside Israel, of
  • Some of the Hamas leaders live in Syria, Lebanon,
    Iran, and other Gulf States

Ideology, believes goals
  • Hamas reflects the deep frustration of the
    Palestinian Arabs with the ongoing Israeli
    occupation, claiming that as long as
    Palestinians live under the occupation they are
    obliged to oppose it through a jihad (holy war),
    that is, an uncompromising armed insurrection
    against Israel. (http//www.intelligence.org.il/e
  • Hamas continue to assert that Israel has no right
    to exist
  • Hamas is against all peaceful attempts to resolve
    the Arab-Israeli conflict
  • Hamas wants the destruction of the State of
    Israel as their main goal and perpetrates acts of
    terrorism against Israel as the primary tool for
    advancing that goal.(http//www.intelligence.org.

Ideology continued
  • According to Hamas ideology, the Palestinian
    problem is basically religious and therefore
    cannot be solved by any political compromise .
    Hamas claims that the land of Palestinian, from
    the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea is
    consecrated to Islam and none of it can be given
    up, especially Jerusalem. Thus Hamas denies the
    possibility of any political settlement with
    Israel and objects to any and all agreements
    between the PA/PLO and Israel, and totally
    rejects the Oslo accords. For that reason, Hamas
    has refused to accept the authority of and to
    join the PA. (Intelligence and Terrorism
    Information Center)

Is Hamas an average terrorist group?
  • Not really. Hamas, besides its military wing, the
    Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigade, has organized an
    extensive social services network. They fund
    schools, mosques, doctor clinics, orphanages,
    food kitchens and sport events. This is what
    makes them different from PA, and other

(No Transcript)
  • Training and Recruitment of the Bombers
  • The potential candidates are selectively chosen
    and undergo intensive training
  • Shortly before the sacred explosion the bomber
    records a video testament
  • After the bombing the family of the suicide
    bomber is given about 5000
  • As one of the Palestinian suicide bombers said
    "It's as if a very high, impenetrable wall
    separated you from Paradise or HellAllah has
    promised one or the other to his creatures. So,
    by pressing the detonator, you can immediately
    open the door to Paradiseit is the shortest path
    to Heaven. (The New Yorker)

Some of Hamas's major attacks
  • The kidnapping and murder of Israeli soldiers Avi
    Sasportas (February 16, 1989), Ilan Sa'adon (May
    3, 1989) and Nissim Toledano (December 13, 1992).
  • The kidnapping of Corporal Nachshon Waxman
    (October 9-14, 1994). Waxman and Captain Nir
    Poraz were killed in an exchange of gunfire.
  • A suicide bombing attack on the Number 5 bus in
    Tel Aviv (October 19, 1994) 22 Israeli civilians
  • Two suicide bombing attacks on the Number 18 bus
    in Jerusalem (February 25 and March 3, 1996) a
    total of 47 Israeli civilians murdered.
  • A suicide bombing attack at the Dolphinarium in
    Tel Aviv (June 1, 2001) 21 Israeli civilians
    murdered, most of them teenagers.
  • A suicide bombing attack at the Sbarro Restaurant
    in Jerusalem (August 9, 2001) 15 Israeli
    civilians murdered.
  • A suicide bombing attack at the Park Hotel in
    Netanya during the Passover Seder (March 27,
    2002) 30 Israeli civilians murdered. The attack
    resulted in Operation Defensive Shield.
  • A suicide bombing attack in Rishon Le'tzion (May
    7, 2002) 16 Israeli civilians murdered.
  • A suicide bombing attack at a major intersection
    in Jerusalem (June 18, 2002) 19 Israeli
    civilians murdered.
  • A suicide bombing attack on the Number 2 bus in
    Jerusalem (August 19, 2003) 23 Israeli civilians
    murdered. The attack brought the temporary cease
    fire hudna to an end.
  • Source Intelligence and Terrorism Information

If our wives and children are not safe from
Israeli tanks and rockets, theirs will be not
safe from our human bombs. (an opinion expressed
by the Islamist military leader in The New Yorker)
  • Hamas Hurt. Economist. 8 October 2005. Full
    Text. Academic Search Premier. Online.
  • EBSCOhost Information Services.
    Roosevelt University Library. 21 November 2005.
  • Hassan, Nasra. The New Yorker. An Arsenal of
    Believers Talking to the "human bombs. Online.
  • lthttp//www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?0
    11119fa_FACT1gt. November 22, 2005.
  • Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at
    the Center for Special Studies (C.S.S). Special
  • Information Bulletin. The Leading
    Palestinian Terrorist Organizations (August
  • lthttp//www.intelligence.org.il/eng/sib/8_
    04/pto.htm.gt Last viewed on 22 November
  • 2005.
  • Malka, Haim. Forcing Choices Testing the
    Transformation of Hamas. The Center for
  • and International Studies and the
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The
  • Quarterly. Autumn 2005. Full Text.
    LexisNexis. Online. Academic Universe. Roosevelt
  • University Library. 21 November 2005.
  • Mishal, Shaul. The Palestinian Hamas electronic
    source vision, violence and coexistence.
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