Title: Dynamical Interactions and Brown Dwarfs
1Dynamical Interactions and Brown Dwarfs
Michael F. Sterzik, ESO Richard H. Durisen,
Indiana University
- Hierarchical fragmentation and two-step
dynamical decay - Results and comparison w/ observations
- Multiplicities and velocity dispersions
- Companion fractions and separation
distributions - Conclusions
2Context Two-Step Decay(Sterzik Durisen,
- Molecular clouds fragment into cores and clumps
- Clump mass spectra (CMF) resemble stellar mass
spectra - Clumps have flattish density profile
(Bonnor-Ebert) - Turbulence(?) decays, produce N stars (SMF)
- 1 ? N ? few(10) non-hierarchical
mini-clusters - N-body dynamical evolution (neglect accretion,
hydrodynamics) - End-state analysis pairing statistics,
kinematics - 1000s of calculations yield a reliable benchmark
for comparisons with observations and
hydrodynamical simulations
3Observed Multiplicities
- Solar-type stars in the field 5710 (DM 91)
- M-type 429 (FM 92), 3210 (Leinert et al 97)
- late M-type 315 (Marchal et al 03), 177
(Reid et al 97) - VLM 2011 (Reid et al 01), 157 (Close et al
03) - Observed Multiplicity Fractions
- ? Evidence for a mass - multiplicity relation
4Multiplicity Fractions(Sterzik Durisen, 2003)
- Increasing MF with increasing primary mass
compatible with 2-step decay - VLM 8 -18
- Solar type 63
- 1-step models too steep
- Random IMF sampling ruled out for M gt0.5 Msol
5Velocity Dispersions
- Â Mass-velocity dependence
- Â Single-Binary segregation
- Â High velocity escape exist, but are not so
frequent - Â Convolve w/ cloud motion!
- Â Joergens (2001) 2 km/sec
- Â White (2003) 1.9 km/sec
2 km/sec (BD)
1 km/sec (stars)
6BD Companions
- hardly found in direct imaging surveys
- Schroeder et al. (HST, 2000) Oppenheimer (2001)
1 - McCarthy (KECK, 2001) Lowrance (2001) 1 - few
- and in radial velocity surveys (BD desert,
Halbwachs 2000)
- Rare when formed dynamically
- Probably inconsistent with random pairing
Primary Mass L (lt0.08Ms) M (lt0.47Ms) K/G (lt1.2Ms) F (gt1.2Ms)
L (lt0.08Ms) 2 (4) 3 (5) 2 (4) 1 (2)
T (lt0.05Ms) 6 (17) 5 (10) 3 (6) 1 (5)
7Observed Separation Distributions
- Reference distribution for solar-type stars in
the field Duquennoy Mayor 91 - Lognormal, broad peak log P 4.8 days ( 30AU)
- late M binaries Fischer Marcy 92 Marchal et
al 03 (23 M2.5-M5.5) - VLM binaries Bouy Burgasser Close 03 (34 later
then M8) - Separations 1 lt ? lt 15AU, narrow peak 3AU
- Cumulative separation distributions
- ? Mounting evidence for a mass-separation
8Separation Distributions (Sterzik Durisen,
- IF the specific initial cluster energy E/Mconst
- ? Separations System Mass
- Dynamical decay model reproduces the mean of the
observed separation distribution - Observed distributions are broader (initial
conditions NOT constant, further evolution)
9Wide BD Companions
- are abundant as CPM companions (Gizis et al.
2001) - GJ337, GJ570, GJ 584, are multiple systems
- Mass ratio vers. Separation Distribution
- ? Do wide BD systems prefer a hierarchical
- Two-Step dynamical decay models predict
- High velocity escapers are rare, dispersion
velocities cloud motions - Increasing multiplicity fraction with increasing
mass - VLM multiplicity fraction of 8-18
- Low BD secondary fractions, decreasing with
increasing primary mass - Mean binary separations are correlated with
their system mass, IF the progenitor systems have
a constant specific energy (or a linear M R),
as e.g. in Bonnor-Ebert spheres - ? Dynamical decay models provide a
valueable benchmark for the observed statistics
11Duquennoy Mayor 1991
12Observed Cumulative Separation Distributions
13Observed Multiplicity Fractions
14Initial Conditions of Star Formation (I)
Andre Neri, 1998)
15Clump Masses (Motte, Andre Neri, 1998)
16Initial Conditions of Star Formation (II)
(Alves, Lada Lada, 2001)
17B68 radial density profile (Alves,Lada Lada,
- Pressure confined, selfgravitating, isothermal
sphere (Bonnor-Ebert) - Flattish density profile, likely to fragment
during collapse - Constant specific energy! Mc Rc ? Ec/Mc
system scale ? 0.01 pc
19Mass ratios vers. Separations
? Wide BD companions are outer member in
hierarchical systems