Title: Dynamical Interactions and Brown Dwarfs
1Dynamical Interactions and Brown Dwarfs
Michael F. Sterzik, ESO Richard H. Durisen,
Indiana University
published 2003, Astron.Astroph. 400, p.1031
- Hierarchical fragmentation and two-step
dynamical decay - Results and comparison w/ observations
- Multiplicities and velocity dispersions
- Companion fractions and separation
distributions - Conclusions
2Context Two-Step Decay(Sterzik Durisen,
- Molecular clouds fragment into cores and clumps
- Clump mass spectra (CMF) resemble stellar mass
spectra - Clumps have flattish density profile
(Bonnor-Ebert) - Turbulence(?) decays, produce N stars (SMF)
- 1 ? N ? few(10) non-hierarchical
mini-clusters - N-body dynamical evolution (neglect accretion,
hydrodynamics) - End-state analysis pairing statistics,
kinematics - 1000s of calculations yield a reliable benchmark
for comparisons with observations and
hydrodynamical simulations
system scale ? 0.01 pc
4Observed Multiplicities
- Solar-type stars in the field 5710 (DM 91)
- M-type 429 (FM 92), 3210 (Leinert et al 97)
- late M-type 315 (Marchal et al 03), 177
(Reid et al 97) - VLM 2011 (Reid et al 01), 157 (Close et al
03) - Observed Multiplicity Fractions
- ? Evidence for a mass - multiplicity relation
5Multiplicity Fractions(Sterzik Durisen, 2003)
- Increasing MF with increasing primary mass
compatible with 2-step decay - VLM 8 -18
- Solar type 63
- 1-step models too steep
- Random IMF sampling ruled out for M gt0.5 Msol
6Velocity Dispersions
- Â Mass-velocity dependence
- Â Single-Binary segregation
- Â High velocity escape exist, but are not so
frequent - Â Convolve w/ cloud motion!
- Â Joergens (2001) 2 km/sec
- Â White (2003) 1.9 km/sec
2 km/sec (BD)
1 km/sec (stars)
7BD Companions
- hardly found in direct imaging surveys
- Schroeder et al. (HST, 2000) Oppenheimer (2001)
1 - McCarthy (KECK, 2001) Lowrance (2001) 1 - few
- and in radial velocity surveys (BD desert,
Halbwachs 2000)
- Rare when formed dynamically
- Probably inconsistent with random pairing
8Observed Separation Distributions
- Reference distribution for solar-type stars in
the field Duquennoy Mayor 91 - Lognormal, broad peak log P 4.8 days ( 30AU)
- late M binaries Fischer Marcy 92 Marchal et
al 03 (23 M2.5-M5.5) - VLM binaries Bouy Burgasser Close 03 (34 later
then M8) - Separations 1 lt ? lt 15AU, narrow peak 3AU
- Cumulative separation distributions
- ? Mounting evidence for a mass-separation
9Separation Distributions (Sterzik Durisen,
- IF the specific initial cluster energy E/Mconst
- ? Separations System Mass
- Dynamical decay model reproduces the mean of the
observed separation distribution - Observed distributions are broader (initial
conditions NOT constant, further evolution)
10Wide BD Companions
- are abundant as CPM companions (Gizis et al.
2001) - GJ337, GJ570, GJ 584, are multiple systems
- Mass ratio vers. Separation Distribution
- ? Do wide BD systems prefer a hierarchical
11Mass ratios vers. Separations
? Wide BD companions are outer member in
hierarchical systems
- Two-Step dynamical decay models predict
- High velocity escapers are rare, dispersion
velocities cloud motions - Increasing multiplicity fraction with increasing
mass - VLM multiplicity fraction of 8-18
- Low BD secondary fractions, decreasing with
increasing primary mass - Mean binary separations are correlated with
their system mass, IF the progenitor systems have
a constant specific energy (or a linear M R),
as e.g. in Bonnor-Ebert spheres - ? Dynamical decay models provide a
valueable benchmark for the observed statistics