Title: The problem of learning:
1FSKBANN - Finite State Knowledge
Based Artificial Neural Networks
The problem of learning - the traditional
BP learning - independent (In, Out) pairs, -
procedural learning frequently (In, Out) pairs
are contect dependent, i.e. their
classification depends on examples learned
earlier. Frequent problem is to learn a task
action sequence. Earlier tools must be extended
to permit also to refine a 'procedural domain
theory'. In case of procedural domain theory
two problems must be solved - formulation
of the procedural domain theory, - network
representation of the procedural domain theory.
2FSKBANN - Finite State Knowledge
Based Artificial Neural Networks
Learning procedures - generally by accepting
advices. Special features of a domain theory
composed from advices and instructions is that
it is usually - fragmentary, - is
focused on a particular task, - can advice,
even prohibits, single or multiple steps.
3For the refining of the procedural domain theory
two approaches will be used FSKBANN
refining domain theory formulated as a
finite automaton. RATLE refining advices
formulated in a procedural language, together
with the reinforcement learning.
What will be a suitable tool ? Due to the
context dependency a network with memory (state
memory) is required, consequently a recurrent
network will used. SRN - Simple
Recurrent Network
State (context) units Network remembers its
earlier state. Recurrent links are not present
in the learning. Activating an SRN network -
activating state (context) units (copying) -
activating other IN units accordingly to the
applied examples - activating other hidden
and OUT units by feed-forward propagation.
To obtain a network able to refine finite
automata one must solve - the transformation
from the finite automaton into a suitable rule
set, and - the transformation of the obtained
rule set into a network. Finite automaton ?
rule set transformation State transition of
finite automaton Rule k A ??? B
Bk - Ak-1 ? k k - k1 ? k2 ....
7Example Define rules suitable to implement binary
adder as a finite automaton. The automaton has
two states (C0) and (C1), and its inputs
are (In1, In2). E.g. 0 0 1 1 In1 1 0 0
1 In2 0 1 1 0 Carry
------------------------------- 1 1 0 0
8The state transitions are as follows
(1,1) (x,0) (C0) ??? (C1) (C0) ???
(C0) (0,x) (0,0) (C0) ???
(C0) (C1) ??? (C0) (x,1)
(1,x) (C1) ??? (C1) (C1) ??? (C1)
10State transition rules C0 k ? C0 k-1 ?
Nulla-In-Yes C0 k ? C0 k-1 ? One-In-Yes
C0 k ? C1 k-1 ? Nulla-In-Yes C1 k ?
C1 k-1 ? One-In-Yes C1 k ? C1 k-1 ?
All-In-Yes C1 k ? C0 k-1 ? All-In-Yes
Condition rules All-In-Yes ? In1-Yes ?
In2-Yes One-In-Yes ? In1-Yes ? ? In2-Yes
One-In-Yes ? ? In1-Yes ? In2-Yes
Nulla-In-Yes ? ? In1-Yes ? ? In2-Yes
Ki-Yes ? All-In-Yes ? C1 k-1 Ki-Yes ?
One-In-Yes ? C0 k-1 Ki-Yes ? Nulla-In-Yes
? C1 k-1
11Translating rules into a network - as in case
of KBANN - implementing In and Out units, -
implementing hidden units and links acc. to the
rules, - implementing state units (2 units for
each state, 1 unit for the state in the current
time-point, and one for the next
time-point), - establishing time-delay recurrent
link, - listing state initial values what is
active at the beginning ?
12(No Transcript)
13Experiments Protein secondary-structure
prediction Improving Chou - Fasman
algorithm (until now the best, here it will play
the role of the domain theory). Protein 20
different aminoacid, aminoacid chain (gt 100) -
this is primer-structure, protein structure
3D (tertiary) structure, folding' -
predicting tertiary structure - expensive,
time consuming - predicting secondary structure
predicting local environment of every aminoacid
- a-helix (a) - b-sheet (b) -
'random coil' region (-)
14Know prediction (not learning) algoritms classify
with Accuracy of 50-58, however the result is
misleading. This app. the ratio of 'random
coil' in the chain, i.e. a trivial algorithm
every structure random coil' will classify
with app. the same accuracy. Learning
approach - Feed Forward ANN, app. 63 of
accuracy, - hybrid solutions 62-69
15Chou - Fasman algorithm (1) looks for
aminoacids, which, with high probability, are
parts of a-helix or b-sheet, (2) extends the
prediction to the neighbouring aminoacids
- part of a or b, based on - in itself, -
neighbours, default decision -
random coil
16Chou - Fasman algorithm as finite automaton
notation 'X_at_N' true, if the X aminoacid
is in Nth position from the actually predicted
place. Some rule example Nucleoid rules
init_helix ? ((Spos0..5 helix_former (AS_at_pos)) gt
4) ? (Spos0..5
helix_breaker (AS_at_pos)) lt 2 ) )
...... where helix_former or helix_breaker are
special combinartions of aminoacids.
17Chou - Fasman algorithm as finite
automaton Rules determining the helix
structure helix_break_at_0 ? N_at_0 ? Y_at_0 ? P_at_0 ?
G_at_0 helix_indiff_at_1 ? K_at_1 ? I_at_1 ? D_at_1 ? T_at_1 ?
S_at_1 ? R_at_1
? C_at_1 break_helix ? helix_break_at_0 ?
helix_indiff_at_1 etc. Rules determining the
sheet structure sheet_break_at_0 ? K_at_0 ? S_at_0 ?
H_at_0 ? N_at_0 ? P_at_0 ? E_at_0 sheet_indiff_at_1
? A_at_1 ? R_at_1 ? G_at_1 ? D_at_1 break_sheet ?
sheet_break_at_0 ? sheet_break_at_1 etc. Continuity
rules cont_helix ? ØP_at_0 Ù Ø break_hellix
cont_sheet ? ØP_at_0 Ù ØE_at_0 Ù Øbreak_sheet etc.
18Finite automaton rules, based upon Chou-Fasman
19 helix k ? sheet k-1 ? init_helix helix k ?
coil k-1 ? init_helix helix k ? helix k-1 ?
cont_helix sheet k ? helix k-1 ? init_sheet
sheet k ? coil k-1 ? init_sheet sheet
k ? sheet k-1 ? cont_sheet coil k ? helix
k-1 ? break_helix coil k ? sheet k-1 ?
break_sheet coil k ? coil k-1 ? any
Experiment 128 segment, S 21,600 aminoacid,
54,5 coil, 25,2 a-helix, 20,3 b-sheet
20(No Transcript)
21Comparing the solution - comparing ANN with
FSKBANN (C-F algorithm 57, ANN 61,5,
FSKBANN 63 based upon 80 protein example) -
FSKBANN better, whatever the training set, -
with more training proteins the accuracy will
surely grow. FSKBANN truly better, because it
predicts better the b-sheet structures.