Title: Altered Mental Status
1Altered Mental Status
Chapter 19
2Case History
- The police are requesting your response for a
semiconscious patient in the subway. On arrival,
the police tell you that they found this
40-year-old male stumbling around the platform
about 15 minutes ago. The patient is now lying
down on the ground. While doing your initial
assessment, you find a medical alert tag that
says Diabetic.
3Central and Peripheral Nervous System
5Blood Supply to the Brain
6Altered Mental Status
- Structural problems
- Injury or damage to an area of the brain
- OR
- Metabolic problems
- Affect the entire brain
- Stroke
- Head injury
- Characterized by one-sided signs
- Paralysis
- Facial droop
- Weakness on one side of the body
- Unequal pupils
- External
- Poisoning
- Overdose
- Hypo- or hyperthermia
- Infections
- Internal
- Diabetes
- Hypoxia
- Hypotension
- Organ failure
- Affects both sides of the brain equally
- Primarily recognized on the basis of altered
mental status and history
9Causes of Altered Mental Status
- Hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis
- Poisoning
- After seizure
- Infection
- Head trauma
- Decreased oxygen levels (hypoxia)
- Disease of the pancreas
- Caused by a partial or total lack of insulin
production - Symptoms of diabetes
- Increased urination
- Increased thirst
- Increased hunger
11Diabetes Insulin
- Insulin escorts glucose into cells.
- Glucose provides fuel for basic energy needs.
- Excess glucose is stored as fat.
- Brain depends almost exclusively on glucose.
- When glucose level is low, brain function is
altered. - Unconsciousness, seizures, brain cell death
- Two major diabetic emergencies
- Hypoglycemia
- Abnormally low blood glucose level
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Blood glucose level too high and insulin level
too low
13Hypoglycemia Signs and Symptoms
- Alteration of mental status (rapid onset)
- Anxiety, confusion, intoxicated behavior,
combativeness, bizarre behavior, or coma - Hunger
- Rapid pulse
- Pale, cool, and clammy skin
- Dilated pupils
- Seizures
14Hypoglycemia Signs and Symptoms
- Took prescribed insulin
- After missing a meal
- Vomiting after a meal
- After unusual exercise or physical work
- Insulin in refrigerator
- Medications found at scene
- Diabinese
- Orinase
- Micronase
15Hypoglycemia - Signs and Symptoms
- Can also occur in patients who do not have
diabetes - Infants with poor glycogen supplies
- Malnourished individuals
- Alcoholics
16Diabetic Ketoacidosis
- Blood glucose level is too high and insulin level
is too low. - When insulin level is low, body burns fat for
fuel. - Acetone breath from fatty acids
- Excess glucose spills into urine, pulling water
with it. - Increased urination, dehydration, hunger, thirst
17Diabetic Ketoacidosis
- Increased acidity in blood
- Body tries to compensate by breathing deeply and
rapidly. - Slow onset
18Emergency Medical Care - History of Diabetes
- Initial assessment
- Focused history and physical exam
- Vital signs
- SAMPLE history
19Focused History and Physical Examination
- Description of episode
- Onset
- Duration
- Associated symptoms
- Evidence of trauma
- Interruptions
- Seizures
- Fever
20Vital Signs and SAMPLE History
- History of diabetes
- Medical identification tags, etc.
- Last meal
- Last medication dose
- Related illness
- Determine if patient can swallow.
21Management Diabetic Emergencies
- Ensure patent airway.
- Supplemental oxygen consider positive-pressure
ventilation - Consider oral glucose administration.
- Per local protocol
- Reassess patient en route to hospital.
22Glucose Administration
- Administer if patient has altered mental status
when hypoglycemia is suspected. - Will save hypoglycemic patient from brain cell
death - Will not harm patient in diabetic ketoacidosis
- Never administer oral glucose to patients who are
unconsciousness or have no gag reflex.
23Side Effects and Reassessment
- Side effects
- No side effects when given properly
- Glucose gel may be aspirated by the patient
without a gag reflex. - Reassessment strategies
- If patient loses consciousness or has a seizure
- May be brief or prolonged
- Causes
- Fever
- Infections
- Poisoning
- Hypoglycemia
- Trauma
- Drug or alcohol withdrawal
- Hypoxia
- Idiopathic
25Seizures Infants and Children
- Chronic seizures in children are rarely life
threatening. - Febrile seizures should be considered
26Types of Seizures
- Grand mal
- Focal
- Status epilepticus
- Febrile
- Petit mal
27Grand Mal Seizures
- Three phases
- Tonic
- Clonic
- Postictal
28Grand Mal Seizures Tonic Phase
- All voluntary muscles in sustained contraction
- Body and extremities are usually extended.
- Lasts for up to 30 seconds
- All respiratory muscles in contraction
- Ventilation can be compromised.
29Grand Mal Seizures Clonic Phase
- Skeletal muscles intermittently contract and
relax. - Rapid, jerking movements
- Patient may be injured by striking surrounding
objects. - Clonic phase lasts a few seconds to a few
minutes. - Spasms may interfere with respirations.
- Patient may become cyanotic.
- Spasms may be followed by short periods of
flaccid paralysis. - Patient may urinate or bite tongue.
30Grand Mal Seizures Postictal Phase
- Decreased LOC and confusion
- Slow awakening
- Patient may fall asleep for short period.
- Afterward, may complain of headache
31Focal Seizures
- May affect only a portion of the body
- OR
- May present as altered mental status with bizarre
32Status Epilepticus
- Rapid succession of seizures without an
intervening period of consciousness - Prolonged seizure
- Life-threatening because of sustained respiratory
33Febrile Seizures
- Caused by fever
- Children 6 months to 6 years of age
- Occur in up to 5 of children
34Petit Mal Seizures
- Brief lapse of attention and awareness
- Staring
- Fluttering eyelids
- Eyes turned upward
- Last from 10 to 20 seconds
- More common in children
35Seizures Emergency Medical Care
- Protect patient from harm.
- Position patient on side, if no possibility of
cervical spine trauma. - Ensure patent airway suction as needed
administer high-concentration oxygen. - Transport immediately.
- Obtain vital signs en route.
- Rule out trauma.
- Permanent neurologic impairment caused by a
disruption in blood supply to a region of the
brain - Two causes
- Related to arteriosclerosis
- Ischemic
- Weakened artery in brain ruptures
- Hemorrhagic
- Third leading cause of death in the U.S.
- 500,000 Americans are affected annually.
- Nearly 25 die.
38Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
- Symptoms are the same as for stroke.
- Lasts few minutes to a few hours
- Resolves within 24 hours
- Approximately 25 of patients presenting with
stroke had a TIA. - Approximately 5 of patients with TIA will have
stroke within 1 month, if untreated.
39Acute Stroke
- Ischemic
- Approximately 75 of strokes
- May be eligible for treatment if in ED within 3
hours of onset - Hemorrhagic
- Can be fatal at onset
40Stroke Initial Assessment
- Ensure patent airway.
- Support ventilations, as necessary.
41Stroke Signs and Symptoms
- Altered level of consciousness
- Confusion, stupor, delirium, coma, seizures
- Severe headache
- Worst headache of my life
- Aphasia
- Facial weakness or asymmetry
- Incoordination, weakness, paralysis, sensory loss
of one or more limbs - Ataxia
- Visual loss
- Dysarthria
- Intense vertigo, diplopia
42Stroke Focused History and Physical Exam
- Focused history
- Chief complaint
- Time of onset, if known
- Accurate time of onset is crucial
- If onset unknown, ask what time patient was last
seen or went to bed. - Gather SAMPLE history.
43Stroke Focused History and Physical Exam
- Physical examination
- If stroke is suspected, examine rapidly.
- Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale
- Los Angeles Prehospital Stroke Screen
- Glasgow Coma Scale
- Consider transport to appropriate facility
without delay. - Notify receiving facility.
- Monitor vital signs en route.
44Stroke Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale
45Stroke Los Angeles Prehospital Stroke Screen
46Glasgow Coma Scale
47Altered Mental Status Emergency Medical Care
- Initial assessment
- Ensure patent airway.
- Consider potential for head trauma provide
spinal immobilization. - Consider hypoxia
- Provide appropriate ventilatory support.
- Consider hypoglycemia.
- Administer oral glucose, if appropriate.
48Altered Mental Status Emergency Medical Care
- Focused history
- Patients last normal level of function
- Associated complaints
- Chronology of events
- History of similar past experiences
- SAMPLE history
49Altered Mental Status Emergency Medical Care
- Physical examination
- Vital signs
- Abnormal smells
- Pupillary status
- Motor and sensory function
- Asymmetry
- Check for medical alert tag.