Title: Annette Mller Madsen
1 Annette Møller Madsen Subject librarian English
language and literature
2I Library orientation and library services BIBSYS
Key skills interpret a reading list search
BIBSYS for its references find the documents if
in your library order them if not in your
II Subject oriented searching Printed reference
collection Database searching Key
skills find, select, present relevant
information for your assignments for your
own ideas, critical thinking, etc. for
professional updating for flexibility on the
job market
3A reference to an article in a book
Chancery Standard/ by Michael Benskin, In Kay,
Christian J., Carole Hough and Irené Wotherspoon
(eds.), New Perspectives on English Historical
Linguistics Selected papers from 12 ICEHL,
Glasgow, 2126 August 2002. 2004. xii, 273 pp.
(pp. 140)
Clue IN means a document within a document
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6How to find it in BIBSYS
Chancery Standard/ by Michael Benskin, In Kay,
Christian J., Carole Hough and Irené Wotherspoon
(eds.), New Perspectives on English Historical
Linguistics Selected papers from 12 ICEHL,
Glasgow, 2126 August 2002. 2004. xii, 273 pp.
(pp. 140)
Icehl persp? wother?
7Location and collection
- Dewey numbers answer 2 question
- Where is the book?
- What is the book about?
- Look at the books on the same shelf. Those books
- may be on the same topic or on related topics
Studying literature
Kay Hough Wotherspoon
427 Int/2
8No articles in BIBSYS!Search for the book
9A reference to an article in a journal
TI A New History of Early English. AU Benskin,
Michael SO Norsk Lingvistisk tidsskrift 19 (1)
93-122 PY 2001 IS 0800-3076 PT Review article
Clue Volume issue numbers 2 titles indicate
a journal article
10A journal the print version
volume 33, issue 1- 4 Foto Zsuzsanna Kiss
2002 vol. no. date
pages 33Issue No. 1 (Winter 2002)
1-192 33Issue No. 2 (Spring 2002) 193-
401 33Issue No. 3 (Summer 2002) 402-606 33Issue
No. 4 (Autumn 2002) 607-808
11Search BIBSYS for the journal title
english language and linguistics?
12Journals in BIBSYS electronic or printed version
13Make sure that you have access to the
volume you need
Access from 3(1999) If you need earlier volumes
Check the printed version!
14The printed versionCheck the location and dates
of the librarys holdings.Printed issues 1980-gt
on U floorPrinted back issues (pre 1980) are
often in the stacks
Ask the staff for back issues in the the stacks.
UHS holdings from 1(1997-) UHS is still
subscribing You go and get them
15No articles in BIBSYS!Search for the journal
16Finding book reviewsHow to select a database
- Loyn, H.R. -The Vikings in Britain. Oxford
1994. - Opprinnelig utg. London, 1977.
- Weinreich, Uriel. - Languages in contact
findings and - problems. The Hague, 1963
- Gordon, E.V. An introduction to Old Norse.
Oxford, 1957. Opprinnelig utg Oxford, 1927.
- Why do I need so many bibliographies and
databases? - After searching. Have I got everything, now?
- Have I got all the important stuff?
183 articles by Michael BenskinWhich databases do
you think refer to them?
- A New History of Early English, Norsk Lingvistisk
Tidsskrift, 19 (2002) pp 93.122 - (reviewing Nielsen, H.F. A Journey through the
History of the English language, Odense
University Press, 1998..) - Bedes Frisians and the Adventus Saxonum, NOWELE,
North-Western European Language Evolution,
41(2002) pp. 91-97. University Press of Southern
Denmark. - 3. Chancery Standard/ by Michael Benskin, In
Kay, Christian J., Carole Hough and Irené
Wotherspoon (eds.), New Perspectives on English
Historical Linguistics Selected papers from 12
ICEHL, Glasgow, 2126 August 2002. 2004. xii, 273
pp. (pp. 140)
191996, 1998, 2000