Title: Manipulating a Basic Object in Maya
1Manipulating a Basic Object in Maya
2- Using the HELP Feature in Maya Define the
Following Terms - The HELP option is located in the top right
corner of the tool bar. - Bevel
- Chamfer
- Cut
- Extrude
- Face
- Vertex
- Edge
- Place screen captures of each along with
definitions in a PowerPoint
3- Project I
- Create Cube
- Use extrude face tool
- Take screen shot
- Place into PowerPoint
- Create Cube
- Create separate cubes w/ bevel/chamfer/vertex
- Take screen shot of each
- Place into PowerPoint
- 9. Create Cube
- 10. Make A robot or A Space Ship
- 11. Take screen shot
- 12. Place into PowerPoint
4Maya User Interface All orthographic view ports
Toolbar Shelf
5Select cubegt under INPUTS change LWH and
6Hold down spacebarSelect Create gt Polygon
Primitive gt Cube
7Select cube gt right click (hold down left mouse)
gt select FACES
8Select outer faces. To select more than 1 hold
down SHIFT
9Hold down space bar gt select edit
polygons Extrude face gt Select smaller blue
circle gt Type w to move. Type g to repeat. w to
move g to repeat w to move (thigh, knee,
shin). pull down in front or side view not
small blue circle
10Extrude thigh
Extrude knee
Extrude shin
Remember g to repeat and w to move.
11In order to create slides with screen captures of
cube(s) and definitions
- Define Term
- Create Cube
- Use extrude face tool (or bevel, chamfer, etc.)
- Take screen shot
- Place into PowerPoint
- Procedure
- Select object
- Right Click
- Faces
- Select blue dot(s) (hold shift to
- select more than 1
- Select move toolgt pull R/G/B
12Robot with extruded leg in side view
Use your creativity and other tools to complete
your robot/ship.
13- Creating a Cube with Color
- SpacebargtCreategt Polygon PrimitivesgtCube
- Size 5 x 5 x 5 Segments 3 x 3 x 3
- Rendering Menu gt Pick Sphere of Choice
- Choose Color for Object gt Double Click on Color
- (located under common material attributes)
14- Capture a Snapshot of Screen in MS Paint (you can
also crop in PPT) - Press SysRq/Print Screen key next to F12 on
keyboard - Open MS Paint
- Ctrl-v (or editgtpaste) picture into paint
- Use the select tool to crop image
- Ctrl-x (cut)
- Go to PowerPoint
- Insert image into slide Ctrl-v
- It should look something like this
15- Keys/Shortcuts to Remember
- Ctrl-v gt paste
- Wire frame
- 5 Smooth Shade All
- Ctrl-x gt cut
- Space bar gt hotbox
- Ctrl-z gt undo
- Spacebar gt Window gt Settings/Preferencesgt Colors
- in order to change background of view ports