Title: The Little Tennessee Nonpoint Source Team
1The Little Tennessee Nonpoint Source Team
Mission LTNPS Team Mission Statement The
mission of LTNPS team, a dynamic partnership of
government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and
citizen's groups, is to enhance and conserve the
natural resources in the Little Tennessee River
Basin by coordinating resources and activities,
employing scientific knowledge, and promoting
public awareness.
2North Carolinas River Basins
Tar Pamlico
Little Tennessee
French Broad
Cape Fear
White Oak
North Carolina has 17 major river basins. A river
basin drains all the land around a major river.
3North Carolinas River Basins
A river basin drains all the land around a major
4Covers all of Graham and Swain counties plus the
majority of Jackson and Macon counties and the
Qualla Boundary
5(No Transcript)
6A watershed (or catchment, or drainage basin, or
river basin) is the land area that drains to a
particular water body. Watershed come in many
sizes and contribute to larger watersheds.
7For management purposes, watersheds are given an
address a number called the hydrologic unit
code (HUC) which gets larger as the watershed
gets smaller
8A watershed is that curved and wrinkled bowl of
land that feeds its runoff into a stream,
gathering from the branches and seep springs all
the way up to the line of dividing water along
the ridge top.
9A Watershed is
10A Watershed is Water
11A Watershed is People
12Watershed boundary
Direction of flow
Watershed Diagram
Area of land draining to same waterbody A
watershed boundary is called a divide
13From many trickles
a river is born.
14Barkers Creek in Rabun Co., GA
15Little Tennessee River near Franklin
16Nantahala River
17Tuckasegee River near Cullowhee
18The Nantahala, Little Tennessee, and Tuckasegee
Rivers drain to Fontana Lake
19Fontana Lake near Bryson City
20Conservation Values in the Little Tennessee
21Rare and Diverse Aquatic Life
23Working Landscapes
24Culture History
Nikwasi Mound
Fish Weir
Cowee Mound
25The Little Tennessee Watershed Worth Conserving