Title: Instrument Concepts
1Instrument Concepts
Instrument Function l range (microns) Resolution FOV
GMACS Optical Multi-Object Spectrometer 0.35-1.0 250-4000 36-144 arcmin2
NIRMOS Near-IR Multi-Object Spectrometer 1.0-2.5 Up to 4000 49 arcmin2
QSpec Optical High Resolution Spectrometer 0.3-1.05 30K 1 slit 3 fibre mode
SHARPS (G-CLEF) Optical High Resolution (Doppler) Spectrometer 0.4-0.7 150K 7 x 1 fibers
GMTNIRS Near-IR High-Resolution Spectrometer 1.2- 5.0 25K-100K Single object
MIISE Mid-IR Imaging Spectrometer 3.0-25.0 1500 30
HRCam Near-IR AO Imager 0.9-5.0 5-5000 30
GMTIFS NIR AO-fed IFU 0.9-2.5 3000-5000 3
GMT instrument conceptual design studies
2005 Internal to GMT consortium (at that
time) GMT conceptual design review February
2006 Subsequent work by project, with partner
participation Integration of seeing-limited
instruments Reconfiguration of instrument
platform AO relay Meetings Seeing-limited
instruments workshop Adaptive optics workshop
Planet RV workshop Science with GMT (Canberra)
March 2008 Before proceeding, need to resolve
instrument-AO interface
3GMT Instrument Design Studies
- Request letters of intent (e.g. Sep 2008)
- Select list for design studies ( 6?) (Nov
2008) - Request for proposals released
- for each instrument (Jan 2009)
- Proposals due (Mar 2009)
- Award contracts for design studies (May 2009)
- Negotiate study contracts,
- contract start (Jul 2009)
- Finish design studies and review (Dec 2010)
- Select first light instruments,
- start instrument development (2011)
4Some Issues
Intention of design studies is to form actual
instrument teams across (and beyond) partner
institutions Design study funding project
in-kind (probably not telescope time too
sensitive) Evaluation Internal hard to avoid
some conflicts External
5(No Transcript)
- Resolving power w/ 0.7 arcsec slit
- R 1400 in blue
- R 2700 in red
- (for accurate sky subtraction)
- cross-over at 6500 Ã…
- Separate 8 x 9 arcmin imaging
- channel
- Multi-object, multi-slit spectrograph
- 4x spectrographs, each with
- red and blue arms, VPH gratings
- Field of view 8 x 18 arcmin
- Wavelength range 0.36 1.02 µm
- Collimated beam diameter 300 mm
7GMACS Optical Layout x4
- Wavelength range 0.85 2.5 µm
- Imaging Mode
- 7 x 7 arcmin field of view
- 0.067 arcsec/pixel
- 6kx6k detector
- Spectroscopy Mode
- Multi-slits 140 x 3 arcsec long,
- full wavelength coverage
- 5 x 7 arcmin field of view
- R 3000 with 0.5 arcsec slits
- Augmented by GLAO
- Four beam instrument
- 450 mm beam diameter
- R4 echelle gratings (x2)
- 200 x 1600 mm
- Rf 30,000 arcsecs
- ?? 300 nm to 1.07 µm
- (in four channels)
- 2-pix resolution R125,000
- Pupil anamorphism
- White pupil design
- VPH grating cross-dispersion
- Four catadioptric cameras
- 4k x 6.5k to 6k x 8k CCDs
- (15 µm pixels)
- Planet Doppler spectroscopy
- Fiber-fed 7x(obj,sky,cal) x 1.0 ?
- Resolving power 150,000
- Wavelength gt 4400 6700 Ã…
- White pupil spectrograph design
- CCD mosaic detector
- Deep depletion CCDs for red orders
- Vacuum-enclosed spectrograph
- High-stability thermal environment
- Bulky enclosure
12MIISE Mid-IR Imaging Spectrometer
- Wavelength range 3 - 25 µm
- Field of view 30 40 arcsec
- Resolving power R 1500
- Modes
- Imaging
- Spectroscopy
- Nulling (8-25 µm)
- Coronography (3-5 µm)
- Short wavelength channel 3-5µ,
- 0.010 arcsec/pixel
- Long wavelength channel 8-25µ,
- 0.030 arcsec/pixel
3-5 µm detector
8-25 µm detector
input from AO feed
nulling channel
2 micron phase sensor
long wavelength imaging channel
13GMTIFS GMT Integral Field Spectrograph
- Single-object, AO-corrected, integral-field
spectroscopy - Wavelength range 1.0 2.5 µm
- Resolving power 4000 5000
- Range of spatial sampling and fields of view
- Galaxy dynamics 0.05-0.10 arcsec sampling, 2-3
arcsec FOV - Black hole masses Diffraction-limited sampling,
small FOV
Spaxel size along slit (arcsec) 0.008 0.016 0.032 0.054
Slitlet width (arcsec) 0.020 0.040 0.080 0.135
Field of view (arcsec) 0.80 1.6 3.2 5.4
Tel focus